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Track data: trackSteering

Name: trackSteering [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Track data Summary: The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section Deep dive: The track data file format The Silverstone track
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The following bytes are copied to sectionSteering by the GetSectionSteering routine, and are processed on the way. * Bit 0 becomes bit 7 of the result, to determine the direction of steering (shown with a directional arrow below) * Bit 1 clear means the result is multiplied by baseSpeed, so steering on straight sections is proportional to the track speed (this is shown with an asterisk * below) * Bits 2 to 7 contain the amount of steering to apply The processed values are shown below. There are 26 bytes, one for each section, but the last two bytes are unused, as Silverstone only uses sections 0 to 23).
EQUB %00010100 \ Section 0 = 000101 0 0 <- 5* EQUB %00110011 \ Section 1 = 001100 1 1 -> 12 EQUB %01110010 \ Section 2 = 011100 1 0 <- 28 EQUB %00111011 \ Section 3 = 001110 1 1 -> 14 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 4 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00110011 \ Section 5 = 001100 1 1 -> 12 EQUB %00010101 \ Section 6 = 000101 0 1 -> 5* EQUB %00010101 \ Section 7 = 000101 0 1 -> 5* EQUB %00010101 \ Section 8 = 000101 0 1 -> 5* EQUB %00111100 \ Section 9 = 001111 0 0 <- 15* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 10 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00110000 \ Section 11 = 001100 0 0 <- 12* EQUB %00110011 \ Section 12 = 001100 1 1 -> 12 EQUB %00111001 \ Section 13 = 001110 0 1 -> 14* EQUB %00111000 \ Section 14 = 001110 0 0 <- 14* EQUB %00010100 \ Section 15 = 000101 0 0 <- 5* EQUB %00010100 \ Section 16 = 000101 0 0 <- 5* EQUB %00010100 \ Section 17 = 000101 0 0 <- 5* EQUB %00110111 \ Section 18 = 001101 1 1 -> 13 EQUB %00100000 \ Section 19 = 001000 0 0 <- 8* EQUB %01011001 \ Section 20 = 010110 0 1 -> 22* EQUB %00101011 \ Section 21 = 001010 1 1 -> 10 EQUB %01010100 \ Section 22 = 010101 0 0 <- 21* EQUB %00010100 \ Section 23 = 000101 0 0 <- 5* EQUB &14, &67 \ These bytes appear to be unused (Silverstone only uses \ sections 0 to 23)