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Revs on the BBC Micro

Fully documented source code for Revs on the BBC Micro

BBC Micro Revs screenshot

This site contains reconstructed source code for Revs, Geoff Crammond's epic Formula 3 racing simulator for the BBC Micro, with every single line documented and (for the most part) explained.

My hope is that this site will be useful for those who want to learn more about Revs and what makes it tick. It is provided on an educational and non-profit basis, with the aim of helping people appreciate the first proper racing simulator and the grandfather of modern sim racing.

Note that the code on this site is not Geoff Crammond's original source code, as that hasn't been released. Instead, it is a fully buildable source that's been lovingly reconstructed from a disassembly of the original game binaries, and which produces 100% identical game files. All of the variable and routine names are my own invention, but the code itself matches the original source.

Suggestions for your visit

To start your journey into the secrets of Revs, you might like to try the following:

If you prefer a lighter theme for your Revs explorations, you can change the site's colour scheme by clicking the icons in the top-right corner.

If you want to play with the code

If you are interested in building a working copy of Revs from the source, then you'll enjoy exploring the accompanying GitHub repository, which contains fully commented and buildable source code for Revs.

This repository can be assembled on modern computers to produce a working game disc that can be loaded into a BBC Micro or an emulator. If you want to experiment with the code, this is the place to go.

Similar projects

And finally, you may also be interested in my other software archaeology projects:

Right on, Commanders!

Mark Moxon