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Nürburgring track data file

REVS NÜRBURGRING TRACK SOURCE Revs was written by Geoffrey J Crammond and is copyright Acornsoft 1985 The Nürburgring track, released as part of Revs+ on the Commodore 64, was written by Geoffrey J Crammond and is copyright Firebird 1987 The code on this site has been reconstructed from a disassembly of the original game binaries The commentary is copyright Mark Moxon, and any misunderstandings or mistakes in the documentation are entirely my fault The terminology and notations used in this commentary are explained at The deep dive articles referred to in this commentary can be found at
This source file produces the following binary file: * Nurburgring.bin
GUARD &7C00 \ Guard against assembling over screen memory
Configuration variables
CODE% = &5300 \ The assembly address of the track data LOAD% = &70DB \ The load address of the track binary trackWidth = 154 \ Track width \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CalcSegmentVector \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
Addresses in the main game code
thisSectionFlags = &0001 thisVectorNumber = &0002 playerPitchAngle = &000D yStore = &001B horizonLine = &001F frontSegmentIndex = &0024 directionFacing = &0025 segmentCounter = &0042 playerPastSegment = &0043 playerHeading = &0044 xStore = &0045 vergeBufferEnd = &004B horizonListIndex = &0051 playerSpeedHi = &0063 currentPlayer = &006F T = &0074 U = &0075 V = &0076 W = &0077 topTrackLine = &007F blockOffset = &0082 objTrackSection = &06E8 Multiply8x8 = &0C00 Absolute16Bit = &0E40 UpdateVectorNumber = &13E0 MovePlayerBack = &140B CheckVergeOnScreen = &1933 gseg13 = &2490 gtrm2 = &2535 Absolute8Bit = &3450 MultiplyHeight = &4610 xTrackSegmentI = &5400 yTrackSegmentI = &5500 zTrackSegmentI = &5600 xTrackSegmentO = &5700 zTrackSegmentO = &5800 trackSectionFrom = &5905 xVergeRightLo = &5E40 xVergeLeftLo = &5E68 xVergeRightHi = &5E90 xVergeLeftHi = &5EB8 vergeDataRight = &5EE0 vergeDataLeft = &5F08 yVergeRight = &5F20 yVergeLeft = &5F48
REVS NÜRBURGRING TRACK Produces the binary file Nurburgring.bin that contains the Nürburgring track.
\ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * HookFixHorizon \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
ORG CODE% .trackData
Name: Track section data (Part 1 of 2) [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Data for the track sections Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The Nürburgring consists of the following track sections: 0 || Romer Kurve to Castrol-S (1/2) 1 {} Romer Kurve to Castrol-S (2/2) 2 |->| Castrol-S (1/2) 3 <- Castrol-S (2/2) 4 {} Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (1/4) 5 {} Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (2/4) 6 <- Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (3/4) 7 || Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (4/4) 8 -> Ford Kurve 9 || Ford Kurve top Dunlop Kehre (1/2) 10 |<-| Ford Kurve top Dunlop Kehre (2/2) 11 -> Dunlop Kehre 12 {} Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (1/7) 13 <- Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (2/7) 14 || Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (3/7) 15 -> Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (4/7) 16 {} Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (5/7) 17 <- Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (6/7) 18 || Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (7/7) 19 -> Bit Kurve 20 {} Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (1/3) 21 -> Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (2/3) 22 {} Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (3/3) 23 <- Veedol Schikane (1/2) 24 -> Veedol Schikane (2/2) 25 {} Veedol Schikane to Romer Kurve 26 -> Romer Kurve where each section is one of the following shapes: || is a straight section that doesn't curve to the left or right, and has the same gradient throughout the whole section {} is a straight section in the sense that it doesn't curve to the left or right, but the gradient can differ between sub-sections -> consists of sub-sections that all curve to the right <- consists of sub-sections that all curve to the left |->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the right |<-| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left |<->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left or right This part defines the following aspects of these track sections: trackSectionData Various data for the track section: * Bits 0-2: Size of the track section list Defines the number of entries that we store in the track section list for this section, which is used to calculate the coordinates of the track verges (higher numbers mean more sections are calculated, so higher numbers are used for more complex parts of the track) This value is given in the bottom nibble of the track section data byte (bit 3 is ignored), i.e. the second digit in the hexadecimal value * Bits 4-7: Sign number The number of the road sign (0 to 15) to show when we enter this section, but only if the sign number is different to the number in the previous section This value is given in the top nibble of the track section data byte, i.e. the first digit in the hexadecimal value xTrackSectionIHi High byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section yTrackSectionIHi High byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section zTrackSectionIHi High byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section xTrackSectionOHi High byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionTurn The number of the segment towards the end of the section where non-player cars should start turning in preparation for the next section zTrackSectionOHi High byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackDriverSpeed The maximum speed for non-player drivers on the next section of the track Some of the trackDriverSpeed values have been scaled down by a factor of 1.44 from the Commodore 64 version. This applies to sections that are followed by sections with bit 7 of trackSectionFlag set. Those sections are 1, 5, 7, 10, 16, 18 and 22, and this scaling is noted in the comments below. See part 2 of the track section data for each section's trackSectionFlag, where Sp=1 denotes sections with bit 7 of trackSectionFlag set (so we scale trackDriverSpeed in the sections that precede these).
\ Track section 0 EQUB &01 \ trackSectionData sign= 0, sectionListSize= 1 EQUB &2E \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &1F \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1F40= 8000 EQUB &00 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &0000= 0 EQUB &2D \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &00 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &0000= 0 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 1 EQUB &13 \ trackSectionData sign= 1, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &2E \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &1D \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1D4E= 7502 EQUB &26 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &26E8= 9960 EQUB &2D \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 77 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &26 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &26E8= 9960 EQUB 101 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 2 EQUB &22 \ trackSectionData sign= 2, sectionListSize= 2 EQUB &2E \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &18 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1875= 6261 EQUB &4E \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &4E48= 20040 EQUB &2D \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 14 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &4E \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &4E48= 20040 EQUB 7 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 3 EQUB &32 \ trackSectionData sign= 3, sectionListSize= 2 EQUB &31 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &31E8= 12776 EQUB &17 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1779= 6009 EQUB &50 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &50AB= 20651 EQUB &31 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &31A9= 12713 EQUB 45 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &51 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &51C4= 20932 EQUB 34 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 4 EQUB &41 \ trackSectionData sign= 4, sectionListSize= 1 EQUB &35 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &3579= 13689 EQUB &13 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1389= 5001 EQUB &5F \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &5F34= 24372 EQUB &34 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &3477= 13431 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &5E \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &5EB2= 24242 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 5 EQUB &53 \ trackSectionData sign= 5, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &2B \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &2BFB= 11259 EQUB &11 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1190= 4496 EQUB &72 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &7203= 29187 EQUB &2A \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &2AF9= 11001 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &71 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &7181= 29057 EQUB 125 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 6 EQUB &55 \ trackSectionData sign= 5, sectionListSize= 5 EQUB &27 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &2757= 10071 EQUB &0F \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &0FF6= 4086 EQUB &7B \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &7B35= 31541 EQUB &26 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &2655= 9813 EQUB 31 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &7A \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &7AB3= 31411 EQUB 15 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 7 EQUB &55 \ trackSectionData sign= 5, sectionListSize= 5 EQUB &1D \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &1DAB= 7595 EQUB &0D \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &0D3E= 3390 EQUB &7E \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &7EC1= 32449 EQUB &1E \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &1E0B= 7691 EQUB 12 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &7D \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &7DB1= 32177 EQUB 84 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 8 EQUB &55 \ trackSectionData sign= 5, sectionListSize= 5 EQUB &16 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &169B= 5787 EQUB &0B \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &0B6E= 2926 EQUB &7C \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &7C41= 31809 EQUB &16 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &16FB= 5883 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &7B \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &7B31= 31537 EQUB 13 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 9 EQUB &64 \ trackSectionData sign= 6, sectionListSize= 4 EQUB &12 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &1285= 4741 EQUB &09 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &099E= 2462 EQUB &80 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &80C3= -32573 EQUB &11 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &1170= 4464 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &81 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &8117= -32489 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 10 EQUB &63 \ trackSectionData sign= 6, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &15 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &151E= 5406 EQUB &07 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &0777= 1911 EQUB &89 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &894C= -30388 EQUB &14 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &1409= 5129 EQUB 88 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &89 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &89A0= -30304 EQUB 77 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 11 EQUB &73 \ trackSectionData sign= 7, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &14 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &145D= 5213 EQUB &00 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &00F7= 247 EQUB &B2 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &B2D6= -19754 EQUB &13 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &1345= 4933 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &B2 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &B289= -19831 EQUB 14 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 12 EQUB &83 \ trackSectionData sign= 8, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &1B \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &1B24= 6948 EQUB &03 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &039A= 922 EQUB &B3 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &B341= -19647 EQUB &1C \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &1C44= 7236 EQUB 52 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &B3 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &B33E= -19650 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 13 EQUB &93 \ trackSectionData sign= 9, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &1A \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &1AE7= 6887 EQUB &0D \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &0DF9= 3577 EQUB &96 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &96A9= -26967 EQUB &1C \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &1C07= 7175 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &96 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &96A6= -26970 EQUB 15 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 14 EQUB &93 \ trackSectionData sign= 9, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &20 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &20D8= 8408 EQUB &14 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1407= 5127 EQUB &8D \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &8D3B= -29381 EQUB &21 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &215C= 8540 EQUB 0 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &8E \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &8E3C= -29124 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 15 EQUB &93 \ trackSectionData sign= 9, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &23 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &235A= 9050 EQUB &15 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &157B= 5499 EQUB &8B \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &8BF1= -29711 EQUB &23 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &23DE= 9182 EQUB 33 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &8C \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &8CF2= -29454 EQUB 23 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 16 EQUB &A3 \ trackSectionData sign= 10, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &28 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &281C= 10268 EQUB &18 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &18A5= 6309 EQUB &86 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &86EA= -30998 EQUB &29 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &291D= 10525 EQUB 75 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &87 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &876B= -30869 EQUB 108 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 17 EQUB &B3 \ trackSectionData sign= 11, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &39 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &3932= 14642 EQUB &21 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &2140= 8512 EQUB &65 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &650F= 25871 EQUB &3A \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &3A33= 14899 EQUB 27 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &65 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &6590= 26000 EQUB 15 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 18 EQUB &C5 \ trackSectionData sign= 12, sectionListSize= 5 EQUB &3F \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &3F4A= 16202 EQUB &20 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &2041= 8257 EQUB &63 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &6306= 25350 EQUB &3E \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &3EE4= 16100 EQUB 23 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &64 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &6413= 25619 EQUB 112 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 19 EQUB &C4 \ trackSectionData sign= 12, sectionListSize= 4 EQUB &4B \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &4B8A= 19338 EQUB &1E \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1E65= 7781 EQUB &67 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &679E= 26526 EQUB &4B \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &4B24= 19236 EQUB 32 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &68 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &68AB= 26795 EQUB 18 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 20 EQUB &D3 \ trackSectionData sign= 13, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &52 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &52E5= 21221 EQUB &1B \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1BF2= 7154 EQUB &62 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &628F= 25231 EQUB &54 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &5405= 21509 EQUB 54 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &62 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &62A7= 25255 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 21 EQUB &E3 \ trackSectionData sign= 14, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &55 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &5597= 21911 EQUB &11 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &115A= 4442 EQUB &42 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &4237= 16951 EQUB &56 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &56B7= 22199 EQUB 50 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &42 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &424F= 16975 EQUB 28 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 22 EQUB &E2 \ trackSectionData sign= 14, sectionListSize= 2 EQUB &53 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &536F= 21359 EQUB &10 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &10C4= 4292 EQUB &39 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &3941= 14657 EQUB &54 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &5469= 21609 EQUB 71 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &38 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &38B0= 14512 EQUB 134 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 23 EQUB &F3 \ trackSectionData sign= 15, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &40 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &40AF= 16559 EQUB &18 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1817= 6167 EQUB &18 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &18C1= 6337 EQUB &41 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &41A9= 16809 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &18 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &1830= 6192 EQUB 7 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 24 EQUB &F3 \ trackSectionData sign= 15, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &40 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &40BC= 16572 EQUB &1A \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1A7B= 6779 EQUB &13 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &135C= 4956 EQUB &41 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &41BD= 16829 EQUB 39 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &13 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &13DD= 5085 EQUB 36 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 25 EQUB &F3 \ trackSectionData sign= 15, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &3E \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &3E48= 15944 EQUB &1E \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1E17= 7703 EQUB &08 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &08C0= 2240 EQUB &3F \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &3F3D= 16189 EQUB 26 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &08 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &0828= 2088 EQUB 88 \ trackDriverSpeed scaled by 1.44 from the C64 \ Track section 26 EQUB &F3 \ trackSectionData sign= 15, sectionListSize= 3 EQUB &37 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI= &3725= 14117 EQUB &1F \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI= &1F73= 8051 EQUB &FD \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI= &FD32= -718 EQUB &38 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO= &381A= 14362 EQUB 31 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &FC \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO= &FC9A= -870 EQUB 16 \ trackDriverSpeed EQUB &30, &30 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &0D, &21 EQUB &E8, &FF EQUB &20, &FF
Name: HookFlattenHills (Part 2 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This part of the routine sets the verge edge to being visible when the car is pointing along the track and the nose is pointing downwards.
.hill4 LDA playerHeading \ Set A to the player's heading along the track, which \ is an angle that represents the direction in which our \ car is facing with respect to the track, like this: \ \ 0 \ -32 | +32 Overhead view of car \ \ | / \ \ | / 0= looking straight ahead \ \|/ +64= looking sharp right \ -64 -----+----- +64 -64= looking sharp left \ /|\ \ / | \ \ / | \ \ -96 | +96 \ 128 \ \ An angle of 0 means our car is facing forwards along \ the track, while an angle of +32 means we are facing \ 45 degrees to the right of straight on, and an angle \ of 128 means we are facing backwards along the track JSR Absolute8Bit \ Set A= |A|, which reflects the angle into \ the right half of the above diagram: \ \ 0 \ | 32 \ | / \ | / \ |/ \ +----- 64 \ |\ \ | \ \ | \ \ | 96 \ 127 CMP #25 \ If A >= 25, then the car is pointing to a greater BCS hill5 \ angle than 25 to either side of dead ahead (i.e. it is \ pointing outside of the -24 to +24 field of view, or \ greater than 33 degrees either side of 0), so jump to \ hill5 to call CheckVergeOnScreen in the usual way LDA playerPitchAngle \ If the player's pitch angle is positive, which means BPL hill5 \ the car's nose is pointing up, above the horizontal, \ then jump to hill5 to call CheckVergeOnScreen in the \ usual way \ If we get here then the car nose is pointing downwards \ and the car is pointing straight along the track, \ within a -33 to +33 degree field of view JMP hill6 \ Jump to part 3 .hill5 JMP CheckVergeOnScreen \ Implement the call that we overwrote with the call to \ the hook routine, so we have effectively inserted the \ above code into the main game (the JMP ensures we \ return from the subroutine using a tail call)
Name: HookMoveBack [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Only move the player backwards if the player has not yet driven past the segment Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookMoveBack * newContentLo calls HookMoveBack

This routine is called from MovePlayerSegment to change the behaviour when moving the player backwards along the track. Only move the player backwards by one segment if bit 7 of playerPastSegment is clear (in other words, if the player has not yet driven past the segment).
.HookMoveBack BIT playerPastSegment \ If bit 7 of playerPastSegment is set, return from the BMI fovw1-1 \ subroutine (as fovw1-1 contains an RTS) JMP MovePlayerBack \ Move the player backwards by one segment, returning \ from the subroutine using a tail call
Name: subSection [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The number of the current sub-section
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * HookSectionFrom uses subSection * SetSegmentVector uses subSection * UpdateDataPointers uses subSection
.subSection EQUB &EC
Name: trackSubCount [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The total number of sub-sections in the track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * UpdateDataPointers uses trackSubCount
.trackSubCount EQUB 45
Name: yawAngleLo [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Low byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CalcSegmentVector uses yawAngleLo * HookSectionFrom uses yawAngleLo * SetSegmentVector uses yawAngleLo
.yawAngleLo EQUB &16
Name: yawAngleHi [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: High byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CalcSegmentVector uses yawAngleHi * HookSectionFrom uses yawAngleHi * SetSegmentVector uses yawAngleHi
.yawAngleHi EQUB &04
Name: segmentSlope [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The height above ground of the current track sub-section
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CalcSegmentVector uses segmentSlope * HookSectionFrom uses segmentSlope * SetSegmentVector uses segmentSlope
.segmentSlope EQUB &F0
Name: subSectionSegment [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The number of the segment within the current sub-section, counting from the start of the sub-section
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * HookSectionFrom uses subSectionSegment * UpdateDataPointers uses subSectionSegment
.subSectionSegment EQUB &08
Name: modifyAddressLo [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Low byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) uses modifyAddressLo

This is also where the xTrackSegmentI table is built, once the modifications have been done. The block is exactly 20 bytes long, so along with the modifyAddressHi block, there's one byte for each inner segment x-coordinate.
.modifyAddressLo EQUB &49 \ !&1249= HookSectionFrom EQUB &8A \ !&128A= HookFirstSegment EQUB &CA \ !&13CA= HookSegmentVector EQUB &27 \ !&1427= HookSegmentVector EQUB &FC \ !&12FC= HookDataPointers EQUB &1B \ !&261B= HookUpdateHorizon EQUB &8C \ !&248C= HookFieldOfView EQUB &39 \ !&2539= HookFixHorizon EQUB &94 \ !&1594= HookJoystick EQUB &D1 \ !&4CD1= xTrackSignVector EQUB &C9 \ !&4CC9= yTrackSignVector EQUB &C1 \ !&4CC1= zTrackSignVector EQUB &D6 \ !&44D6= trackSteering EQUB &D7 \ !&4CD7= trackSignData EQUB &E1 \ !&4CE1= trackSignData EQUB &47 \ !&1947= HookFlattenHills EQUB &F3 \ !&24F3= HookMoveBack EQUB &2C \ !&462C= HookFlipAbsolute EQUB &43 \ !&2543= Hook80Percent EQUB &61 \ This byte pads the block out to exactly 20 bytes
Name: modifyAddressHi [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: High byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) uses modifyAddressHi

This is also where the xTrackSegmentI table is built, once the modifications have been done. The block is exactly 20 bytes long, so along with the modifyAddressLo block, there's one byte for each inner segment x-coordinate.
.modifyAddressHi EQUB &12 \ !&1249= HookSectionFrom EQUB &12 \ !&128A= HookFirstSegment EQUB &13 \ !&13CA= HookSegmentVector EQUB &14 \ !&1427= HookSegmentVector EQUB &12 \ !&12FC= HookDataPointers EQUB &26 \ !&261B= HookUpdateHorizon EQUB &24 \ !&248C= HookFieldOfView EQUB &25 \ !&2539= HookFixHorizon EQUB &15 \ !&1594= HookJoystick EQUB &4C \ !&4CD1= xTrackSignVector EQUB &4C \ !&4CC9= yTrackSignVector EQUB &4C \ !&4CC1= zTrackSignVector EQUB &44 \ !&44D6= trackSteering EQUB &4C \ !&4CD7= trackSignData EQUB &4C \ !&4CE1= trackSignData EQUB &19 \ !&1947= HookFlattenHills EQUB &24 \ !&24F3= HookMoveBack EQUB &46 \ !&462C= HookFlipAbsolute EQUB &25 \ !&2543= Hook80Percent EQUB &5B \ This byte pads the block out to exactly 20 bytes
Name: trackYawDeltaHi [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: High byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * SetSegmentVector uses trackYawDeltaHi
.trackYawDeltaHi EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 0= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 1= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 2= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 3= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &07 \ Sub-section 4= &07E8 ( 2024) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 5= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &FD \ Sub-section 6= &FD54 ( -684) EQUB &FE \ Sub-section 7= &FEC6 ( -314) EQUB &FE \ Sub-section 8= &FEC6 ( -314) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 9= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 10= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 11= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 12= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &FD \ Sub-section 13= &FD8F ( -625) EQUB &05 \ Sub-section 14= &059E ( 1438) EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 15= &FFB7 ( -73) EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 16= &FFB7 ( -73) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 17= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &05 \ Sub-section 18= &0593 ( 1427) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 19= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 20= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &FE \ Sub-section 21= &FE37 ( -457) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 22= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 23= &01AD ( 429) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 24= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 25= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 26= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 27= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &FC \ Sub-section 28= &FC09 (-1015) EQUB &FC \ Sub-section 29= &FC09 (-1015) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 30= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &03 \ Sub-section 31= &0368 ( 872) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 32= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 33= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 34= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 35= &0145 ( 325) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 36= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 37= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 38= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &FC \ Sub-section 39= &FC9B ( -869) EQUB &03 \ Sub-section 40= &039C ( 924) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 41= &00F6 ( 246) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 42= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &04 \ Sub-section 43= &0435 ( 1077) EQUB &04 \ Sub-section 44= &0435 ( 1077) EQUB &20 \ This byte appears to be unused
Name: HookFieldOfView [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookFieldOfView * newContentLo calls HookFieldOfView * HookMoveBack calls via fovw1-1

This routine is called from GetSegmentAngles to change the logic in at label gseg12, which is applied when a segment is outside the field of view. Note that in the following, the previous segment is further away than the current one. In the original code: * If previous segment's yaw angle >= 20 then the previous segment was also outside the field of view, so return from the subroutine. * Otherwise go to gseg4 to try reducing the size of the segment before returning. In the new code: * If previous segment's yaw angle >= 20 and segmentCounter >= 10, then the previous segment was also outside the field of view AND we have already marked at least 10 segments as being visible, so return from the subroutine. * Otherwise go to gseg13 to mark this segment as visible and keep checking segments. So in the modified version, we keep checking segments until we have reached at least 10.
Arguments: A Yaw angle for the previous segment's right verge C flag Set according to CMP #20
Other entry points: fovw1-1 Contains an RTS
.HookFieldOfView BCC fovw1 \ If A < 20, then this segment is within the 20-degree \ field of view, jump to gseg13 via fovw1 LDA segmentCounter \ If segmentCounter < 10, jump to gseg13 via fovw1 CMP #10 BCC fovw1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .fovw1 JMP gseg13 \ Jump to gseg13
Name: trackSignData [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Track data Summary: Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * newContentHi uses trackSignData * newContentLo uses trackSignData
.trackSignData EQUB %00000001 \ Sign 0: 00000 001 Type 8 Start flag Section 0 EQUB %00001000 \ Sign 1: 00001 000 Type 7 Straight Section 1 EQUB %00010100 \ Sign 2: 00010 100 Type 11 Right turn Section 2 EQUB %00100000 \ Sign 3: 00100 000 Type 7 Straight Section 4 EQUB %00110101 \ Sign 4: 00110 101 Type 12 Left turn Section 6 EQUB %01000100 \ Sign 5: 01000 100 Type 11 Right turn Section 8 EQUB %01011011 \ Sign 6: 01011 011 Type 10 Chicane Section 11 EQUB %01100000 \ Sign 7: 01100 000 Type 7 Straight Section 12 EQUB %01101101 \ Sign 8: 01101 101 Type 12 Left turn Section 13 EQUB %01111100 \ Sign 9: 01111 100 Type 11 Right turn Section 15 EQUB %10001101 \ Sign 10: 10001 101 Type 12 Left turn Section 17 EQUB %10010000 \ Sign 11: 10010 000 Type 7 Straight Section 18 EQUB %10011100 \ Sign 12: 10011 100 Type 11 Right turn Section 19 EQUB %10101100 \ Sign 13: 10101 100 Type 11 Right turn Section 21 EQUB %10110101 \ Sign 14: 10110 101 Type 12 Left turn Section 22 EQUB %11010100 \ Sign 15: 11010 100 Type 11 Right turn Section 26
Name: CalcSegmentVector [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Calculate the segment vector for the current segment Deep dive: Dynamic track generation in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HookFirstSegment calls CalcSegmentVector * SetSegmentVector calls CalcSegmentVector

This routine calculates the segment vector for the current segment, by converting the direction of the track at this point, which is stored in the yaw angle in (yawAngleHi yawAngleLo), into a direction vector to store in the (xTrackSegmentI yTrackSegmentI zTrackSegmentI) tables in the track data file. We also calculate the outer track segment vector (i.e. the vector across the track) and store it in the (xTrackSegmentO yTrackSegmentI zTrackSegmentO) tables in the track data file. Note that the track segment vector tables overwrite the modification routines, as those are no longer used, and the main game code still thinks that's where the segment vector tables are stored as part of the track data file (which they are, it's just that they are dynamically generated in the extra track files, rather than being full of static data).
.CalcSegmentVector \ This routine calculates the segment vector for the \ current segment within the current sub-section \ \ The segment vector contains two vectors: \ \ * (xTrackSegmentI yTrackSegmentI zTrackSegmentI) is \ the vector along the inside of the track from the \ previous segment to the current segment \ \ * (xTrackSegmentO yTrackSegmentI zTrackSegmentO) is \ the vector from the inner edge of the track to the \ outer edge of the track for the current segment \ \ We start by analysing the track's yaw angle to see in \ which direction the track that we're building is \ currently pointing, so we can set the correct signs \ and axes for the segment vector LDA yawAngleLo \ Set A= (yawAngleHi yawAngleLo) << 1 ASL A \ LDA yawAngleHi \ Keeping the high byte only and rotating bit 7 into ROL A \ the C flag PHA \ Push the high byte in A onto the stack, so the stack \ contains the high byte of yawAngle << 1 ROL A \ Set bits 0-2 of U to bits 5-7 of yawAngleHi (i.e. the ROL A \ top three bits), so this is equivalent to: ROL A \ AND #%00000111 \ U= (yawAngleHi yawAngleLo) DIV 8192 STA U \ \ We will use U to work out the direction of the track \ that we are building \ We now work out the index into the xTrackCurve and \ zTrackCurve tables for the curve that matches the \ direction of the track, putting the result in X \ \ The curve tables contain coordinates for a curve that \ covers one-eighth of a circle, or 45 degrees, so we \ first reduce the yaw angle into that range by reducing \ our 32-bit angle into this range \ \ The 32-bit angle in (yawAngleHi yawAngleLo) cover a \ whole circle, so 0 to 65536 represents 0 to 360 \ degrees, so one-eighth of a circle, or 45 degrees, is \ represented by 65536 / 8= 8192 \ \ So we reduce the 32-bit value into the range 0 to 8192 \ so we can map it to the curve in the curve tables LSR A \ Set the C flag to bit 0 of A, i.e. bit 5 of yawAngleHi PLA \ Retrieve the high byte that we pushed onto the stack, \ i.e. the high byte of yawAngle << 1 AND #%00111111 \ Clear bits 6 and 7 of A, so A now contains two zeroes, \ then bits 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 of yawAngleHi, then bit 7 of \ yawAngleLo \ By this point, we have: \ \ X= (yawAngleHi yawAngleLo) MOD 8192 \ \ This is the corresponding point in the curve tables \ for the track direction, reduced to one-eighth of a \ circle, or 0 to 45 degrees \ \ The next eighth of the circle (i.e. from 45 to 90 \ degrees) will map to the curve tables, but in reverse, \ so we can extend our calculation to quarter circle by \ flipping the index in X for this range of yaw angle \ (i.e. if we are in the second eighth of the circle, \ from 45 to 90 degrees, which is when bit 5 of the high \ byte is clear) BCC vect1 \ If the C flag, i.e. bit 5 of yawAngleHi, is clear, \ jump to vect1 to skip the following EOR #%00111111 \ Negate A using two's complement (the ADC adds 1 as the ADC #0 \ C flag is set) .vect1 \ By this point, A contains the index of the curve \ within the curve tables that corresponds to the angle \ in which the track is pointing, reduced to the first \ quarter of a circle (0 to 90 degrees) \ \ We can now fetch the vector for that point on the \ curve, which will give us the vector of the curve at \ that point (i.e. the direction of the curve for the \ track segment we are building) TAX \ Set X= A LDY xTrackCurve,X \ Set Y= X-th entry in xTrackCurve LDA zTrackCurve,X \ Set X= X-th entry in zTrackCurve TAX \ The vector in X and Y now contains the correct values \ for the curve vector, but because we reduced it to the \ first quarter in the circle, the signs may not be \ correct, and we may need to swap the x-coordinate and \ z-coordinate \ \ We now use the value of U to set the vector properly, \ as the value of U determines which eighth of the \ circle corresponds to the track direction LDA U \ If bit 1 of U + 1 is set, i.e. U ends in %01 or %10, CLC \ i.e. bits 5 and 6 of yawAngleHi are different, then ADC #1 \ jump to vect2 to set V and W the other way round AND #%00000010 BNE vect2 STY V \ Set V= Y STX W \ Set W= X BEQ vect3 \ Jump to vect3 (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as we \ passed through a BNE above) .vect2 STX V \ Set V= X STY W \ Set W= Y .vect3 LDA U \ If U < 4, i.e. bit 2 of U is clear, i.e. bit 7 of CMP #4 \ yawAngleHi is clear, jump to vect4 to skip the BCC vect4 \ following \ If we get here then bit 2 of U is set, i.e. bit 7 of \ yawAngleHi is set LDA #0 \ Set V= -V SBC V STA V .vect4 LDA U \ If U >= 6, i.e. bits 1 and 2 of U are set, i.e. bits CMP #6 \ 6 and 7 of yawAngleHi are set, jump to vect5 to skip BCS vect5 \ the following CMP #2 \ If U < 2, i.e. bits 1 and 2 of U are clear, i.e. bits BCC vect5 \ 6 and 7 of yawAngleHi are clear, jump to vect5 to skip \ the following \ If we get here then bits 1 and 2 of U are different, \ i.e. bits 6 and 7 of yawAngleHi are different LDA #0 \ Set W= -W SBC W STA W .vect5 \ By this point we have the x- and z-coordinates of the \ vector for the track direction in the segment that we \ want to build, and we already know the y-coordinate of \ the vector at this point (it's in segmentSlope) \ \ The inner track segment vector at this point is \ therefore: \ \ [ V ] \ [ segmentSlope ] \ [ W ] \ \ And we can now store the vector in the track data file \ as follows: \ \ * xTrackSegmentI= V \ * yTrackSegmentI= segmentSlope \ * zTrackSegmentI= W \ \ We can also calculate the vector from the inner verge \ to the outer verge as follows: \ \ * xTrackSegmentO= -W * trackWidth / 256 \ * zTrackSegmentO= V * trackWidth / 256 \ \ This works because given a 2D vector [V W], the vector \ [-W V] is the vector's normal, i.e. the same vector, \ but perpendicular to the original \ \ If we take the original inner vector in [V W], then \ its normal vector is a vector that's perpendicular to \ the original, so instead of being a vector pointing \ along the inner edge, it's a vector pointing at 90 \ degrees across the track, which is the vector that we \ want to calculate \ \ Multiplying the normal vector by the track width sets \ the correct length for the outer segment vector, so \ we could make the track wider by changing the value of \ the trackWidth configuration variable LDY thisVectorNumber \ Set Y to thisVectorNumber, which contains the value of \ trackSectionFrom for this track section (i.e. the \ number of the first segment vector in the section) LDA #trackWidth \ Set U to the width of the track STA U LDA V \ Set the x-coordinate of the Y-th inner track segment STA xTrackSegmentI,Y \ vector to V JSR Multiply8x8Signed \ Set A= A * U / 256 \ = V * trackWidth / 256 STA zTrackSegmentO,Y \ Set the z-coordinate of the Y-th outer track segment \ vector to V * trackWidth / 256 LDA W \ Set the z-coordinate of the Y-th inner track segment STA zTrackSegmentI,Y \ vector to W JSR Multiply8x8Signed \ Set A= A * U / 256 \ = W * trackWidth / 256 EOR #&FF \ Negate A using two's complement, so: CLC \ ADC #1 \ A= -W * trackWidth / 256 STA xTrackSegmentO,Y \ Set the x-coordinate of the Y-th outer track segment \ vector to -W * trackWidth / 256 LDA segmentSlope \ Set the y-coordinate of the Y-th track segment vector STA yTrackSegmentI,Y \ to the slope of the segment RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: HookDataPointers [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: If the current section is dynamically generated, update the data pointers Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Dynamic track generation in the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookDataPointers * newContentLo calls HookDataPointers

This routine is called from part 1 of GetTrackSegment so we update the sub-section and sub-section segment pointers when fetching a new track segment. If bit 6 of the current section's flags is set, then the track segment vectors for this section need to be generated from the curve tables (as opposed to being calculated as a straight section). When this is the case, this routine calls UpdateDataPointers to update the pointers to the next sub-section and segment along the track.
.HookDataPointers LDA thisSectionFlags \ If bit 6 of the current section's flags is clear, jump AND #%01000000 \ to flab1 to skip the following call, so we just BEQ flab1 \ implement the same code as in the original JSR UpdateDataPointers \ Bit 6 of the current section's flags is set, so we are \ generating this section's segment vectors using the \ curve tables, so call UpdateDataPointers to update \ the pointers to the next sub-section and segment along \ the track, before continuing with the same code as in \ the original .flab1 LDA frontSegmentIndex \ Set A to the index * 3 of the front track segment in \ the track segment buffer CLC \ Set A= frontSegmentIndex + 3 ADC #3 \ \ to move on to the next track segment ahead of the \ current front segment in the track segment buffer, \ which will become the new front segment RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: HookFlipAbsolute [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Set the sign of A according to the direction we are facing along the track Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookFlipAbsolute * newContentLo calls HookFlipAbsolute

This routine is called from MovePlayerOnTrack so that the yaw angle of the closest segment retains the correct sign, like this: * If we are facing forwards along the track, set A= |A| * If we are facing backwards along the track, set A= -|A|
.HookFlipAbsolute EOR directionFacing \ Flip the sign bit of A if we are facing backwards \ along the track \ \ The Absolute8Bit routine does the following: \ \ * If A is positive leave it alone \ \ * If A is negative, set A= -A \ \ So if bit 7 of directionFacing is set (i.e. we are \ facing backwards along the track), this flips bit 7 of \ A, which changes the Absolute8Bit routine to the \ following (if we consider the original value of A): \ \ * If A is negative leave it alone \ \ * If A is positive, set A= -A \ \ So this sets set A= -|A| instead of A= |A| JSR Absolute8Bit \ Set A= |A|, unless we are facing backwards along the \ track, in which case set A= -|A| RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: newContentLo [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Low byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) uses newContentLo

This is also where the zTrackSegmentI table is built, once the modifications have been done. The block is padded out to be exactly 20 bytes long, so along with the newContentHi block, there's one byte for each inner segment z-coordinate.
.newContentLo EQUB LO(HookSectionFrom) EQUB LO(HookFirstSegment) EQUB LO(HookSegmentVector) EQUB LO(HookSegmentVector) EQUB LO(HookDataPointers) EQUB LO(HookUpdateHorizon) EQUB LO(HookFieldOfView) EQUB LO(HookFixHorizon) EQUB LO(HookJoystick) EQUB LO(xTrackSignVector) EQUB LO(yTrackSignVector) EQUB LO(zTrackSignVector) EQUB LO(trackSteering) EQUB LO(trackSignData) EQUB LO(trackSignData) EQUB LO(HookFlattenHills) EQUB LO(HookMoveBack) EQUB LO(HookFlipAbsolute) EQUB LO(Hook80Percent) EQUB &00 \ This byte pads the block out to exactly 20 bytes
Name: newContentHi [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: High byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) uses newContentHi

This is also where the zTrackSegmentI table is built, once the modifications have been done. The block is padded out to be exactly 20 bytes long, so along with the newContentLo block, there's one byte for each inner segment z-coordinate.
.newContentHi EQUB HI(HookSectionFrom) EQUB HI(HookFirstSegment) EQUB HI(HookSegmentVector) EQUB HI(HookSegmentVector) EQUB HI(HookDataPointers) EQUB HI(HookUpdateHorizon) EQUB HI(HookFieldOfView) EQUB HI(HookFixHorizon) EQUB HI(HookJoystick) EQUB HI(xTrackSignVector) EQUB HI(yTrackSignVector) EQUB HI(zTrackSignVector) EQUB HI(trackSteering) EQUB HI(trackSignData) EQUB HI(trackSignData) EQUB HI(HookFlattenHills) EQUB HI(HookMoveBack) EQUB HI(HookFlipAbsolute) EQUB HI(Hook80Percent) EQUB &00 \ This byte pads the block out to exactly 20 bytes
Name: trackYawDeltaLo [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Low byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * SetSegmentVector uses trackYawDeltaLo
.trackYawDeltaLo EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 0= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 1= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 2= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 3= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &E8 \ Sub-section 4= &07E8 ( 2024) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 5= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &54 \ Sub-section 6= &FD54 ( -684) EQUB &C6 \ Sub-section 7= &FEC6 ( -314) EQUB &C6 \ Sub-section 8= &FEC6 ( -314) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 9= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 10= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 11= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 12= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &8F \ Sub-section 13= &FD8F ( -625) EQUB &9E \ Sub-section 14= &059E ( 1438) EQUB &B7 \ Sub-section 15= &FFB7 ( -73) EQUB &B7 \ Sub-section 16= &FFB7 ( -73) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 17= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &93 \ Sub-section 18= &0593 ( 1427) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 19= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 20= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &37 \ Sub-section 21= &FE37 ( -457) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 22= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &AD \ Sub-section 23= &01AD ( 429) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 24= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 25= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 26= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 27= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &09 \ Sub-section 28= &FC09 (-1015) EQUB &09 \ Sub-section 29= &FC09 (-1015) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 30= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &68 \ Sub-section 31= &0368 ( 872) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 32= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 33= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 34= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &45 \ Sub-section 35= &0145 ( 325) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 36= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 37= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 38= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &9B \ Sub-section 39= &FC9B ( -869) EQUB &9C \ Sub-section 40= &039C ( 924) EQUB &F6 \ Sub-section 41= &00F6 ( 246) EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 42= &0000 ( 0) EQUB &35 \ Sub-section 43= &0435 ( 1077) EQUB &35 \ Sub-section 44= &0435 ( 1077)
Name: Hook80Percent [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls Hook80Percent * newContentLo calls Hook80Percent

This routine is called from GetTrackAndMarkers to set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon.
.Hook80Percent STA U \ Set U= A LDA #205 \ Set A= 205 JMP Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T)= A * U \ = 205 * A \ \ returning from the subroutine using a tail call \ \ This calculates the following in A: \ \ A= (A T) / 256 \ = 205 * A / 256 \ = 0.80 * A
Name: Multiply8x8Signed [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Multiply two 8-bit numbers, one of which is signed
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CalcSegmentVector calls Multiply8x8Signed

This routine calculates the following, retaining the sign in A. A= A * U / 256 Specifically, if the last instruction to affect the N flag before the call is an LDA instruction, and A is signed, then set: A= |A| * U * abs(A) = A * U / 256 So this multiplies A and U, retaining the sign in A.
.Multiply8x8Signed PHP \ Store the N flag on the stack, as set by the LDA just \ before the call, so this equals abs(A) JMP MultiplyHeight+11 \ Jump into the MultiplyHeight routine to do this: \ \ JSR Absolute8Bit \ Set A= |A| \ \ JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T)= A * U \ \ = |A| * U \ \ \ \ So A= |A| * U / 256 \ \ PLP \ Retrieve sign in N, which we \ \ set to abs(A) above \ \ JSR Absolute8Bit \ Set A= |A| * abs(A) \ \ = A * U / 256 \ \ RTS \ Return from the subroutine \ \ So this sets A= A * U while retaining the sign in A EQUB &FC, &FC \ These bytes appear to be unused
Name: xTrackSignVector [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * newContentHi uses xTrackSignVector * newContentLo uses xTrackSignVector
.xTrackSignVector EQUB 1 \ Sign 0= ( 1 << 6, -8 << 4, 72 << 6) + section 0 EQUB -6 \ Sign 1= ( -6 << 6, 6 << 4, 13 << 6) + section 2 EQUB -5 \ Sign 2= ( -5 << 6, 67 << 4, -75 << 6) + section 3 EQUB 9 \ Sign 3= ( 9 << 6, 35 << 4, -33 << 6) + section 5 EQUB 28 \ Sign 4= ( 28 << 6, 39 << 4, -54 << 6) + section 7 EQUB 6 \ Sign 5= ( 6 << 6, 12 << 4, -3 << 6) + section 9 EQUB 9 \ Sign 6= ( 9 << 6, 22 << 4, -73 << 6) + section 12 EQUB -2 \ Sign 7= ( -2 << 6, -6 << 4, 20 << 6) + section 14 EQUB 0 \ Sign 8= ( 0 << 6, -90 << 4, 61 << 6) + section 14 EQUB 3 \ Sign 9= ( 3 << 6, 9 << 4, 4 << 6) + section 14 EQUB -33 \ Sign 10= (-33 << 6, -6 << 4, 64 << 6) + section 18 EQUB -5 \ Sign 11= ( -5 << 6, 8 << 4, -3 << 6) + section 19 EQUB -6 \ Sign 12= ( -6 << 6, 9 << 4, 3 << 6) + section 20 EQUB -1 \ Sign 13= ( -1 << 6, 93 << 4, 73 << 6) + section 21 EQUB -39 \ Sign 14= (-39 << 6, 27 << 4, -66 << 6) + section 22 EQUB 31 \ Sign 15= ( 31 << 6, -11 << 4, 41 << 6) + section 23
Name: HookSegmentVector [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: If the current section is dynamically generated, move to the next segment vector, calculate it and store it Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Dynamic track generation in the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookSegmentVector * newContentLo calls HookSegmentVector

This routine is called from part 3 of GetTrackSegment and TurnPlayerAround, so we calculate the next track segment vector on-the-fly for curved sections. If bit 6 of the current section's flags is set, then the track segment vectors for this section need to be generated from the curve tables (as opposed to being calculated as a straight section). When this is the case, this routine calls UpdateVectorNumber and SetSegmentVector to calculate and store the next track segment vector, which can then be read by the main game code as if it were a static piece of data from a normal track data file.
.HookSegmentVector LDA thisSectionFlags \ If bit 6 of the current section's flags is clear, jump AND #%01000000 \ to flag1 to return from the subroutine BEQ flag1 \ Bit 6 of the current section's flags is set, so we are \ generating this section's segment vectors using the \ curve tables JSR UpdateVectorNumber \ Update thisVectorNumber to the next segment vector \ along the track in the direction we are facing (we \ replaced a call to UpdateCurveVector with the call to \ the hook, so this implements that call, knowing that \ this is a curve) JSR SetSegmentVector \ Calculate and store the next segment vector, so it can \ be read by the main game code as if it were a static \ piece of data from a normal track data file .flag1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: MoveToNextVector [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and update the pointers
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HookFirstSegment calls MoveToNextVector
.MoveToNextVector JSR UpdateVectorNumber
Name: UpdateDataPointers [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Update the sub-section and segment numbers to point to the next segment along the track in the correct direction
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HookDataPointers calls UpdateDataPointers
.UpdateDataPointers LDY subSection \ Set Y to the number of the current sub-section within \ the current track section LDA subSectionSegment \ Set A to the number of the current segment within the \ current sub-section SEC \ Set the C flag for use in the following addition or \ subtraction BIT directionFacing \ If we are facing backwards along the track, jump to BMI upda1 \ upda1 to move to the next segment in that direction \ If we get here then we are facing forwards along the \ track, so we increment subSectionSegment to point to \ the next segment \ \ If subSectionSegment reaches trackSubSize for this \ sub-section, then we have reached the end of that \ sub-section and need to start the next sub-section, \ so we wrap the segment number within the sub-section \ round to zero and increment subSection to move on to \ the next sub-section \ \ If subSection then reaches trackSubCount, which is the \ total number of sub-sections in the track, then we \ have reached the end of the last sub-section, so we \ wrap subSection round to zero ADC #0 \ Set A= A + 1 \ = subSectionSegment + 1 \ \ This works as the C flag is set CMP trackSubSize,Y \ If A < trackSubSize for this index, jump to upda3 to BCC upda3 \ update the pointers and return from the subroutine LDA #0 \ Set A= 0, to set as the new segment number in \ subSectionSegment within the next sub-section INY \ Increment Y to point to the next sub-section CPY trackSubCount \ If Y < trackSubCount, jump to upda3 to update the BCC upda3 \ pointers and return from the subroutine LDY #0 \ Set Y= 0, to set the new value of subSection to the \ start of the data BEQ upda3 \ Jump to upda3 to update the pointers and return from \ the subroutine (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as Y is \ always zero) .upda1 \ If we get here then we are facing backwards along the \ track, so we decrement subSectionSegment to point to \ the previous segment, i.e. backwards along the track \ \ If subSectionSegment goes past 0, then we have gone \ past the start of that sub-section and need to jump to \ the end of the previous sub-section, so we wrap the \ segment number within the sub-section to the last \ segment number in the previous sub-section and \ decrement subSection to move back to the previous \ sub-section \ \ If subSection reaches 0, which is the start of the \ track, then we wrap it round to the last sub-section \ to go backwards past the start to reach the end of the \ track SBC #1 \ Set A= A - 1 \ = subSectionSegment - 1 \ \ This works as the C flag is set BCS upda3 \ If the subtraction didn't underflow, jump to upda3 to \ update the pointers and return from the subroutine \ If we get here, then subSectionSegment has just gone \ past 0, so we need to jump to the end of the previous \ sub-section TYA \ Clear bit 7 of Y to ensure that Y is positive AND #%01111111 TAY CPY #1 \ If Y >= 1, jump to upda2 as we aren't about to go past BCS upda2 \ the start of the first sub-section \ If we get here then Y= 0, so we are in the first \ segment of the first sub-section, so we need to wrap \ the sub-section around to the end of the track LDY trackSubCount \ Set Y= trackSubCount, so we set the new value of \ subSection to trackSubCount - 1, i.e. the last \ sub-section in the track .upda2 DEY \ Decrement Y to point to the previous sub-section LDA trackSubSize,Y \ Set A to trackSubSize - 1 for this index, which points SEC \ to the last entry in the new sub-section SBC #1 .upda3 STA subSectionSegment \ Update the segment number within the sub-section to \ the updated value of A STY subSection \ Update the sub-section to the updated value of Y RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: SetSegmentVector [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Add the yaw angle and height deltas to the yaw angle and height (for curved sections) and calculate the segment vector Deep dive: Dynamic track generation in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HookSectionFrom calls SetSegmentVector * HookSegmentVector calls SetSegmentVector

This routine adds the yaw angle and height deltas to the track yaw angle and height, to get the coordinates for the next segment along. It then calls the CalcSegmentVector routine to calculate the segment vectors and store them in the correct tables for the main game code to read. If the current sub-section number has bit 7 set, then this section isn't being generated using the curve tables, but is instead being generated as a straight part of the track. In this case we don't update the yaw angle or track height before calculating the segment vector, as the main game code draws straight segments by simply adding the same track segment vector for each segment in the straight.
.SetSegmentVector STX xStore \ Store X in xStore so we can retrieve it at the end of \ the routine LDY subSection \ Set Y to the number of the current sub-section within \ the current track section BMI sets1 \ If bit 7 of Y is set, then this part of the track is a \ straight section that doesn't use the curve vectors to \ generate the track, so jump to sets1 to skip updating \ the yaw angle and track height, as we simply reuse the \ same track segment vector for each segment within the \ straight \ We start by adding the yaw delta to the yaw angle LDA trackYawDeltaLo,Y \ Set (A T)= (trackYawDeltaHi trackYawDeltaLo) for this STA T \ sub-section LDA trackYawDeltaHi,Y BIT directionFacing \ Set the N flag to the sign of directionFacing, so the \ call to Absolute16Bit sets the sign of (A T) to \ abs(directionFacing) JSR Absolute16Bit \ Set the sign of (A T) to match the sign bit in \ directionFacing, so this negates (A T) if we are \ facing backwards along the track STA U \ Set (U T)= (A T) \ = signed (trackYawDeltaHi trackYawDeltaLo) \ for this sub-section LDA T \ Set yawAngle= yawAngle + (U T) CLC \ = yawAngle + trackYawDelta ADC yawAngleLo \ STA yawAngleLo \ starting with the low bytes LDA U \ And then the high bytes ADC yawAngleHi STA yawAngleHi \ And now we add the track gradient (i.e. the height \ delta) to the track height LDA trackSlopeDelta,Y \ Set A to the change in slope for this sub-section \ (i.e. the change in the gradient over the course of \ each segment in the sub-section) BIT directionFacing \ Set the N flag to the sign of directionFacing, so the \ call to Absolute8Bit sets the sign of A to \ abs(directionFacing) JSR Absolute8Bit \ Set the sign of A to match the sign bit in \ directionFacing, so this negates A if we are facing \ backwards along the track CLC \ Set segmentSlope= segmentSlope + A ADC segmentSlope \ = segmentSlope + trackSlopeDelta STA segmentSlope .sets1 JSR CalcSegmentVector \ Calculate the segment vector for the current segment \ and put it in the xSegmentVectorI, ySegmentVectorI, \ zSegmentVectorI, xSegmentVectorO and zSegmentVectorO \ tables LDX xStore \ Retrieve the value of X we stores above, so we can \ return it unchanged by the routine RTS \ Return from the subroutine EQUB &0D, &0A \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &07, &03 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00
Name: ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Modify the game code to support the extra track data
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

The code modifications are done in three parts. This is also where the zTrackSegmentI table is built, once the modifications have been done. The routine is padded out to be exactly 40 bytes long, so there's one byte for each inner segment z-coordinate.
.mods3 LDA #4 \ ?&3574= 4 (object dimension in objectTop) STA &3574 LDA #11 \ ?&35F4= 11 (object dimension in objectBottom) STA &35F4 LDA #LO(HookSlopeJump) \ !&45CC= HookSlopeJump (address in a JSR instruction) STA &45CC LDA #HI(HookSlopeJump) STA &45CD LDA #75 \ ?&2772= 75 (argument in a CMP #75 instruction) STA &2772 LDA #&FF \ ?&298E= &FF (argument in an AND #&FF instruction) STA &298E RTS \ Return from the subroutine EQUB &6F, &73 \ These bytes pad the routine out to exactly 40 bytes EQUB &75, &74 EQUB &6F, &66 EQUB &5B, &52 EQUB &4E
Name: trackSlopeDelta [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The change in the slope (i.e. the change in the gradient) over the course of each segment for each sub-section of the track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * SetSegmentVector uses trackSlopeDelta
.trackSlopeDelta EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 0= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 1= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 2= -1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 3= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 4= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 5= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 6= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 7= 0 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 8= 1 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 9= 1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 10= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 11= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 12= -1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 13= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 14= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 15= 0 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 16= 1 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 17= 1 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 18= 1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 19= 0 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 20= 1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 21= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 22= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 23= -1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 24= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 25= -1 EQUB &FE \ Sub-section 26= -2 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 27= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 28= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 29= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 30= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 31= -1 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 32= -1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 33= 0 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 34= 1 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 35= 1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 36= 0 EQUB &01 \ Sub-section 37= 1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 38= 0 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 39= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 40= -1 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 41= -1 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 42= -1 EQUB &00 \ Sub-section 43= 0 EQUB &FF \ Sub-section 44= -1
Name: HookFlattenHills (Part 3 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This part of the routine flags the verge coordinate at index X as being visible on-screen, but only when the track section at the front of the segment buffer is one of sections 0 to 5.
.hill6 LDA objTrackSection+23 \ Set A to the number * 8 of the track section for the \ front segment of the track segment buffer CMP #48 \ If A >= 48, i.e. the front segment of the track BCS hill7 \ segment buffer is track section 6 or later, jump to \ hill7 to call CheckVergeOnScreen \ Otherwise we replace the call to CheckVergeOnScreen \ with the following, which clears bit 7 of V to flag \ the verge coordinate at index X as being visible \ on-screen LSR V \ Clear bit 7 of V RTS \ Return from the subroutine .hill7 JMP CheckVergeOnScreen \ Implement the call that we overwrote with the call to \ the hook routine, so we have effectively inserted the \ above code into the main game (the JMP ensures we \ return from the subroutine using a tail call)
Name: yTrackSignVector [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * newContentHi uses yTrackSignVector * newContentLo uses yTrackSignVector
.yTrackSignVector EQUB -8 \ Sign 0= ( 1 << 6, -8 << 4, 72 << 6) + section 0 EQUB 6 \ Sign 1= ( -6 << 6, 6 << 4, 13 << 6) + section 2 EQUB 67 \ Sign 2= ( -5 << 6, 67 << 4, -75 << 6) + section 3 EQUB 35 \ Sign 3= ( 9 << 6, 35 << 4, -33 << 6) + section 5 EQUB 39 \ Sign 4= ( 28 << 6, 39 << 4, -54 << 6) + section 7 EQUB 12 \ Sign 5= ( 6 << 6, 12 << 4, -3 << 6) + section 9 EQUB 22 \ Sign 6= ( 9 << 6, 22 << 4, -73 << 6) + section 12 EQUB -6 \ Sign 7= ( -2 << 6, -6 << 4, 20 << 6) + section 14 EQUB -90 \ Sign 8= ( 0 << 6, -90 << 4, 61 << 6) + section 14 EQUB 9 \ Sign 9= ( 3 << 6, 9 << 4, 4 << 6) + section 14 EQUB -6 \ Sign 10= (-33 << 6, -6 << 4, 64 << 6) + section 18 EQUB 8 \ Sign 11= ( -5 << 6, 8 << 4, -3 << 6) + section 19 EQUB 9 \ Sign 12= ( -6 << 6, 9 << 4, 3 << 6) + section 20 EQUB 93 \ Sign 13= ( -1 << 6, 93 << 4, 73 << 6) + section 21 EQUB 27 \ Sign 14= (-39 << 6, 27 << 4, -66 << 6) + section 22 EQUB -11 \ Sign 15= ( 31 << 6, -11 << 4, 41 << 6) + section 23
Name: HookSectionFrom [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Initialise and calculate the current segment vector Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Dynamic track generation in the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookSectionFrom * newContentLo calls HookSectionFrom

This routine is called from GetSectionCoords when fetching the coordinates for a track section. It initialises the segment vector calculation process by doing the following: * Fetch the section's yaw angle from the trackYawAngle tables * Fetch the section's slope from the trackSlope table * Initialise the sub-section and sub-section segment variables * Modify the GetSectionAngles routine so the horizon level check is skipped if the section's trackSubConfig has bit 1 set * If we are facing forwards along the track, calculate and store the current segment vector
Arguments: Y The number of the track section * 8 whose coordinates we want to fetch
.HookSectionFrom STY yStore \ Store the section number in yStore, so we can retrieve \ it at the end of the hook routine LDA trackSectionFrom,Y \ Set thisVectorNumber= the Y-th trackSectionFrom, just STA thisVectorNumber \ like the code that we overwrote with the call to the \ hook routine TYA \ Set Y= Y / 8 LSR A \ LSR A \ So Y now contains the number of the track section (as LSR A \ trackSectionFrom contains the track section * 8) TAY LDA trackYawAngleLo,Y \ Set (yawAngleHi yawAngleLo) to this section's entry STA yawAngleLo \ from (trackYawAngleHi trackYawAngleLo) LDA trackYawAngleHi,Y STA yawAngleHi LDA trackSlope,Y \ Set segmentSlope to this section's entry from STA segmentSlope \ trackSlope LDA trackSubConfig,Y \ Set A to this section's configuration byte LSR A \ Set A= A >> 2, with bit 6 cleared, bit 7 set to the ROR A \ bit 0 of the trackSubConfig entry, and the C flag set \ to bit 1 of the trackSubConfig entry STA subSection \ Store A in subSection, so it contains the index \ from bits 2-7 of trackSubConfig, and bit 7 is set if \ bit 0 of trackSubConfig is set LDA #14 \ Set A= 7, with bit 7 set to the C flag (so if this ROR A \ section's trackSubConfig has bit 1 set, then A is 135, \ otherwise it is 7) STA &23B3 \ Modify the GetSectionAngles routine, at instruction \ #4 after gsec11, to test prevHorizonIndex against the \ value we just calculated in A rather than 7 \ \ So if this section's trackSubConfig has bit 1 set, the \ test becomes prevHorizonIndex <= 135, which is always \ true, so this modification makes us never set the \ horizon line to 7 for sections that have bit 1 of \ trackSubConfig set LDA #0 \ Set subSectionSegment= 0, so we start counting from STA subSectionSegment \ the first segment in the sub-section BIT directionFacing \ If we are facing backwards along the track, jump to BMI from1 \ from1 to skip the following call to SetSegmentVector JSR SetSegmentVector \ We are facing forwards along the track, so calculate \ and store the current segment vector .from1 LDY yStore \ Retrieve the section number from yStore LDA thisVectorNumber \ Set A to the Y-th trackSectionFrom that we set above, \ so the routine sets A to the segment vector number, \ just like the code that we overwrote with the call to \ the hook routine RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: HookJoystick (Part 2 of 2) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This part of the routine scales the steering, but if the joystick x-axis high byte is zero, then the scaling is applied in a different way. Instead of this: 2 * (scale * x-axis) ^ 2 = 2 * scale ^2 * x-axis ^2 we return this: scale ^2 * x-axis in other words, we divide the scale factor by 2 * x-axis.
.joys4 \ By this point, A contains the scale factor to apply to \ the steering, which is one of the following values: \ \ * 181 for a scale factor of 1.00 \ \ * 202 for a scale factor of 1.25 \ \ * 205 for a scale factor of 1.28 \ \ * 212 for a scale factor of 1.37 STA U \ Set U= A \ \ So U= 181, 202, 205 or 212 PLA \ Set A= joystick x-axis high byte, which we stored on \ the stack at the start of the routine JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T)= A * U \ = x-axis * A PLP \ If the joystick x-axis high byte is zero, which we BEQ joys5 \ stored on the stack at the start of the routine, jump \ to joys5 to return x-axis * scale ^ 2 instead STA U \ Set U= A \ = high byte of A * x-axis JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T)= A * U \ = A * A \ = (A * x-axis) ^ 2 ASL T \ Set (A T)= (A T) * 2 ROL A \ = 2 * (A * x-axis) ^ 2 \ So for A= 212 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (212/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.828 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.37 * x-axis ^ 2 \ \ and for A= 205 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (205/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.801 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.28 * x-axis ^ 2 \ \ and for A= 202 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (202/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.789 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.25 * x-axis ^ 2 \ \ and for A= 181 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (181/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.707 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.00 * x-axis ^ 2 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .joys5 \ If we get here then the joystick x-axis high byte is \ zero, U contains the scale factor and A contains the \ top byte of scale * x-axis JMP Multiply8x8 \ Calculate: \ \ (A T)= A * U \ = scale * scale * x-axis \ \ and return the high byte in A, returning from the \ subroutine using a tail call
Name: HookFlattenHills (Part 1 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookFlattenHills * newContentLo calls HookFlattenHills

This routine is called from MapSegmentsToLines to flatten the height of the verge entries in the verge buffer that are hidden by the nearest hill to the player, so that the ground behind the nearest hill is effectively levelled off. It also sets horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the track width at the hill crest, and sets the verge edge to being visible when the car is pointing along the track and the nose is pointing downwards (though the latter part is only done if we are looking at track sections 0 to 5 down the hill).
Arguments: Y Index of the last entry in the track verge buffer - 1: * segmentListRight - 1 for the right verge * segmentListPointer - 1 for the left verge
.HookFlattenHills TYA \ Set bit 5 of blockOffset to bit 5 of Y, so blockOffset AND #%00100000 \ is non-zero if Y >= 32 (i.e. Y is pointing to the STA blockOffset \ verge buffer for the outer verge edges) LDA #0 \ Set A= 0, so the track line starts at the bottom of \ the screen \ We now work our way backwards through the verge buffer \ from index Y - 1, starting with the closest segments, \ checking the pitch angles and maintaining a maximum \ value in topTrackLine .hill1 STA topTrackLine \ Set topTrackLine= A .hill2 DEY \ Decrement Y to point to the next entry in the verge \ buffer, so we are moving away from the player LDA yVergeRight,Y \ Set A to the pitch angle of the current entry in the \ verge buffer CMP horizonLine \ If A >= horizonLine, then the verge is on or higher BCS hill3 \ than the horizon line, so jump to hill3 to exit the \ hook routine and rejoin the original game code, as \ everything beyond this segment in the verge buffer \ will be hidden CMP topTrackLine \ If A >= topTrackLine, jump back to hill1 to set BCS hill1 \ topTrackLine to A and move on to the next segment, \ so topTrackLine maintains the maximum track line as \ we work through the verge buffer \ If we get here then A < horizonLine (so the verge is \ below the horizon) and A < topTrackLine (so the verge \ is lower than the highest segment already processed) \ \ In other words, this segment is lower than the ones \ before it, so it is hidden by a hill LDA topTrackLine \ Set the pitch angle of entry Y to topTrackLine (this ADC #0 \ ADC instruction has no effect, as we know the C flag STA yVergeRight,Y \ is clear, so I'm not sure what it's doing here - a \ bit of debug code, perhaps?) LDA blockOffset \ If blockOffset is non-zero, loop back to hill2 to move BNE hill2 \ on to the next segment \ If we get here then blockOffset= 0, which will only \ be the case if we are working through the inner verge \ edges (rather than the outer edges), and we haven't \ done the following already \ \ In other words, the following is only done once, for \ the closest segment whose pitch angle dips below the \ segment in front of it (i.e. the closest crest of a \ hill) LDA topTrackLine \ Modify the DrawObject routine at dobj3 instruction #6 STA &1FEA \ so that objects get cut off at track line number \ topTrackLine instead of horizonLine when they are \ hidden behind a hill INY \ Increment Y so the call to gtrm2+6 calculates the \ track width for the previous (i.e. closer) segment in \ the verge buffer JSR gtrm2+6 \ Call the following routine, which has already been \ modified by this point to calculate the following for \ track segment Y (i.e. the segment in front of the \ current one): \ \ horizonTrackWidth \ = 0.8 * |xVergeRightHi - xVergeLeftHi| \ \ So this sets horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the track \ width of the crest of the hill DEY \ Decrement Y back to the correct value for the current \ entry in the verge buffer SEC \ Rotate a 1 into bit 7 of blockOffset so it is now ROR blockOffset \ non-zero, so we only set horizonTrackWidth once as we \ work through the verge buffer BMI hill2 \ Jump back to hill2 (this BMI is effectively a JMP as \ we just set bit 7 of blockOffset) .hill3 LDY vergeBufferEnd \ Set the values of Y and U so they are the same as they DEY \ would be at this point in the original code, without STY U \ the above code being run JMP hill4 \ Jump to part 2 EQUB &78, &78 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &78, &78 EQUB &00
Name: ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Modify the game code to support the extra track data
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CallTrackHook calls ModifyGameCode

The code modifications are done in four parts. The (modifyAddressHi modifyAddressLo) table contains the locations in the main game code that we want to modify. The (newContentHi newContentLo) table contains the new two-byte addresses that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify locations. This part also does a couple of single-byte modifications. This is also where the xTrackSegmentO table is built, once the modifications have been done. The routine is padded out to be exactly 40 bytes long, so there's one byte for each inner segment x-coordinate.
.ModifyGameCode LDX #18 \ We are about to modify 19 two-byte addresses in the \ main game code, so set a counter in X .mods1 LDA modifyAddressHi,X \ Set (U T)= the X-th entry in the (modifyAddressHi STA U \ modifyAddressLo) table, which contains the location LDA modifyAddressLo,X \ of the code to modify in the main game code STA T LDY #0 \ We now modify two bytes, so set an index in Y LDA newContentLo,X \ We want to modify the two-byte address at location \ (U T), setting it to the new address in the \ (newContentHi newContentLo) table, so set A to the \ low byte of the X-th entry from the table, i.e. to \ the low byte of the new address STA (T),Y \ Modify the byte at (U T) to the low byte of the new \ address in A INY \ Increment Y to point to the next byte LDA newContentHi,X \ Set A to the high byte of the X-th entry from the \ table, i.e. to the high byte of the new address STA (T),Y \ Modify the byte at (U T) + 1 to the high byte of the \ new address in A DEX \ Decrement the loop counter to move on to the next \ address to modify BPL mods1 \ Loop back until we have modified all 19 addresses LDA #&4C \ ?&261A= &4C (opcode for a JMP &xxxx instruction) STA &261A STA &248B \ ?&248B= &4C (opcode for a JMP &xxxx instruction) JMP mods2 \ Jump to part 2 EQUB &C8 \ This byte pads the routine out to exactly 40 bytes
Name: trackSubSize [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The size of each sub-section, i.e. the number of segments in each sub-section
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * UpdateDataPointers uses trackSubSize
.trackSubSize EQUB 83 \ Sub-section 0 EQUB 40 \ Sub-section 1 EQUB 22 \ Sub-section 2 EQUB 22 \ Sub-section 3 EQUB 7 \ Sub-section 4 EQUB 2 \ Sub-section 5 EQUB 20 \ Sub-section 6 EQUB 10 \ Sub-section 7 EQUB 7 \ Sub-section 8 EQUB 11 \ Sub-section 9 EQUB 34 \ Sub-section 10 EQUB 3 \ Sub-section 11 EQUB 19 \ Sub-section 12 EQUB 24 \ Sub-section 13 EQUB 16 \ Sub-section 14 EQUB 47 \ Sub-section 15 EQUB 34 \ Sub-section 16 EQUB 9 \ Sub-section 17 EQUB 25 \ Sub-section 18 EQUB 38 \ Sub-section 19 EQUB 23 \ Sub-section 20 EQUB 25 \ Sub-section 21 EQUB 6 \ Sub-section 22 EQUB 15 \ Sub-section 23 EQUB 35 \ Sub-section 24 EQUB 12 \ Sub-section 25 EQUB 26 \ Sub-section 26 EQUB 8 \ Sub-section 27 EQUB 7 \ Sub-section 28 EQUB 8 \ Sub-section 29 EQUB 28 \ Sub-section 30 EQUB 22 \ Sub-section 31 EQUB 6 \ Sub-section 32 EQUB 36 \ Sub-section 33 EQUB 27 \ Sub-section 34 EQUB 20 \ Sub-section 35 EQUB 21 \ Sub-section 36 EQUB 49 \ Sub-section 37 EQUB 10 \ Sub-section 38 EQUB 12 \ Sub-section 39 EQUB 7 \ Sub-section 40 EQUB 17 \ Sub-section 41 EQUB 29 \ Sub-section 42 EQUB 21 \ Sub-section 43 EQUB 4 \ Sub-section 44
Name: HookUpdateHorizon [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Only update the horizon if we have found fewer than 12 visible segments Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookUpdateHorizon * newContentLo calls HookUpdateHorizon

This routine is called from GetVergeAndMarkers so that we only store horizonLine and horizonListIndex when segmentCounter < 12.
.HookUpdateHorizon PHA \ Store A on the stack so we can retrieve it below LDA segmentCounter \ Set the C flag if segmentCounter >= 12 CMP #12 PLA \ Retrieve the value of A from the stack BCS upho1 \ If segmentCounter >= 12, jump to upho1 to skip the \ following two instructions \ Otherwise we set the horizon line and index using the \ same code that we overwrote with the call to the hook \ routine STA horizonLine \ This track segment is higher than the current horizon \ pitch angle, so the track obscures the horizon and we \ need to update horizonLine to this new pitch angle STY horizonListIndex \ Set horizonListIndex to the track segment number in Y .upho1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: zTrackSignVector [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * newContentHi uses zTrackSignVector * newContentLo uses zTrackSignVector
.zTrackSignVector EQUB 72 \ Sign 0= ( 1 << 6, -8 << 4, 72 << 6) + section 0 EQUB 13 \ Sign 1= ( -6 << 6, 6 << 4, 13 << 6) + section 2 EQUB -75 \ Sign 2= ( -5 << 6, 67 << 4, -75 << 6) + section 3 EQUB -33 \ Sign 3= ( 9 << 6, 35 << 4, -33 << 6) + section 5 EQUB -54 \ Sign 4= ( 28 << 6, 39 << 4, -54 << 6) + section 7 EQUB -3 \ Sign 5= ( 6 << 6, 12 << 4, -3 << 6) + section 9 EQUB -73 \ Sign 6= ( 9 << 6, 22 << 4, -73 << 6) + section 12 EQUB 20 \ Sign 7= ( -2 << 6, -6 << 4, 20 << 6) + section 14 EQUB 61 \ Sign 8= ( 0 << 6, -90 << 4, 61 << 6) + section 14 EQUB 4 \ Sign 9= ( 3 << 6, 9 << 4, 4 << 6) + section 14 EQUB 64 \ Sign 10= (-33 << 6, -6 << 4, 64 << 6) + section 18 EQUB -3 \ Sign 11= ( -5 << 6, 8 << 4, -3 << 6) + section 19 EQUB 3 \ Sign 12= ( -6 << 6, 9 << 4, 3 << 6) + section 20 EQUB 73 \ Sign 13= ( -1 << 6, 93 << 4, 73 << 6) + section 21 EQUB -66 \ Sign 14= (-39 << 6, 27 << 4, -66 << 6) + section 22 EQUB 41 \ Sign 15= ( 31 << 6, -11 << 4, 41 << 6) + section 23
Name: HookFixHorizon [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Apply the horizon line in A instead of horizonLine Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookFixHorizon * newContentLo calls HookFixHorizon

This routine is called from GetTrackAndMarkers. It does the following: * Cut objects off at the track line in A rather than horizonLine * Collapse the left verge of the track into the right verge, but only for a few entries just in front of the horizon section, i.e. for the track section list and the first three entries in the track segment list * If the track section at the horizon is one of sections 0 to 5, zero the vergeDataRight and vergeDataLeft entries for the horizon section index to hide the verge
Arguments: A The updated value of horizonLine Y The horizon section index in the verge buffer from horizonListIndex
.HookFixHorizon STA &1FEA \ Modify the DrawObject routine at dobj3 instruction #6 \ so that objects get cut off at the track line number \ in A instead of horizonLine when they are hidden \ behind a hill STA yVergeLeft,Y \ Set the pitch angle for the left side of the horizon \ line in the track verge buffer to the updated value of \ horizonLine (this is the instruction that we overwrote \ with the call to the hook routine, so this makes sure \ we still do this) \ We now work through the verge buffer from index Y up \ to index 8, and do the following for each entry: \ \ * If xVergeRight < xVergeLeft, set \ xVergeRight= xVergeLeft \ \ * Set yVergeRight= yVergeLeft \ \ This appears to squeeze the left verge of the track \ into the right verge, but only for a few entries just \ in front of the horizon section, i.e. for the track \ section list and the first three entries in the track \ segment list .coll1 LDA xVergeRightLo,Y \ Set A= xVergeRight - xVergeLeft for the horizon SEC \ SBC xVergeLeftLo,Y \ starting with the low bytes LDA xVergeRightHi,Y \ And then the high bytes SBC xVergeLeftHi,Y BPL coll2 \ If the result is positive, jump to coll2 to skip the \ following \ If we get here then the result is negative, so \ xVergeRight < xVergeLeft LDA xVergeRightLo,Y \ Set xVergeRight= xVergeLeft STA xVergeLeftLo,Y LDA xVergeRightHi,Y STA xVergeLeftHi,Y .coll2 LDA yVergeRight,Y \ Set yVergeRight= yVergeLeft STA yVergeLeft,Y CPY #6 \ If the horizon section index >= 6, jump to coll3 BCS coll3 \ If we get here then the track section at the horizon \ is one of sections 0 to 5 LDA #0 \ Zero the vergeDataRight and vergeDataLeft entries for STA vergeDataRight,Y \ the horizon section index STA vergeDataLeft,Y .coll3 INY \ Increment the verge buffer index CPY #9 \ Loop back until we have processed up to index 8 BCC coll1 LDY horizonListIndex \ Restore the value of Y that we had on entering the \ hook routine RTS \ Return from the subroutine
Name: HookSlopeJump [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Jump the car when driving fast over sloping segments Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 3) calls HookSlopeJump

This routine is called from part 5 of ApplyElevation to jump the car off the ground when driving fast over sloping segments. If the car is on the ground, replace the heightAboveTrack * 4 part of the car's y-coordinate calculation with playerSpeedHi * yTrackSegmentI * 4, to give: (yPlayerCoordTop yPlayerCoordHi)= (ySegmentCoordIHi ySegmentCoordILo) + carProgress * yTrackSegmentI + playerSpeedHi * yTrackSegmentI * 4 + 172 So driving fast over sloping segments can make the car jump.
Arguments: A Current value of heightAboveTrack
.HookSlopeJump BNE slop1 \ If A is non-zero, skip the following (so the hook has \ no effect when the car is off the ground) \ If we get here then heightAboveTrack= 0, so the car \ is on the ground LDA playerSpeedHi \ Set A= the high byte of the current speed JSR MultiplyHeight \ Set: \ \ A= A * yTrackSegmentI \ = playerSpeedHi * yTrackSegmentI \ \ The value given in yTrackSegmentI is the y-coordinate \ of the segment vector, i.e. the vector from this \ segment to the next, which is the same as the change \ in height as we move through the segment \ \ So this value is higher with greater speed and on \ segments that have higher slopes BPL slop1 \ If A is positive, skip the following instruction DEC W \ Decrement W to &FF, so (W A) has the correct sign .slop1 ASL A \ Implement the shifts that we overwrote with the call ROL W \ to the hook routine, so we have effectively inserted \ the above code into the main game RTS \ Return from the subroutine EQUB &F6, &F3 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &F0
Name: xTrackCurve [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The x-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CalcSegmentVector uses xTrackCurve
.xTrackCurve EQUB 0 \ Coordinate 0= (0, 120) EQUB 1 \ Coordinate 1= (1, 120) EQUB 3 \ Coordinate 2= (3, 120) EQUB 4 \ Coordinate 3= (4, 120) EQUB 6 \ Coordinate 4= (6, 120) EQUB 7 \ Coordinate 5= (7, 120) EQUB 9 \ Coordinate 6= (9, 120) EQUB 10 \ Coordinate 7= (10, 120) EQUB 12 \ Coordinate 8= (12, 119) EQUB 13 \ Coordinate 9= (13, 119) EQUB 15 \ Coordinate 10= (15, 119) EQUB 16 \ Coordinate 11= (16, 119) EQUB 18 \ Coordinate 12= (18, 119) EQUB 19 \ Coordinate 13= (19, 118) EQUB 21 \ Coordinate 14= (21, 118) EQUB 22 \ Coordinate 15= (22, 118) EQUB 23 \ Coordinate 16= (23, 118) EQUB 25 \ Coordinate 17= (25, 117) EQUB 26 \ Coordinate 18= (26, 117) EQUB 28 \ Coordinate 19= (28, 117) EQUB 29 \ Coordinate 20= (29, 116) EQUB 31 \ Coordinate 21= (31, 116) EQUB 32 \ Coordinate 22= (32, 116) EQUB 33 \ Coordinate 23= (33, 115) EQUB 35 \ Coordinate 24= (35, 115) EQUB 36 \ Coordinate 25= (36, 114) EQUB 38 \ Coordinate 26= (38, 114) EQUB 39 \ Coordinate 27= (39, 113) EQUB 40 \ Coordinate 28= (40, 113) EQUB 42 \ Coordinate 29= (42, 112) EQUB 43 \ Coordinate 30= (43, 112) EQUB 45 \ Coordinate 31= (45, 111) EQUB 46 \ Coordinate 32= (46, 111) EQUB 47 \ Coordinate 33= (47, 110) EQUB 49 \ Coordinate 34= (49, 110) EQUB 50 \ Coordinate 35= (50, 109) EQUB 51 \ Coordinate 36= (51, 108) EQUB 53 \ Coordinate 37= (53, 108) EQUB 54 \ Coordinate 38= (54, 107) EQUB 55 \ Coordinate 39= (55, 107) EQUB 57 \ Coordinate 40= (57, 106) EQUB 58 \ Coordinate 41= (58, 105) EQUB 59 \ Coordinate 42= (59, 104) EQUB 60 \ Coordinate 43= (60, 104) EQUB 62 \ Coordinate 44= (62, 103) EQUB 63 \ Coordinate 45= (63, 102) EQUB 64 \ Coordinate 46= (64, 101) EQUB 65 \ Coordinate 47= (65, 101) EQUB 67 \ Coordinate 48= (67, 100) EQUB 68 \ Coordinate 49= (68, 99) EQUB 69 \ Coordinate 50= (69, 98) EQUB 70 \ Coordinate 51= (70, 97) EQUB 71 \ Coordinate 52= (71, 96) EQUB 73 \ Coordinate 53= (73, 96) EQUB 74 \ Coordinate 54= (74, 95) EQUB 75 \ Coordinate 55= (75, 94) EQUB 76 \ Coordinate 56= (76, 93) EQUB 77 \ Coordinate 57= (77, 92) EQUB 78 \ Coordinate 58= (78, 91) EQUB 79 \ Coordinate 59= (79, 90) EQUB 81 \ Coordinate 60= (81, 89) EQUB 82 \ Coordinate 61= (82, 88) EQUB 83 \ Coordinate 62= (83, 87) EQUB 84 \ Coordinate 63= (84, 86) EQUB 85 \ Coordinate 64= (85, 85)
Name: ModifyGameCode (Part 2 of 3) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Modify the game code to support the extra track data
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

The code modifications are done in three parts. This is also where the zTrackSegmentO table is built, once the modifications have been done. The routine is exactly 40 bytes long, so there's one byte for each outer segment z-coordinate.
.mods2 LDA #&20 \ ?&1248= &20 (opcode for a JSR &xxxx instruction) STA &1248 STA &12FB \ ?&12FB= &20 (opcode for a JSR &xxxx instruction) STA &2538 \ ?&2538= &20 (opcode for a JSR &xxxx instruction) STA &45CB \ ?&45CB= &20 (opcode for a JSR &xxxx instruction) LDA #&EA \ ?&2545= &EA (opcode for a NOP instruction) STA &2545 LDA #22 \ ?&4F55= 22 (argument in a CMP #22 instruction) STA &4F55 STA &4F59 \ ?&4F59= 22 (argument in a CMP #22 instruction) LDA #13 \ ?&24EA= 13 (argument in a CMP #13 instruction) STA &24EA LDA #&A2 \ ?&1FE9= &A2 (opcode for a LDX # instruction) STA &1FE9 JMP mods3 \ Jump to part 3
Name: trackSlope [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The slope at the start of each track section
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * HookSectionFrom uses trackSlope
.trackSlope EQUB &FA \ Section 0= -6 EQUB &FA \ Section 1= -6 EQUB &E4 \ Section 2= -28 EQUB &E4 \ Section 3= -28 EQUB &EB \ Section 4= -21 EQUB &F6 \ Section 5= -10 EQUB &E3 \ Section 6= -29 EQUB &E3 \ Section 7= -29 EQUB &E3 \ Section 8= -29 EQUB &E3 \ Section 9= -29 EQUB &E3 \ Section 10= -29 EQUB &0E \ Section 11= 14 EQUB &27 \ Section 12= 39 EQUB &3E \ Section 13= 62 EQUB &3E \ Section 14= 62 EQUB &3E \ Section 15= 62 EQUB &2F \ Section 16= 47 EQUB &EF \ Section 17= -17 EQUB &EF \ Section 18= -17 EQUB &EF \ Section 19= -17 EQUB &D9 \ Section 20= -39 EQUB &EE \ Section 21= -18 EQUB &02 \ Section 22= 2 EQUB &33 \ Section 23= 51 EQUB &33 \ Section 24= 51 EQUB &1B \ Section 24= 27 EQUB &FE \ Section 24= -2 EQUB &47, &44 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &41
Name: trackYawAngleLo [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The low byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point)
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * HookSectionFrom uses trackYawAngleLo
.trackYawAngleLo EQUB &00 \ Section 0= &0000= 0= 0.0 degrees EQUB &00 \ Section 1= &0000= 0= 0.0 degrees EQUB &00 \ Section 2= &0000= 0= 0.0 degrees EQUB &58 \ Section 3= &3758= 14168= 77.8 degrees EQUB &0E \ Section 4= &ED0E= 60686= 333.4 degrees EQUB &0E \ Section 5= &ED0E= 60686= 333.4 degrees EQUB &0E \ Section 6= &ED0E= 60686= 333.4 degrees EQUB &76 \ Section 7= &B276= 45686= 251.0 degrees EQUB &76 \ Section 8= &B276= 45686= 251.0 degrees EQUB &56 \ Section 9= &0C56= 3158= 17.3 degrees EQUB &56 \ Section 10= &0C56= 3158= 17.3 degrees EQUB &3D \ Section 11= &F53D= 62781= 344.9 degrees EQUB &98 \ Section 12= &8098= 32920= 180.8 degrees EQUB &98 \ Section 13= &8098= 32920= 180.8 degrees EQUB &F7 \ Section 14= &53F7= 21495= 118.1 degrees EQUB &F7 \ Section 15= &53F7= 21495= 118.1 degrees EQUB &1A \ Section 16= &6D1A= 27930= 153.4 degrees EQUB &1A \ Section 17= &6D1A= 27930= 153.4 degrees EQUB &A1 \ Section 18= &31A1= 12705= 69.8 degrees EQUB &A1 \ Section 19= &31A1= 12705= 69.8 degrees EQUB &91 \ Section 20= &7C91= 31889= 175.2 degrees EQUB &91 \ Section 21= &7C91= 31889= 175.2 degrees EQUB &F5 \ Section 22= &95F5= 38389= 210.9 degrees EQUB &F5 \ Section 23= &95F5= 38389= 210.9 degrees EQUB &39 \ Section 24= &6D39= 27961= 153.6 degrees EQUB &D3 \ Section 24= &96D3= 38611= 212.1 degrees EQUB &D3 \ Section 24= &96D3= 38611= 212.1 degrees EQUB &19, &1C \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &1E
Name: trackYawAngleHi [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The high byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point)
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * HookSectionFrom uses trackYawAngleHi
.trackYawAngleHi EQUB &00 \ Section 0= &0000= 0= 0.0 degrees EQUB &00 \ Section 1= &0000= 0= 0.0 degrees EQUB &00 \ Section 2= &0000= 0= 0.0 degrees EQUB &37 \ Section 3= &3758= 14168= 77.8 degrees EQUB &ED \ Section 4= &ED0E= 60686= 333.4 degrees EQUB &ED \ Section 5= &ED0E= 60686= 333.4 degrees EQUB &ED \ Section 6= &ED0E= 60686= 333.4 degrees EQUB &B2 \ Section 7= &B276= 45686= 251.0 degrees EQUB &B2 \ Section 8= &B276= 45686= 251.0 degrees EQUB &0C \ Section 9= &0C56= 3158= 17.3 degrees EQUB &0C \ Section 10= &0C56= 3158= 17.3 degrees EQUB &F5 \ Section 11= &F53D= 62781= 344.9 degrees EQUB &80 \ Section 12= &8098= 32920= 180.8 degrees EQUB &80 \ Section 13= &8098= 32920= 180.8 degrees EQUB &53 \ Section 14= &53F7= 21495= 118.1 degrees EQUB &53 \ Section 15= &53F7= 21495= 118.1 degrees EQUB &6D \ Section 16= &6D1A= 27930= 153.4 degrees EQUB &6D \ Section 17= &6D1A= 27930= 153.4 degrees EQUB &31 \ Section 18= &31A1= 12705= 69.8 degrees EQUB &31 \ Section 19= &31A1= 12705= 69.8 degrees EQUB &7C \ Section 20= &7C91= 31889= 175.2 degrees EQUB &7C \ Section 21= &7C91= 31889= 175.2 degrees EQUB &95 \ Section 22= &95F5= 38389= 210.9 degrees EQUB &95 \ Section 23= &95F5= 38389= 210.9 degrees EQUB &6D \ Section 24= &6D39= 27961= 153.6 degrees EQUB &96 \ Section 24= &96D3= 38611= 212.1 degrees EQUB &96 \ Section 24= &96D3= 38611= 212.1 degrees EQUB &C3, &BF \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &BC
Name: trackSubConfig [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Configuration data for each section that defines the sub-section numbers, and horizon calculations
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * HookSectionFrom uses trackSubConfig

Each section has a trackSubConfig value that contains the following data: * Bits 2 to 7= the number of the first sub-section in this section * Bit 1= if this is set, then in the horizon calculations, we skip the check that sets horizonLine to 7 * Bit 0= if this is set, then the segment vectors for this section are generated as a straight track rather than using the curve tables (this bit is only set for straight sections) In the last one, if bit 0 is set then bit 7 of subSection gets set. This makes us skip the first part of the SetSegmentVector routine, which means we do not update the yaw angle or track height before calculating the segment vector. This means we reuse the segment vector from the end of the previous section for generating this track section. This is only done for straight sections, and the main game code draws straight sections by simply adding the same track segment vector for each segment in the straight, so setting bit 0 of a section's trackSubConfig ensures that it heads off in a straight line in the exact same direction as the tail end of the preceding section.
.trackSubConfig EQUB %00000000 \ Section 0= 000000 0 0 From 0 check curve EQUB %00000100 \ Section 1= 000001 0 0 From 1 check curve EQUB %00010010 \ Section 2= 000100 1 0 From 4 no check curve EQUB %00011010 \ Section 3= 000110 1 0 From 6 no check curve EQUB %00100110 \ Section 4= 001001 1 0 From 9 no check curve EQUB %00101110 \ Section 5= 001011 1 0 From 11 no check curve EQUB %00110110 \ Section 6= 001101 1 0 From 13 no check curve EQUB %00111011 \ Section 7= 001110 1 1 From 14 no check straight EQUB %00111010 \ Section 8= 001110 1 0 From 14 no check curve EQUB %00111111 \ Section 9= 001111 1 1 From 15 no check straight EQUB %00111110 \ Section 10= 001111 1 0 From 15 no check curve EQUB %01001010 \ Section 11= 010010 1 0 From 18 no check curve EQUB %01001110 \ Section 12= 010011 1 0 From 19 no check curve EQUB %01010110 \ Section 13= 010101 1 0 From 21 no check curve EQUB %01011010 \ Section 14= 010110 1 0 From 22 no check curve EQUB %01011110 \ Section 15= 010111 1 0 From 23 no check curve EQUB %01100000 \ Section 16= 011000 0 0 From 24 check curve EQUB %01110010 \ Section 17= 011100 1 0 From 28 no check curve EQUB %01111010 \ Section 18= 011110 1 0 From 30 no check curve EQUB %01111110 \ Section 19= 011111 1 0 From 31 no check curve EQUB %10000010 \ Section 20= 100000 1 0 From 32 no check curve EQUB %10001110 \ Section 21= 100011 1 0 From 35 no check curve EQUB %10010010 \ Section 22= 100100 1 0 From 36 no check curve EQUB %10011110 \ Section 23= 100111 1 0 From 39 no check curve EQUB %10100010 \ Section 24= 101000 1 0 From 40 no check curve EQUB %10101010 \ Section 25= 101010 1 0 From 42 no check curve EQUB %10101110 \ Section 26= 101011 1 0 From 43 no check curve EQUB &D3, &D3 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &D3
Name: trackSteering [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * newContentHi uses trackSteering * newContentLo uses trackSteering

The following bytes are copied to sectionSteering by the GetSectionSteering routine, and are processed on the way. * Bit 0 becomes bit 7 of the result, to determine the direction of steering (shown with a directional arrow below) * Bit 1 clear means the result is multiplied by baseSpeed, so steering on straight sections is proportional to the track speed (this is shown with an asterisk * below) * Bits 2 to 7 contain the amount of steering to apply The processed values are shown below. Some of the trackSteering values have been scaled down by a factor of 1.44 from the Commodore 64 version. This applies to sections that have bit 7 of trackSectionFlag set. The scaled sections are 2, 6, 8, 11, 17, 19 and 23. See part 2 of the track section data for each section's trackSectionFlag, where Sp=1 denotes sections with bit 7 of trackSectionFlag set.
.trackSteering EQUB %00011000 \ Section 0= 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 1= 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %01000111 \ Section 2= 010001 1 1 -> 17 (25 / 1.44) EQUB %01001000 \ Section 3= 010010 0 0 <- 18* EQUB %00011001 \ Section 4= 000110 0 1 -> 6* EQUB %00011001 \ Section 5= 000110 0 1 -> 6* EQUB %00111010 \ Section 6= 001110 1 0 <- 14 (20 / 1.44) EQUB %00110000 \ Section 7= 001100 0 0 <- 12* EQUB %00110011 \ Section 8= 001100 1 1 -> 12 (17 / 1.44) EQUB %00011000 \ Section 9= 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 10= 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00101011 \ Section 11= 001010 1 1 -> 10 (14 / 1.44) EQUB %00011001 \ Section 12= 000110 0 1 -> 6* EQUB %00111100 \ Section 13= 001111 0 0 <- 15* EQUB %00000000 \ Section 14= 000000 0 0 <- 0* EQUB %00111101 \ Section 15= 001111 0 1 -> 15* EQUB %00011001 \ Section 16= 000110 0 1 -> 6* EQUB %00111010 \ Section 17= 001110 1 0 <- 14 (20 / 1.44) EQUB %01010000 \ Section 18= 010100 0 0 <- 20* EQUB %00111011 \ Section 19= 001110 1 1 -> 14 (20 / 1.44) EQUB %00011000 \ Section 20= 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00111101 \ Section 21= 001111 0 1 -> 15* EQUB %00100001 \ Section 22= 001000 0 1 -> 8* EQUB %01001010 \ Section 23= 010010 1 0 <- 18 (26 / 1.44) EQUB %01110001 \ Section 24= 011100 0 1 -> 28* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 25= 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00101111 \ Section 26= 001011 1 1 -> 11 (16 / 1.44) EQUB &18, &A9 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &AA, &AA
Name: zTrackCurve [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The z-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CalcSegmentVector uses zTrackCurve
.zTrackCurve EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 0= (0, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 1= (1, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 2= (3, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 3= (4, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 4= (6, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 5= (7, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 6= (9, 120) EQUB 120 \ Coordinate 7= (10, 120) EQUB 119 \ Coordinate 8= (12, 119) EQUB 119 \ Coordinate 9= (13, 119) EQUB 119 \ Coordinate 10= (15, 119) EQUB 119 \ Coordinate 11= (16, 119) EQUB 119 \ Coordinate 12= (18, 119) EQUB 118 \ Coordinate 13= (19, 118) EQUB 118 \ Coordinate 14= (21, 118) EQUB 118 \ Coordinate 15= (22, 118) EQUB 118 \ Coordinate 16= (23, 118) EQUB 117 \ Coordinate 17= (25, 117) EQUB 117 \ Coordinate 18= (26, 117) EQUB 117 \ Coordinate 19= (28, 117) EQUB 116 \ Coordinate 20= (29, 116) EQUB 116 \ Coordinate 21= (31, 116) EQUB 116 \ Coordinate 22= (32, 116) EQUB 115 \ Coordinate 23= (33, 115) EQUB 115 \ Coordinate 24= (35, 115) EQUB 114 \ Coordinate 25= (36, 114) EQUB 114 \ Coordinate 26= (38, 114) EQUB 113 \ Coordinate 27= (39, 113) EQUB 113 \ Coordinate 28= (40, 113) EQUB 112 \ Coordinate 29= (42, 112) EQUB 112 \ Coordinate 30= (43, 112) EQUB 111 \ Coordinate 31= (45, 111) EQUB 111 \ Coordinate 32= (46, 111) EQUB 110 \ Coordinate 33= (47, 110) EQUB 110 \ Coordinate 34= (49, 110) EQUB 109 \ Coordinate 35= (50, 109) EQUB 108 \ Coordinate 36= (51, 108) EQUB 108 \ Coordinate 37= (53, 108) EQUB 107 \ Coordinate 38= (54, 107) EQUB 107 \ Coordinate 39= (55, 107) EQUB 106 \ Coordinate 40= (57, 106) EQUB 105 \ Coordinate 41= (58, 105) EQUB 104 \ Coordinate 42= (59, 104) EQUB 104 \ Coordinate 43= (60, 104) EQUB 103 \ Coordinate 44= (62, 103) EQUB 102 \ Coordinate 45= (63, 102) EQUB 101 \ Coordinate 46= (64, 101) EQUB 101 \ Coordinate 47= (65, 101) EQUB 100 \ Coordinate 48= (67, 100) EQUB 99 \ Coordinate 49= (68, 99) EQUB 98 \ Coordinate 50= (69, 98) EQUB 97 \ Coordinate 51= (70, 97) EQUB 96 \ Coordinate 52= (71, 96) EQUB 96 \ Coordinate 53= (73, 96) EQUB 95 \ Coordinate 54= (74, 95) EQUB 94 \ Coordinate 55= (75, 94) EQUB 93 \ Coordinate 56= (76, 93) EQUB 92 \ Coordinate 57= (77, 92) EQUB 91 \ Coordinate 58= (78, 91) EQUB 90 \ Coordinate 59= (79, 90) EQUB 89 \ Coordinate 60= (81, 89) EQUB 88 \ Coordinate 61= (82, 88) EQUB 87 \ Coordinate 62= (83, 87) EQUB 86 \ Coordinate 63= (84, 86) EQUB 85 \ Coordinate 64= (85, 85)
Name: Track section data (Part 2 of 2) [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Data for the track sections Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The Nürburgring consists of the following track sections: 0 || Romer Kurve to Castrol-S (1/2) 1 {} Romer Kurve to Castrol-S (2/2) 2 |->| Castrol-S (1/2) 3 <- Castrol-S (2/2) 4 {} Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (1/4) 5 {} Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (2/4) 6 <- Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (3/4) 7 || Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (4/4) 8 -> Ford Kurve 9 || Ford Kurve top Dunlop Kehre (1/2) 10 |<-| Ford Kurve top Dunlop Kehre (2/2) 11 -> Dunlop Kehre 12 {} Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (1/7) 13 <- Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (2/7) 14 || Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (3/7) 15 -> Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (4/7) 16 {} Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (5/7) 17 <- Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (6/7) 18 || Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (7/7) 19 -> Bit Kurve 20 {} Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (1/3) 21 -> Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (2/3) 22 {} Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (3/3) 23 <- Veedol Schikane (1/2) 24 -> Veedol Schikane (2/2) 25 {} Veedol Schikane to Romer Kurve 26 -> Romer Kurve where each section is one of the following shapes: || is a straight section that doesn't curve to the left or right, and has the same gradient throughout the whole section {} is a straight section in the sense that it doesn't curve to the left or right, but the gradient can differ between sub-sections -> consists of sub-sections that all curve to the right <- consists of sub-sections that all curve to the left |->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the right |<-| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left |<->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left or right This part defines the following aspects of these track sections: trackSectionFlag Various flags for the track section The abbreviations in brackets are used to show the values of section's flags in the comments below * Bit 0: Section shape (Sh) * 0= straight section (only one segment vector) * 1= curved section (multiple segment vectors) * Bit 1: Colour of left verge marks (Vc) * 0= black-and-white verge marks * 1= red-and-white verge marks * Bit 2: Colour of right verge marks (Vc) * 0= black-and-white verge marks * 1= red-and-white verge marks * Bit 3: Show corner markers on right (Mlr) * 0= do not show corner markers to the right of the track * 1= show corner markers to the right of the track * Bit 4: Show corner markers on left (Mlr) * 0= do not show corner markers to the left of the track * 1= show corner markers to the left of the track * Bit 5: Corner marker colours (Mc) * 0= show all corner markers in white * 1= show corner markers in red or white, as appropriate * Bit 6: Enable hooks to generate segment vectors (G) * 0= disable HookDataPointers and HookSegmentVector * 1= enable HookDataPointers and HookSegmentVector * Bit 7: Section has a maximum speed (Sp) * 0= this section has no maximum speed * 1= this section has a maximum speed xTrackSectionILo Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section yTrackSectionILo Low byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section zTrackSectionILo Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section xTrackSectionOLo Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionFrom The number of the first segment vector in each section, which enables us to fetch the segment vectors for a given track section (note that because the segment vectors in this track are dynamically generated, this value points to the position in the segment vector table where the section's first vector will be stored once it is generated) zTrackSectionOLo Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionSize The length of each track section in terms of segments
\ Track section 0 EQUB %01000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &E0 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &40 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1F40= 8000 EQUB &00 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &0000= 0 EQUB &BF \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 1 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &00 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &0000= 0 EQUB 83 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 1 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &E0 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &4E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1D4E= 7502 EQUB &E8 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &26E8= 9960 EQUB &BF \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 5 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &E8 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &26E8= 9960 EQUB 84 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 2 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &E0 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &75 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1875= 6261 EQUB &48 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &4E48= 20040 EQUB &BF \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 10 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &48 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &4E48= 20040 EQUB 9 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 3 EQUB %01110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &E8 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &31E8= 12776 EQUB &79 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1779= 6009 EQUB &AB \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &50AB= 20651 EQUB &A9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &31A9= 12713 EQUB 20 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &C4 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &51C4= 20932 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 4 EQUB %01000100 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=10 Sh=0 EQUB &79 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3579= 13689 EQUB &89 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1389= 5001 EQUB &34 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &5F34= 24372 EQUB &77 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3477= 13431 EQUB 18 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B2 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &5EB2= 24242 EQUB 45 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 5 EQUB %01101000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &FB \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2BFB= 11259 EQUB &90 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1190= 4496 EQUB &03 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7203= 29187 EQUB &F9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2AF9= 11001 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &81 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7181= 29057 EQUB 22 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 6 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &57 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2757= 10071 EQUB &F6 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0FF6= 4086 EQUB &35 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7B35= 31541 EQUB &55 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2655= 9813 EQUB 7 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B3 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7AB3= 31411 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 7 EQUB %00110100 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=10 Sh=0 EQUB &AB \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1DAB= 7595 EQUB &3E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0D3E= 3390 EQUB &C1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7EC1= 32449 EQUB &0B \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1E0B= 7691 EQUB 32 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B1 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7DB1= 32177 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 8 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &9B \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &169B= 5787 EQUB &6E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0B6E= 2926 EQUB &41 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7C41= 31809 EQUB &FB \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &16FB= 5883 EQUB 34 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &31 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7B31= 31537 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 9 EQUB %00000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &85 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1285= 4741 EQUB &9E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &099E= 2462 EQUB &C3 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &80C3= -32573 EQUB &70 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1170= 4464 EQUB 11 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &17 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &8117= -32489 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 10 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &1E \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &151E= 5406 EQUB &77 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0777= 1911 EQUB &4C \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &894C= -30388 EQUB &09 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1409= 5129 EQUB 12 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A0 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &89A0= -30304 EQUB 90 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 11 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &5D \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &145D= 5213 EQUB &F7 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &00F7= 247 EQUB &D6 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &B2D6= -19754 EQUB &45 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1345= 4933 EQUB 22 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &89 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &B289= -19831 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 12 EQUB %01101010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &24 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1B24= 6948 EQUB &9A \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &039A= 922 EQUB &41 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &B341= -19647 EQUB &44 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1C44= 7236 EQUB 7 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &3E \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &B33E= -19650 EQUB 61 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 13 EQUB %01110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &E7 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1AE7= 6887 EQUB &F9 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0DF9= 3577 EQUB &A9 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &96A9= -26967 EQUB &07 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1C07= 7175 EQUB 28 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A6 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &96A6= -26970 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 14 EQUB %01000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &D8 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &20D8= 8408 EQUB &07 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1407= 5127 EQUB &3B \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &8D3B= -29381 EQUB &5C \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &215C= 8540 EQUB 13 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &3C \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &8E3C= -29124 EQUB 6 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 15 EQUB %01101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &5A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &235A= 9050 EQUB &7B \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &157B= 5499 EQUB &F1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &8BF1= -29711 EQUB &DE \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &23DE= 9182 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &F2 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &8CF2= -29454 EQUB 15 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 16 EQUB %01101010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &1C \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &281C= 10268 EQUB &A5 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &18A5= 6309 EQUB &EA \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &86EA= -30998 EQUB &1D \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &291D= 10525 EQUB 34 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &6B \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &876B= -30869 EQUB 81 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 17 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &32 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3932= 14642 EQUB &40 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &2140= 8512 EQUB &0F \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &650F= 25871 EQUB &33 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3A33= 14899 EQUB 35 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &90 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &6590= 26000 EQUB 15 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 18 EQUB %01110100 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=10 Sh=0 EQUB &4A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3F4A= 16202 EQUB &41 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &2041= 8257 EQUB &06 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &6306= 25350 EQUB &E4 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3EE4= 16100 EQUB 10 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &13 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &6413= 25619 EQUB 28 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 19 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &8A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &4B8A= 19338 EQUB &65 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1E65= 7781 EQUB &9E \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &679E= 26526 EQUB &24 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &4B24= 19236 EQUB 38 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &AB \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &68AB= 26795 EQUB 22 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 20 EQUB %01110010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &E5 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &52E5= 21221 EQUB &F2 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1BF2= 7154 EQUB &8F \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &628F= 25231 EQUB &05 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &5405= 21509 EQUB 20 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A7 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &62A7= 25255 EQUB 69 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 21 EQUB %01101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &97 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &5597= 21911 EQUB &5A \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &115A= 4442 EQUB &37 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &4237= 16951 EQUB &B7 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &56B7= 22199 EQUB 9 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &4F \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &424F= 16975 EQUB 20 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 22 EQUB %01101010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &6F \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &536F= 21359 EQUB &C4 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &10C4= 4292 EQUB &41 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &3941= 14657 EQUB &69 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &5469= 21609 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B0 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &38B0= 14512 EQUB 80 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 23 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &AF \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &40AF= 16559 EQUB &17 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1817= 6167 EQUB &C1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &18C1= 6337 EQUB &A9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &41A9= 16809 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &30 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &1830= 6192 EQUB 12 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 24 EQUB %01101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &BC \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &40BC= 16572 EQUB &7B \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1A7B= 6779 EQUB &5C \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &135C= 4956 EQUB &BD \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &41BD= 16829 EQUB 1 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &DD \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &13DD= 5085 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 25 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &48 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3E48= 15944 EQUB &17 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1E17= 7703 EQUB &C0 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &08C0= 2240 EQUB &3D \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3F3D= 16189 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &28 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &0828= 2088 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 26 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &25 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3725= 14117 EQUB &73 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1F73= 8051 EQUB &32 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &FD32= -718 EQUB &1A \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &381A= 14362 EQUB 14 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &9A \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &FC9A= -870 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize EQUB &42 \ This byte appears to be unused
Name: HookJoystick (Part 1 of 2) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookJoystick * newContentLo calls HookJoystick

This routine is called from ProcessDrivingKeys to scale the steering in the following sections to make it easier to steer when using a joystick: * Section 8: scale the steering by 1.28 * Section 11: scale the steering by 1.37 * Section 26: scale the steering by 1.25 Specifically, the scaling is applied as follows: (A T)= scale_factor * x-axis ^ 2 which replaces this existing code in ProcessDrivingKeys: (A T)= x-axis^2
Arguments: U The joystick x-axis high byte A The joystick x-axis high byte Z flag Set if A= 0
.HookJoystick PHP \ Store the status flags and A on the stack, so we can PHA \ use them in the steering calculation LDY currentPlayer \ Set A to the track section number * 8 for the current LDA objTrackSection,Y \ player LDY #181 \ Set Y= 181 so by default we scale the steering by \ 1.00 CMP #88 \ If the track section <> 88 (i.e. section 11), jump to BNE joys1 \ joys1 to keep checking LDY #212 \ Set Y= 212 so we scale the steering by 1.37 .joys1 CMP #64 \ If the track section <> 64 (i.e. section 8), jump to BNE joys2 \ joys2 to keep checking LDY #205 \ Set Y= 205 so we scale the steering by 1.28 .joys2 CMP #208 \ If the track section <> 208 (i.e. section 26), jump to BNE joys3 \ joys3 to keep checking LDY #202 \ Set Y= 202 so we scale the steering by 1.25 .joys3 TYA \ Set A= Y \ \ So A is 181, 202, 205 or 212 JMP joys4 \ Jump to part 2 to scale the steering EQUB &B5, &B8 \ These bytes appear to be unused
Name: trackSectionCount [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The total number of track sections * 8 Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
EQUB 27 * 8
Name: trackVectorCount [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Track data Summary: The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
Name: trackLength [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Track data Summary: The length of the full track in terms of segments Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The highest segment number is this value minus 1, as segment numbers start from zero.
EQUW 982 \ Segments are numbered from 0 to 981
Name: trackStartLine [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Track data Summary: The segment number of the starting line Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

This is the segment number of the starting line, expressed as the number of segments from the starting line to the start of section 0, counting forwards around the track. If the starting line is at segment n, this value is the track length minus n.
EQUW 982 - 38 \ The starting line is at segment 38
Name: trackLapTimeSec [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

If the slowest lap time is a human player, and it's slower than one of these times, then we change the race class to the relevant difficulty. This figure is stored in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD).
EQUB &45 \ Set class to Novice if slowest lap time > 1:45 EQUB &41 \ Set class to Amateur if slowest lap time > 1:41 EQUB 0 \ Otherwise set class to Professional
Name: trackLapTimeMin [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

If the slowest lap time is a human player, and it's slower than one of these times, then we change the race class to the relevant difficulty.
EQUB 1 \ Set class to Novice if slowest lap time > 1:45 EQUB 1 \ Set class to Amateur if slowest lap time > 1:41 EQUB 0 \ Otherwise set class to Professional
Name: trackGearRatio [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The gear ratio for each gear Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The rev count is calculated by multiplying the track gear ratio by the current speed, so lower gears correspond to more revs at the same wheel speed when compared to higher gears. These figures have been scaled up by a factor of 1.44 from the Commodore 64 track data, to bring them in line with the other BBC Micro tracks. The values from the Commodore 64 version are 72, 0, 72, 47, 40, 35 and 30.
EQUB 104 \ Reverse EQUB 0 \ Neutral EQUB 104 \ First gear EQUB 68 \ Second gear EQUB 58 \ Third gear EQUB 51 \ Fourth gear EQUB 43 \ Fifth gear
Name: trackGearPower [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The power for each gear Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The engine torque is calculated by multiplying the rev count by the power for the relevant gear, so lower gears create more torque at the same rev count when compared to higher gears.
EQUB 168 \ Reverse EQUB 0 \ Neutral EQUB 168 \ First gear EQUB 111 \ Second gear EQUB 93 \ Third gear EQUB 82 \ Fourth gear EQUB 70 \ Fifth gear
Name: trackBaseSpeed [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

These figures have been scaled down by a factor of around 2/3 compared to the Commodore 64 track data, so the race times match those from the Commodore 64. The values from the Commodore 64 version are 194, 211 and 220.
EQUB 130 \ Base speed for Novice EQUB 140 \ Base speed for Amateur EQUB 145 \ Base speed for Professional
Name: trackStartPosition [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
Name: trackCarSpacing [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
Name: trackTimerAdjust [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The value of the timerAdjust variable in the main game code is incremented on every iteration of the main driving loop. When it reaches the value in trackTimerAdjust, the timers add 18/100 of a second rather than 9/100 of a second. Increasing this value therefore speeds up the timers, allowing their speed to be adjusted on a per-track basis. Setting this value to 255 disables the timer adjustment. The value from the Commodore 64 version is 25.
Name: trackRaceSlowdown [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

Reduce the speed of all cars in a race by this amount (this does not affect the speed during qualifying). I suspect this is used for testing purposes.
Name: HookFirstSegment [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and calculate the segment vector Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Dynamic track generation in the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookFirstSegment * newContentLo calls HookFirstSegment

This routine is called from GetFirstSegment so we do the following when fetching the first segment in a section: * Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track * Update the sub-section and sub-section segment pointers accordingly * Calculate the track segment vector on-the-fly for curved sections This ensures that the first segment is set up correctly.
.HookFirstSegment JSR MoveToNextVector \ Move to the next to the next segment vector along the \ track and update the pointers JMP CalcSegmentVector \ Calculate the segment vector for the current segment \ and put it in the xSegmentVectorI, ySegmentVectorI, \ zSegmentVectorI, xSegmentVectorO and zSegmentVectorO \ tables, returning from the subroutine using a tail \ call EQUB &00 \ This byte appears to be unused
Name: CallTrackHook [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: The track file's hook code Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
.CallTrackHook JMP ModifyGameCode \ Modify the main game code
Name: trackChecksum [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The track file's checksum Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track Backporting the Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
.trackChecksum EQUB &6B \ Counts the number of data bytes ending in %00 EQUB &EA \ Counts the number of data bytes ending in %01 EQUB &5E \ Counts the number of data bytes ending in %10 EQUB &72 \ Counts the number of data bytes ending in %11
Name: trackGameName [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The game name Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

This string is checked by the loader to see whether a track file has been loaded (and if not, it loads one).
.trackGameName EQUS "REVS" \ Game name
Name: trackName [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The track name Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

This string is shown on the loading screen.
.trackName EQUS "Nurburgring" \ Track name EQUB 13 EQUB &00, &00 \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &4C EQUB &00, &57 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &00, &92 EQUB &5D, &28 EQUB &00, &03 EQUB &33, &00 EQUB &8B, &3B EQUB &80, &00 EQUB &00, &8B EQUB &3B, &80 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &8B, &3B EQUB &80, &00 EQUB &00, &8B EQUB &47, &A0 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &8B, &55 EQUB &E4, &00 EQUB &00, &8B EQUB &2F, &EC EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &8B, &1D EQUB &5C, &00 EQUB &00, &8A EQUB &6D, &58 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &8A, &34 EQUB &D8, &00 EQUB &00, &8A EQUB &14, &28 EQUB &00, &00 EQUB &8A, &28 EQUB &F0, &00 EQUB &00, &8A EQUB &22
Save Nurburgring.bin
SAVE "3-assembled-output/Nurburgring.bin", CODE%, P%