This index contains every subroutine, entry point, variable, workspace and macro that appears in the source code for Revs, sorted alphabetically.
Name | Category | Description |
Absolute16Bit | Maths (Arithmetic) | Calculate the absolute value (modulus) of a 16-bit number |
Absolute8Bit | Maths (Arithmetic) | Calculate the absolute value (modulus) of an 8-bit number |
AddCoords | Maths (Geometry) | Add to a specified coordinate variable |
AddRacePoints | Drivers | Add the race points to the driver's total points |
AddScaledVector | Maths (Geometry) | Add a scaled vector to another vector, one axis at a time |
AddSteeringForce | Driving model | Add the steering force to xVelocity or xTyreForceNose |
AddTimeToTimer | Drivers | Add time to the specified timer |
AddVectors | Maths (Geometry) | Add two three-axis vectors together |
AnimateTyres | Dashboard | Update screen memory to animate the tyres |
ApplyBounce | Driving model | Apply a bounce to the player's car when it hits the ground |
ApplyDeltas | Driving model | Apply the deltas in the x-axis and z-axis to the player's coordinates |
ApplyDrivingModel | Driving model | Apply the driving model to the player's car |
ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) | Driving model | Calculate changes in the car's elevation |
ApplyElevation (Part 2 of 5) | Driving model | Calculate the player's heading and sideways flag |
ApplyElevation (Part 3 of 5) | Driving model | Calculate player's elevation above the track |
ApplyElevation (Part 4 of 5) | Driving model | Calculate the height of the car above the track |
ApplyElevation (Part 5 of 5) | Driving model | Calculate the player's 3D y-coordinate and progress speed |
ApplyEngine | Driving model | Apply the effects of the engine |
ApplyGrassOrTrack | Driving model | Apply the effects of driving or braking on grass |
ApplyLimitAndSign | Driving model | Apply a maximum limit and a sign to a 16-bit number |
ApplyLimitThrottle | Driving model | Apply a maximum limit to a 16-bit number, unless the throttle is being applied |
ApplySkidForces | Driving model | Calculate the tyre forces when the car is skidding |
ApplySpinYaw | Driving model | Calculate variables based on the spin yaw angle |
ApplySteeringForce | Driving model | Apply steering to xTyreForceNose and zTyreForceNose |
ApplySteeringSpeed | Driving model | Apply steering to the car's speed in xVelocity and zVelocity |
ApplyTyreForces | Driving model | Calculate the tyre forces on the car |
ApplyTyresAndSkids | Driving model | Calculate the forces on the front or rear tyres and apply skid forces and sound effects where applicable |
ApplyVergeJump | Driving model | Apply a jump to the player's car when hitting the track verge |
ApplyWingBalance | Driving model | Apply the effect of the wing settings |
arctanY | Maths (Geometry) | Table for arctan values when calculating yaw angles |
AssistSteering | Tactics | Apply computer assisted steering (CAS) when configured |
AssistSteeringKeys | Tactics | For keyboard-controlled steering |
AwardRacePoints | Drivers | Award points following a race |
backgroundColour | Screen buffer | The background colour for each track line |
backgroundLeft | Workspace variable | Details of the verge colour for the left side of the verge edge we are drawing, to use as the track line's background colour |
backgroundRight | Workspace variable | Details of the verge colour for the right side of the verge edge we are drawing, to use as the track line's background colour |
baseSpeed | Drivers | The base speed for each car, copied from the track data |
bestLapMinutes | Workspace variable | Minutes of each driver's best lap time, stored in BCD |
bestLapSeconds | Workspace variable | Seconds of each driver's best lap time, stored in BCD |
bestLapTenths | Workspace variable | Tenths of seconds of each driver's best lap time, stored in BCD |
blockCounter | Workspace variable | A counter for the dash data block we are processing |
blockEndHi | Setup | High byte of the end address of blocks moved by the MoveCode routine |
blockEndLo | Setup | Low byte of the end address of blocks moved by the MoveCode routine |
blockNumber | Workspace variable | The dash data block number for the current edge |
blockOffset | Workspace variable | The dash data offset for the current edge |
blockStartHi | Setup | High byte of the start address of blocks moved by the MoveCode routine |
blockStartLo | Setup | Low byte of the start address of blocks moved by the MoveCode routine |
blockToHi | Setup | High byte of the destination address of blocks moved by the MoveCode routine |
blockToLo | Setup | Low byte of the destination address of blocks moved by the MoveCode routine |
bottomTrackLine | Workspace variable | The bottom track line for the current object part |
BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) | 3D objects | Calculate the 3D coordinate of the specified car |
BuildCarObjects (Part 2 of 3) | 3D objects | Add the racing line to the 3D coordinate of the specified car |
BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) | 3D objects | Calculate the screen coordinates of all the objects in the specified car |
BuildPlayerCar | 3D objects | Build the objects for the player's car |
BuildPlayerCar-1 | 3D objects | Contains an RTS |
BuildRoadSign | 3D objects | Create an object for the road sign |
BuildVisibleCar | 3D objects | Check the distance to the specified car and build the car object if it is close enough |
bumpyGrassHeight | Workspace variable | The height of the bumps when driving over grass, which fluctuates randomly in the range 1 to 7 |
byte2 | Screen buffer | Only draw pixel bytes 26 to 39 |
CalcRevsNoTorque | Driving model | Calculate the value of the rev counter according to the throttle being applied and zero the engine torque |
CalcRevsNoTorque-2 | Driving model | Set clutchEngaged to A before running the routine |
CalcSegmentVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Calculate the segment vector for the current segment |
CalcSegmentVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Calculate the segment vector for the current segment |
CalcSegmentVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Calculate the segment vector for the current segment |
CalcSegmentVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Calculate the segment vector for the current segment |
CalcSegmentVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Calculate the segment vector for the current segment |
CallTrackHook | Setup | The track file's hook code |
CallTrackHook (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The track file's hook code |
CallTrackHook (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The track file's hook code |
CallTrackHook (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The track file's hook code |
CallTrackHook (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The track file's hook code |
CallTrackHook (Silverstone) | Track data | The track file's hook code |
CallTrackHook (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The track file's hook code |
carProgress | Workspace variable | Lowest byte of each car's progress through the segment it's in |
carRacingLine | Workspace variable | Each car's position on the track in the x-axis |
carSectionSpeed | Workspace variable | Set to the driver speed for the next track section, which is taken from the track data and used to set the section's maximum speed for non-player drivers |
carSpeedHi | Workspace variable | High byte of each car's forward speed |
carSpeedLo | Car geometry | Low byte of each car's forward speed |
carStatus | Workspace variable | Each car's status byte |
carSteering | Workspace variable | Contains the steering to apply to each car |
ChangeDirection | Car geometry | Update the track segment buffer when the player's car spins so it changes the direction in which it is facing along the track |
ChangeDirection-1 | Car geometry | Contains an RTS |
characterDef | Text | Storage for a character definition when printing characters |
CheckDashData | Screen buffer | Check whether a dash data block index is pointing to dash data |
CheckForContact | Car geometry | Check to see if the object is close enough to the player car to make contact |
CheckForContact-2 | Car geometry | Set Y = 37, so we make contact if (L K) <= 37 |
CheckForCrash | Car geometry | Check to see if we have crashed into the fence, and if so, display the fence and make the crash sound |
CheckRestartKeys | Keyboard | If the restart keys are being pressed, restart the game |
CheckVergeOnScreen | Drawing the track | Check whether a verge coordinate is on-screen |
ClearTotalRaceTime | Drivers | Clear a specified driver's total race time following the end of an incomplete race |
clockMinutes | Workspace variable | Minutes for the clock timer |
clockSeconds | Workspace variable | Seconds for the clock timer |
clockTenths | Workspace variable | Tenths of seconds for the clock timer |
clutchEngaged | Workspace variable | Determines whether the clutch is engaged |
collisionDriver | Workspace variable | The number of the driver being hit by the player's car |
colourData | Workspace variable | Colour data for the current object part |
colourPalette | Drawing pixels | The main colour palette that maps logical colours 0 to 3 to physical colours |
colourScheme | Workspace variable | The number of the table colour scheme passed to the SetRowColours routine: |
CompareCarSegments | Car geometry | Calculate the distance between two cars, in terms of segments and progress with the current segment |
CompareSegments | 3D objects | Calculate the distance between two objects, in terms of the difference in their segment numbers |
competitionStarted | Drivers | A flag to indicate whether or not the competition has started |
configAssist | Workspace variable | A key has been pressed to toggle computer assisted steering (CAS) |
configJoystick | Workspace variable | A key has been pressed to set joystick or keyboard |
configKeys | Keyboard | Details of the configuration settings that are set by the shifted configuration keys |
configPause | Workspace variable | A key has been pressed to pause the game |
configStop | Workspace variable | A key has been pressed that stops the race |
configVolume | Workspace variable | A key has been pressed to change the volume |
ConvertNumberToBCD | Maths (Arithmetic) | Convert a number into binary coded decimal (BCD), for printing |
CopyDashData | Screen buffer | Copy the dash data from the main game code to screen memory, and vice versa |
CopySectionData | Track geometry | Copy a 16-bit y-coordinate from the track section data |
CopyTyreDashEdges | Dashboard | Fetch the pixel bytes from the right edge of the left tyre and the right edge of the dashboard, and fill to the right of the edge |
cosYawAngleHi | Driving model | High byte of the cosine of the player's yaw angle |
cosYawAngleLo | Driving model | Low byte of the cosine of the player's yaw angle |
crashedIntoFence | Car geometry | Flag that records whether we have crashed into the fence |
currentPlayer | Workspace variable | The number of the current player |
currentPosition | Workspace variable | The position of the current player |
currentPositionBCD | Workspace variable | The current race position in BCD |
dashData0 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData1 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData2 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData3 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData4 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData5 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData6 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData7 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData8 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData9 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData10 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData11 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData12 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData13 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData14 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData15 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData16 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData17 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData18 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData19 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData20 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData21 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData22 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData23 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData24 | Screen buffer | Contains code that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData25 | Screen buffer | Contains code and part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData26 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData27 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData28 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData29 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData30 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData31 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData32 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData33 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData34 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData35 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData36 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData37 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData38 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData39 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData40 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData41 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashData42 | Screen buffer | Contains part of the dashboard image that gets moved into screen memory |
dashDataAddress | Screen buffer | Addresses for copying the first block of dash data between the main game code and screen memory |
dashDataOffset | Screen buffer | Offset of the dash data within each dash data block |
dashRightEdge | Dashboard | Storage for the first track pixel byte along the right edge of the dashboard |
debugSpinning | Workspace variable | This variable is never read, but is set to 64 and back to 0 when the car spins past the point where it changes the direction that it is facing along the track |
DefineEnvelope | Sound | Define a sound envelope |
Delay | Main loop | Delay for a specified number of loops |
directionFacing | Workspace variable | The direction that our car is facing |
Divide8x8 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Calculate T = 256 * A / V |
divideX | Maths (Arithmetic) | Division table for calculating scale factors using 1 / |x-delta| |
draw29 | Drawing objects | Fill the inside of the object part from the previous block to the current one |
DRAW_BYTE | Screen buffer | Draw a pixel byte as part of a horizontal line when drawing the track view |
DrawCarInMirror | Dashboard | Draw a car in a specified segment of one of the wing mirrors, or clear a specified segment |
DrawCarInPosition | Drawing objects | Draw the car in a specified race position |
DrawCarOrSign | Drawing objects | Draw a car or sign |
DrawCars | Drawing objects | Draw all the car objects, with four objects for the closest car in front of us |
DrawCornerMarkers | Drawing objects | Draw any visible corner markers |
DrawDashboardLine | Dashboard | Draw a hand on the rev counter or a line on the steering wheel |
DrawEdge | Drawing objects | Draw an edge, overwriting whatever is already on-screen |
DrawFence (Part 1 of 2) | Screen buffer | Draw the fence that we crash into when running off the track |
DrawFence (Part 2 of 2) | Screen buffer | Draw the fence that we crash into when running off the track |
DrawFence-1 | Screen buffer | Contains an RTS |
DrawGrassLeft | Drawing the track | Draw a green byte into the screen buffer in the first dash data block for the edge |
DrawGrassRight | Drawing the track | Draw a green byte into the screen buffer in the second dash data block for the edge |
DrawObject | Drawing objects | Draw an object of a specific type |
DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) | Drawing objects | Draw the specified edge of an object part |
DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) | Drawing objects | Calculate the screen address for the edge we want to draw |
DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) | Drawing objects | Construct a pixel byte for the edge we want to draw |
DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) | Drawing objects | Draw the edge into the screen buffer, merging with any content already in the buffer |
DrawObjectEdge (Part 5 of 5) | Drawing objects | Fill the object if required and loop back for the next edge |
DrawObjectEdge-1 | Drawing objects | Contains an RTS |
DrawObjectEdges | Drawing objects | Draw all the parts of an object by drawing edges into the screen buffer |
DrawRevCounter | Dashboard | Draw the hand on the rev counter |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) | Drawing the track | Draw a single segment's edge as part of a whole track verge edge |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) | Drawing the track | Set up the edge's gradient |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) | Drawing the track | Modify the drawing routines according to the edge gradient |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) | Drawing the track | Set variables to use when updating the background colour |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) | Drawing the track | Calculate the dash data block and screen addresses for the edge |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) | Drawing the track | Calculate the dash data block for the edge |
DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) | Drawing the track | Save the angles for the next call to DrawSegmentEdge and return from the subroutine |
DrawShallowToLeft | Drawing the track | Draw a verge edge with a shallow gradient from right to left |
DrawShallowToRight | Drawing the track | Draw a verge edge with a shallow gradient from left to right |
DrawSteepToLeft | Drawing the track | Draw a verge edge with a steep gradient from right to left |
DrawSteepToRight | Drawing the track | Draw a verge edge with a steep gradient from left to right |
DrawTrack | Drawing the track | Draw the track into the screen buffer |
DrawTrackBytes (Part 1 of 3) | Screen buffer | Draw the pixel bytes that make up the track view (0 to 15) |
DrawTrackBytes (Part 2 of 3) | Screen buffer | Draw the pixel bytes that make up the track view (16 to 39) |
DrawTrackBytes (Part 3 of 3) | Screen buffer | Return from the subroutine |
DrawTrackLine (Part 1 of 2) | Screen buffer | Draw a pixel line across the screen in the track view, broken up into bytes |
DrawTrackLine (Part 2 of 2) | Screen buffer | Draw a pixel line across the screen in the track view |
DrawTrackView (Part 1 of 4) | Screen buffer | Draw the top part of the track view using the data in the dash data blocks |
DrawTrackView (Part 2 of 4) | Screen buffer | Draw the part of the track view that fits around the dashboard |
DrawTrackView (Part 3 of 4) | Screen buffer | Draw the part of the track view that fits around the dashboard and tyres |
DrawTrackView (Part 4 of 4) | Screen buffer | Revert all the code modifications made by the DrawTrackView routine |
DrawVergeByteLeft | Drawing the track | Draw two bytes into the screen buffer in the first and second dash data blocks for the edge |
DrawVergeByteRight | Drawing the track | Draw two bytes into the screen buffer in the second and third dash data blocks for the edge |
DrawVergeEdge | Drawing the track | Draw one of the four track verge edges into the screen buffer |
driverGridRow | Workspace variable | The grid row for each driver (0 to 9) |
driverLapNumber | Workspace variable | The current lap number for each driver |
driverNames1 | Text | The first batch of driver names (1 of 5) |
driverNames2 | Text | The second batch of driver names (2 of 5) |
driverNames3 | Text | The third batch of driver names (3 of 5) |
driverNames4 | Text | The fourth batch of driver names (4 of 5) |
driverNames5 | Text | The fifth batch of driver names (5 of 5) |
driverPrinted | Workspace variable | The number of the driver we just printed in the PrintPositionName routine |
driversInOrder | Workspace variable | A list of driver numbers in order |
driversInOrder2 | Workspace variable | Used to store a copy of the driversInOrder list |
driverSpeed | Workspace variable | The average speed of this driver in the race (88 to 162) |
edgeDistanceHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the distance between the player's car and the nearest track edge |
edgeDistanceLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the distance between the player's car and the nearest track edge |
edgePixel | Workspace variable | The current edge, as a one-pixel byte |
edgePixelMask | Workspace variable | The pixel mask for the previous edge |
edgeSegmentNumber | Workspace variable | The number of the segment within the track segment list that is closest to the player's car |
edgeSegmentPointer | Workspace variable | The index of the segment within the track verge buffer that is closest to the player's car |
edgeYawAngle | Workspace variable | The yaw angle of the track segment that is closest to the player's car, from the point of view of the car |
endChecks | Text | The screen address offset of the end of each chequered header line |
endMirror | Dashboard | The offset from mirrorAddress for the end of each mirror segment |
engineStatus | Workspace variable | Whether or not the engine is on |
engineTorque | Workspace variable | The power being generated by the engine |
Entry | Setup | The main entry point for the game: move code into upper memory and call it |
envelopeData | Sound | Data for the sound envelope for squealing tyres |
EraseRevCounter | Dashboard | Erase a line by replacing each pixel in the line with its original contents |
fencePixelsGrass | Screen buffer | Pixel bytes for the fence with green grass behind it |
fencePixelsSky | Screen buffer | Pixel bytes for the fence with blue sky behind it |
FillAfterObject | Drawing objects | Fill the block to the right of an object |
FillAfterObjectSup | Drawing objects | Fill the block to the right of an object |
fillDataOffset | Dashboard | Dash data offsets, tweaked to give bottom line values that are compatible with the process of filling blocks to the left |
FillInsideObject | Drawing objects | Fill the object part from the previous edge to the current edge |
FinishRace | Main loop | Continue running the race until all the non-player drivers have finished and we have a result |
firstLapStarted | Drivers | Flag to keep track of whether we have started the first lap of practice or qualifying |
FlushSoundBuffer | Sound | Flush the specified sound buffer |
FlushSoundBuffers | Sound | Flush all four specified sound buffers |
fovw1-1 (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Contains an RTS |
frontSegmentIndex | Workspace variable | Used to store the index * 3 of the front track segment in the track segment buffer |
frontWingSetting | Driving model | The front wing setting, as entered by the player |
G | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
gearChange | Workspace variable | Used to store the direction of the gear change |
gearChangeKey | Workspace variable | Determines whether or not a gear change key has been pressed |
gearNumber | Workspace variable | The current gear number |
gearNumberText | Text | The character to print on the gear stick for each gear |
GetADCChannel | Keyboard | Read the value of an ADC channel (used to read the joystick) |
GetAngleInRadians | Maths (Geometry) | Convert a 16-bit angle into radians, restricted to a quarter circle |
GetCarInSegment | Car geometry | Calculate the player car's position within the current segment |
GetColour (Part 1 of 3) | Screen buffer | Calculate the colour of a specific pixel byte in the screen buffer |
GetColour (Part 2 of 3) | Screen buffer | Process the left verge |
GetColour (Part 3 of 3) | Screen buffer | Process the right verge |
GetColourSup | Screen buffer | Calculate the colour of a specific pixel byte in the screen buffer |
GetDriverAddress | Text | Get the address of the specified driver's name |
GetDriverName | Keyboard | Fetch a player's name from the keyboard |
GetFirstSegment | Track geometry | Get the track section coordinates and flags from the track data and populate the first track segment |
GetMenuOption | Keyboard | Scan the keyboard for a menu entry number, highlight the choice, show the SPACE bar message and return the choice number |
GetNumberFromText | Text | Convert a two-digit string into a number |
GetNumberInput | Keyboard | Fetch a number between 0 and 40 from the keyboard |
GetObjectAngles | 3D objects | Calculate the object's yaw and pitch angles, and set the object's visibility, scale and type |
GetObjectAngles-2 | 3D objects | Use xCoord2 for the object's 3D coordinates in the call to GetObjYawAngle |
GetObjectDistance | 3D objects | Calculate the distance between an object and the player's car, for collision purposes |
GetObjPitchAngle | 3D objects | Calculate an object's pitch angle |
GetObjPitchAngle-2 | 3D objects | Use yPlayerCoord (Y = 0) |
GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) | 3D objects | Calculate an object's yaw angle |
GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) | 3D objects | Calculate yaw angle for when |x-delta| > |z-delta| |
GetObjYawAngle (Part 3 of 4) | 3D objects | Calculate yaw angle for when |x-delta| = |z-delta| |
GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) | 3D objects | Calculate yaw angle for when |x-delta| < |z-delta| |
GetObjYawAngle-2 | 3D objects | Use xPlayerCoord (Y = 0) |
GetPlayerIndex | Track geometry | Set the index for the player's segment in the track section buffer to be 32 segments behind the front segment |
GetPositionAhead | Drivers | Decrement X to the previous position number (from 19 to 0 and round again), which gives the position ahead of X |
GetPositionBehind | Drivers | Increment X to the next position number (from 0 to 19 and round again), which gives the position behind X |
GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) | Maths (Geometry) | Calculate the rotation matrix for rotating the player's yaw angle into the global 3D coordinate system |
GetRotationMatrix (Part 2 of 5) | Maths (Geometry) | Calculate sin(H G) for smaller angles |
GetRotationMatrix (Part 3 of 5) | Maths (Geometry) | Calculate sin(H G) for bigger angles |
GetRotationMatrix (Part 4 of 5) | Maths (Geometry) | Loop back to calculate cos instead of sin |
GetRotationMatrix (Part 5 of 5) | Maths (Geometry) | Apply the correct signs to the result |
GetScreenAddress | Drawing pixels | Return the screen address for a specified screen coordinate |
GetScreenAddress-2 | Drawing pixels | Treat the x-coordinate as a character column number rather than a pixel coordinate (0 to 39) |
GetSectionAngles (Part 1 of 3) | Track geometry | Get the yaw and pitch angles for the inner and outer track sections |
GetSectionAngles (Part 2 of 3) | Track geometry | Calculate the track section number for this track section entry |
GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) | Track geometry | Calculate the yaw and pitch angles for the track section entry that we want to update |
GetSectionAngles-1 | Track geometry | Contains an RTS |
GetSectionCoord | Track geometry | Copy a three-part 16-bit coordinate from the track section data |
GetSectionCoords | Track geometry | Copy two three-part 16-bit coordinates from the track section data |
GetSectionSteering | Tactics | Calculate the optimum steering for each track section |
GetSectionYawAngle | Track geometry | Calculate the difference in yaw angle between an object and the player |
GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) | Track geometry | Get the yaw and pitch angles for the inner or outer track segments |
GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) | Track geometry | Process a segment that is not visible by trying to process a segment that's one-quarter of the size |
GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) | Track geometry | Process a visible segment |
GetSegmentDetails | Track geometry | Get the details for the segment in front or behind |
GetSegmentSteering | Tactics | Calculate the optimum steering to take for the current track segment |
GetSegmentVector | Track geometry | Fetch a segment vector from the track data file |
GetSegmentYawAngle | Track geometry | Calculate the difference in yaw angle between a track segment and the player |
GetSteeringAssist | Tactics | Fetch the current computer assisted steering (CAS) status and show or hide the CAS indicator |
GetTextInput | Keyboard | Fetch a string from the keyboard, padded with spaces if required |
GetTrackAndMarkers | Track geometry | Calculate the 3D coordinates of the track and corner markers |
GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) | Track geometry | Set up the next track segment in the track segment buffer |
GetTrackSegment (Part 2 of 3) | Track geometry | Set the flags for the new front segment in the track segment buffer |
GetTrackSegment (Part 3 of 3) | Track geometry | Set the inner and outer track coordinates for the new track segment |
GetTyreDashEdge | Dashboard | Copy the pixel bytes along the tyre and dashboard edges so they can be feathered |
GetTyreDashEdges | Dashboard | Fetch the pixel bytes from along the edge of the dashboard or tyre and fill the block to the right of the edge appropriately |
GetTyreDashEdgeSup | Dashboard | Copy the pixel bytes along the tyre and dashboard edges so they can be feathered |
GetTyreForces | Driving model | Calculate the tyre forces due to the throttle or brakes |
GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 1 of 4) | Track geometry | Get the details for a segment's corner markers and verge marks |
GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) | Track geometry | Calculate the segment's verge width and outside verge coordinates |
GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 3 of 4) | Track geometry | Process the segment's corner markers |
GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 4 of 4) | Track geometry | Store details of the segment's verge marks |
GetWingSettings | Keyboard | Get the front and rear wing settings from the player |
GG | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
gtrm2+6 | Track geometry | Calculate the following for segment Y: horizonTrackWidth = |xVergeRightHi - xVergeLeftHi| / 2 |
H | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
HalveCoordinate | Maths (Geometry) | Halve a coordinate with three 16-bit axes |
handPixels | Dashboard | The number of pixels in the longest axis for the rev counter hand at various points in a half-quadrant |
headerBackground | Text | Background colour for printing mode 7 headers |
headerForeground | Text | Foreground colour for printing mode 7 headers |
headerSpaces | Text | Number of spaces for printing mode 7 headers |
HeadToTrack | Main Loop | Get the wing settings and start a race, practice or qualifying lap |
HeadToTrack+2 | Main Loop | Called with A = %10000000 to start a race, as opposed to practice or a qualifying lap |
heightAboveTrack | Workspace variable | The car's height above the track, for when it is being dropped from the crane, or jumping from hitting the verge too fast |
HH | Workspace variable | This byte does not appear to be used |
HideAllCars | Car geometry | Set all the cars to hidden |
HideObject | 3D objects | Set an object to be hidden |
Hook80Percent (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon |
Hook80Percent (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon |
Hook80Percent (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon |
Hook80Percent (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon |
Hook80Percent (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Set the horizonTrackWidth to 80% of the width of the track on the horizon |
HookBackground (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Do not update the background colour when the track line above is showing green for the leftTrackStart verge |
HookBackground (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Do not update the background colour when the track line above is showing green for the leftTrackStart verge |
HookDataPointers (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, update the data pointers |
HookDataPointers (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, update the data pointers |
HookDataPointers (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, update the data pointers |
HookDataPointers (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, update the data pointers |
HookDataPointers (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, update the data pointers |
HookFieldOfView (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view |
HookFieldOfView (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view |
HookFieldOfView (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view |
HookFieldOfView (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view |
HookFieldOfView (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view |
HookFirstSegment (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and calculate the segment vector |
HookFirstSegment (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and calculate the segment vector |
HookFirstSegment (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and calculate the segment vector |
HookFirstSegment (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and calculate the segment vector |
HookFirstSegment (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and calculate the segment vector |
HookFixHorizon (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Apply the horizon line in A instead of horizonLine |
HookFixHorizon (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Apply the horizon line in A instead of horizonLine |
HookFixHorizon (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Apply the horizon line in A instead of horizonLine |
HookFixHorizon (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Apply the horizon line in A instead of horizonLine |
HookFixHorizon (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Apply the horizon line in A instead of horizonLine |
HookFlattenHills (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Part 1 of 2) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Part 1 of 3) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Part 2 of 2) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Part 2 of 3) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlattenHills (Part 3 of 3) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Flatten any hills in the verge buffer, calculate the hill height and track width, cut objects off at the hill height |
HookFlipAbsolute (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Set the sign of A according to the direction we are facing along the track |
HookFlipAbsolute (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Set the sign of A according to the direction we are facing along the track |
HookFlipAbsolute (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Set the sign of A according to the direction we are facing along the track |
HookFlipAbsolute (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Set the sign of A according to the direction we are facing along the track |
HookFlipAbsolute (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Set the sign of A according to the direction we are facing along the track |
HookForward (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Move the player forward by an extra segment when edgeSegmentNumber is 10 |
HookJoystick (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 1 of 2) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 1 of 2) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 1 of 3) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 1 of 3) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 2 of 2) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 2 of 2) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 2 of 3) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 2 of 3) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 3 of 3) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookJoystick (Part 3 of 3) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections |
HookMoveBack (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Only move the player backwards if the player has not yet driven past the segment |
HookMoveBack (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Only move the player backwards if the player has not yet driven past the segment |
HookMoveBack (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Only move the player backwards if the player has not yet driven past the segment |
HookMoveBack (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Only move the player backwards if the player has not yet driven past the segment |
HookMoveBack (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Only move the player backwards if the player has not yet driven past the segment |
HookSectionFrom (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Initialise and calculate the current segment vector |
HookSectionFrom (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Initialise and calculate the current segment vector |
HookSectionFrom (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Initialise and calculate the current segment vector |
HookSectionFrom (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Initialise and calculate the current segment vector |
HookSectionFrom (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Initialise and calculate the current segment vector |
HookSegmentVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, move to the next segment vector, calculate it and store it |
HookSegmentVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, move to the next segment vector, calculate it and store it |
HookSegmentVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, move to the next segment vector, calculate it and store it |
HookSegmentVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, move to the next segment vector, calculate it and store it |
HookSegmentVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | If the current section is dynamically generated, move to the next segment vector, calculate it and store it |
HookSlopeJump (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Jump the car when driving fast over sloping segments |
HookSlopeJump (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Jump the car when driving fast over sloping segments |
HookSlopeJump (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Jump the car when driving fast over sloping segments |
HookSlopeJump (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Jump the car when driving fast over sloping segments |
HookSlopeJump (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Jump the car when driving fast over sloping segments |
HookUpdateHorizon (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Only update the horizon if we have found fewer than 12 visible segments |
HookUpdateHorizon (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Only update the horizon if we have found fewer than 12 visible segments |
HookUpdateHorizon (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Only update the horizon if we have found fewer than 12 visible segments |
HookUpdateHorizon (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Only update the horizon if we have found fewer than 12 visible segments |
HookUpdateHorizon (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Only update the horizon if we have found fewer than 12 visible segments |
horizonLine | Workspace variable | The track line number of the horizon |
horizonListIndex | Workspace variable | The track section or segment that's on the horizon, given in terms of the index within the track section list (or the track segment list) |
horizonTrackWidth | Track geometry | The arc of the track at the horizon (i.e. the track width at the horizon), halved |
I | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
II | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
IncSectionPointers | Track geometry | Increment the track section list pointers following a shuffle |
InitialiseDrivers | Drivers | Initialise all 20 drivers on the starting grid |
irq1Address | Screen mode | Stores the previous value of IRQ1V before we install our custom IRQ handler |
irqCounter | Screen mode | Counter that gets incremented every time the IRQ routine reaches section 4 of the custom screen |
J | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
JJ | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
jumpShallowLeft | Drawing the track | Branch labels for self-modifying code in the DrawShallowToLeft routine |
jumpShallowRight | Drawing the track | Branch labels for self-modifying code in the DrawShallowToRight routine |
jumpSteepLeft | Drawing the track | Branch labels for self-modifying code in the DrawSteepToLeft routine |
jumpSteepRight | Drawing the track | Branch labels for self-modifying code in the DrawSteepToRight routine |
K | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
keys10 | Keyboard | Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine when CAS is being applied to the steering |
keys11 | Keyboard | Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine if CAS is not enabled or the car is facing backwards |
keys7 | Keyboard | Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine when no joystick steering is being applied |
KillCustomScreen | Screen mode | Disable the custom screen mode and switch to mode 7 |
L | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
lapMinutes | Workspace variable | Minutes for the lap timer |
lapSeconds | Workspace variable | Seconds for the lap timer |
lapsFromOption | Keyboard | Table to convert from the option numbers in the laps menu to the actual number of laps |
lapsMenuOption | Drivers | The menu option chosen from the laps menu (0 to 2) |
lapTenths | Workspace variable | Tenths of seconds for the lap timer |
ldaDrawByte | Screen buffer | Low address bytes of the LDA #0 instructions in the DRAW_BYTE macros, for use when drawing track lines around the dashboard |
ldaZero | Setup | Contains code that's used for modifying the MoveCode routine |
leaveTrackTimer | Workspace variable | The leave track timer |
leftDashMask | Dashboard | Pixel mask for the left edge of the dashboard |
leftDashPixels | Dashboard | Pixels along the left edge of the dashboard |
leftOfEdge | Workspace variable | The fill colour to the left of the edge we are drawing |
leftSegment | Workspace variable | For each track line, the index of the segment within the track segment list for the left verge |
leftTrackStart | Workspace variable | For each track line, the block number where the track starts (i.e. the left edge of the black track) |
leftTyreMask | Dashboard | Pixel mask for the edge of the left tyre |
leftTyrePixels | Dashboard | Pixels along the edge of the left tyre |
leftVergeStart | Workspace variable | For each track line, the block number where the left track verge starts |
liftFromTorque | Driving model | The lift of the front of the car caused by acceleration or braking |
lims1 | Driving model | Skip applying the maximum value to variableG, so we set: variableG = (A T) * abs(H) |
lineBufferAddrHi | Workspace variable | The low byte of the screen address of each pixel in the line buffer |
lineBufferAddrLo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the screen address of each pixel in the line buffer |
lineBufferPixel | Workspace variable | The original screen contents of each pixel in the line buffer |
lineBufferSize | Workspace variable | The size of the line buffer |
LL | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
lowestPlayerNumber | Drivers | The number of the player with the lowest player number |
lowestTrackLine | Screen buffer | Used to prevent objects from being drawn below the horizon line |
M | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
Main variable workspace | Workspaces | The main block of game variables |
MainDrivingLoop (Part 1 of 5) | Main loop | Main driving loop: Switch to the track and start the main loop |
MainDrivingLoop (Part 2 of 5) | Main loop | Main driving loop: The body of the main loop |
MainDrivingLoop (Part 3 of 5) | Main loop | Main driving loop: Process rejoining the race or lap after a crash |
MainDrivingLoop (Part 4 of 5) | Main loop | Main driving loop: Leave the track |
MainDrivingLoop (Part 5 of 5) | Main loop | Main driving loop: Process driving keys, potentially leaving the track, and loop back to part 2 |
MainLoop (Part 1 of 6) | Main loop | The main game loop: practice laps |
MainLoop (Part 2 of 6) | Main loop | The main game loop: competition setup |
MainLoop (Part 3 of 6) | Main loop | The main game loop: qualifying laps |
MainLoop (Part 4 of 6) | Main loop | The main game loop: the competition race |
MainLoop (Part 5 of 6) | Main loop | The main game loop: the competition race |
MainLoop (Part 6 of 6) | Main loop | The main game loop: race points and competition results |
mainLoopCounterHi | Main loop | High byte of the main loop counter, which increments on each iteration of the main driving loop |
mainLoopCounterLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the main loop counter, which increments on each iteration of the main driving loop |
MakeDrivingSounds | Sound | Make the relevant sounds for the engine and tyres |
MakeSound | Sound | Make a sound |
MakeSound-3 | Sound | Make the sound at the current volume level |
MakeSoundEnvelope | Sound | Either make a sound or set up an envelope |
MapSegmentsToLines | Drawing the track | Map verges in the track segment list to track lines in the track view |
markerData | Track geometry | The segment flags for each of the three corner markers |
markerListIndex | Track geometry | The index of the corresponding entry in the track segment list for each of the three corner markers |
markerNumber | Workspace variable | The marker number that we are drawing in the DrawCornerMarkers routine |
markersToDraw | Workspace variable | The number of corner markers to draw |
menuKeys | Keyboard | Negative inkey values for the menu keys (SPACE, "1", "2" and "3") for the Acornsoft release |
menuKeysSup | Keyboard | Negative inkey values for the menu keys (SPACE, "1", "2" and "3") for the Superior Software release |
mirrorAddressHi | Dashboard | The high byte of the base screen address of each mirror segment |
mirrorAddressLo | Dashboard | The low byte of the base screen address of each mirror segment |
mirrorContents | Dashboard | Contains the size of the car in each mirror segment |
mirrorSegment | Dashboard | Lookup table for working out which mirror segment a car should appear in |
MM | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
modifyAddressHi (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | High byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressHi (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressHi (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | High byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressHi (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressHi (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | High byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressLo (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressLo (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressLo (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressLo (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
modifyAddressLo (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the location in the main game code where we modify a two-byte address |
ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 3) (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 3) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 3) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 1 of 4) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 2 of 3) (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 2 of 3) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 2 of 3) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 2 of 3) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 2 of 4) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 3) (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 3) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 3) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 3) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 3 of 4) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
ModifyGameCode (Part 4 of 4) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Modify the game code to support the extra track data |
MoveAndDrawCars | Car geometry | Move the cars around the track and draw any that are visible, up to a maximum of five |
MoveCars (Part 1 of 2) | Car geometry | Move the cars around the track |
MoveCars (Part 2 of 2) | Car geometry | Move the cars forward around the track, and apply steering |
MoveCars-1 | Car geometry | Contains an RTS |
MoveCode | Setup | Move and reset various blocks around in memory |
MoveHorizon | Screen mode | Move the position of the horizon palette switch up or down, depending on the current track pitch angle |
MoveObjectBack | 3D objects | Move a specified object backwards along the track by one segment |
MoveObjectForward | 3D objects | Move a specified object forwards along the track by one segment |
MovePlayer | Car geometry | Move the player's car forwards or backwards by one segment |
MovePlayerBack | Car geometry | Move the player's car backwards by one track segment and update the track segment buffer |
MovePlayerForward | Car geometry | Move the player's car forwards by one track segment and add the segment to the track segment buffer |
MovePlayerOnTrack | Car geometry | Update the position of the player's car within the current track segment |
MovePlayerSegment | Car geometry | Move the player's car in the correct direction |
MoveToNextVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and update the pointers |
MoveToNextVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and update the pointers |
MoveToNextVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and update the pointers |
MoveToNextVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and update the pointers |
MoveToNextVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Move to the next to the next segment vector along the track and update the pointers |
Multiply16x16 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Multiply a sign-magnitude 16-bit number and a signed 16-bit number |
Multiply80Percent (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Calculate (A T) = 0.80 * A |
Multiply8x16 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Multiply an 8-bit and a 16-bit number |
Multiply8x16Signed | Maths (Arithmetic) | Multiply an 8-bit and a 16-bit number and apply a sign to the result |
Multiply8x8 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Calculate (A T) = T * U |
Multiply8x8+2 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Calculate (A T) = T * U |
Multiply8x8Signed (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Multiply two 8-bit numbers, one of which is signed |
Multiply8x8Signed (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Multiply two 8-bit numbers, one of which is signed |
Multiply8x8Signed (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Multiply two 8-bit numbers, one of which is signed |
Multiply8x8Signed (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Multiply two 8-bit numbers, one of which is signed |
Multiply8x8Signed (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Multiply two 8-bit numbers, one of which is signed |
MultiplyBy1Point5 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Multiply a 16-bit signed number by 1.5 |
MultiplyCoords | Maths (Arithmetic) | Multiply a 16-bit coordinate value and a 16-bit factor, optionally tallying or changing the sign of the result |
MultiplyCoords+7 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Use the following variables instead of the above: * Y = Offset of the 16-bit signed number to multiply (instead of N) |
MultiplyHeight | Track geometry | Multiply the height above ground of a specified track segment by A |
MultiplyHeight+11 | Track geometry | Set A = A * U while retaining the sign in A (the sign of A must be on the stack before calling this entry point) |
N | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
Negate16Bit | Maths (Arithmetic) | Negate a 16-bit number |
Negate16Bit+2 | Maths (Arithmetic) | Set (A T) = -(U T) |
newContentHi (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | High byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentHi (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentHi (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | High byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentHi (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentHi (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | High byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentLo (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentLo (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentLo (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentLo (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newContentLo (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the two-byte address that we want to poke into the main game code at the modify location |
newSectionFetched | Track geometry | Flag that determines whether a new track section has been fetched |
nextBlockNumber | Workspace variable | The dash data block number for the next edge |
nextEdge | Workspace variable | The next edge that we are drawing as part of an object part (where applicable) |
nextEdgeCoord | Workspace variable | The x-coordinate for the next edge |
NN | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
numberOfLaps | Workspace variable | The number of laps in the race (5, 10 or 20) |
numberOfPlayers | Drivers | The number of players |
objectBottom | 3D objects | Scaffold measurements for the bottom of each object part |
objectColour | 3D objects | Data for the colour of each object part |
objectDistanceHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the distance to the current object |
objectDistanceLo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the distance to the current object |
objectIndex | 3D objects | Index range of an object's data in the object data tables |
objectLeft | 3D objects | Scaffold measurements for the left of each object part |
objectNumber | Workspace variable | The object number of the four-part car we are drawing |
objectPalette | 3D objects | The object colour palette that maps logical colours 0 to 3 to physical colours |
objectPitchAngle | Workspace variable | Each object's pitch angle |
objectRight | 3D objects | Scaffold measurements for the right of each object part |
objectScaffold | 3D objects | The scaffold used to construct each object, in a scalable format |
objectSegmentHi | Workspace variable | High byte of each object's segment, i.e. its position around on the track |
objectSegmentLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of each object's segment, i.e. its position around on the track |
objectSize | Workspace variable | The size of each of the objects (i.e. the scaled value of scaleUp for the object) |
objectStatus | Workspace variable | Various status flags for each object |
objectTop | 3D objects | Scaffold measurements for the top of each object part |
objectType | Workspace variable | The type of object to draw (0 to 12) |
objSectionSegmt | Workspace variable | Each object's segment number within the current track section, counting from the start of the section |
objTrackSection | Workspace variable | The number of the track section * 8 for each object |
objYawAngleHi | Workspace variable | High byte of each object's yaw angle |
objYawAngleLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of each object's yaw angle |
oddsOfEngineStart | Workspace variable | The chances of the engine starting while revving the engine (the engine will start with a chance of 1 in oddsOfEngineStart) |
P | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
paletteSection0 | Screen mode | Colour palette for screen section 0 in the custom screen mode (the mode 4 portion) |
paletteSection2 | Screen mode | Colour palette for screen section 2 in the custom screen mode (part of the mode 5 portion) |
paletteSection3 | Screen mode | Colour palette for screen section 3 in the custom screen mode (part of the mode 5 portion) |
paletteSection4 | Screen mode | Colour palette for screen section 4 in the custom screen mode (part of the mode 5 portion) |
pastHalfway | Workspace variable | Stores which half of the track the player is in |
pixelByte | Drawing pixels | A table of pixel bytes with individual pixels set |
pixelMaskIndex | Workspace variable | The index into the vergePixelMask table for the colour of the verge edge we are drawing in DrawSegmentEdge |
pixelMaskNoVerge | Workspace variable | Offset within the vergePixelMask table for segments that are too far away to show a verge, i.e. those outside the verge depth of field |
pixelMaskVerge | Workspace variable | Offset within the vergePixelMask table for segments that are close enough to show a verge, i.e. those within the verge depth of field |
pixelsEdgeRight | Drawing pixels | Pixel byte with all the pixels to the right of position X set, plus pixel X |
pixelsToLeft | Drawing pixels | Pixel byte with all the pixels to the left of position X set |
pixelsToRight | Drawing pixels | Pixel byte with all the pixels to the right of position X set |
PlaceCarsOnTrack | Car geometry | Position the cars on the track, ready for a race or qualifying lap |
playerDrift | Driving model | Records whether the player's car is moving sideways by a significant amount |
playerHeading | Workspace variable | The player's yaw angle, relative to the direction of the track, where a heading of 0 means the player is pointing straight along the track |
playerMoving | Workspace variable | Flag to denote whether the player's car is moving |
playerPastSegment | Workspace variable | Determines whether the player has gone past the closest segment to the player (i.e. whether the relative yaw angle of the segment is greater than 90 degrees) |
playerPitchAngle | Workspace variable | The player's pitch angle |
playerSegmentIndex | Workspace variable | Used to store the index * 3 of the track segment containing the player's car in the track segment buffer |
playerSideways | Car geometry | Contains the player's heading, for testing whether the car is pointing sideways |
playerSpeedHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the speed of the player's car along the track |
playerSpeedLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the speed of the player's car along the track |
playerYawAngleHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the player's yaw angle |
playerYawAngleLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the player's yaw angle |
pointsForPlace | Drivers | The points awarded for the top six places, plus the fastest lap |
positionAhead | Workspace variable | The number of the position ahead of the current player's position |
positionBehind | Workspace variable | The number of the position behind the current player's position |
positionChangeBCD | Workspace variable | The change in BCD for the player's race position |
positionNumber | Workspace variable | Position numbers to show in the first column of the driver table |
PP | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
pressingShiftArrow | Workspace variable | Bit 7 is set if we are pressing SHIFT and right arrow (which restarts the game) |
prevBlockNumber | Workspace variable | The dash data block number for the previous edge |
prevDriverSpeed06 | Workspace variable | Bits 0-6 of the previous value of trackDriverSpeed when calculating the optimum steering for a track segment |
prevDriverSpeed7 | Workspace variable | The previous value of trackDriverSpeed when calculating the optimum steering for a track segment, only used for accessing bit 7 |
prevEdgeInByte | Workspace variable | Determines whether we are drawing two edges within the same pixel byte in DrawObjectEdge |
prevHorizonIndex | Workspace variable | The value of horizonListIndex from the previous call to the GetTrackAndMarkers routine |
previousSignNumber | Track geometry | Stores the number of the sign from the previous call to the BuildRoadSign routine |
previousSteering | Workspace variable | The previous value of sectionSteering when calculating the optimum steering for a track segment |
prevPitchIndex | Workspace variable | The index of the pitch angles in the verge buffer for the previous entry in the verge buffer when drawing the verge edges |
prevSegmentIndex | Workspace variable | Used to store the index * 3 of the previous track segment |
prevSegmentOffset | Workspace variable | The segment coordinate offset for the previous segment when adding segments to the track segment list |
prevYawIndex | Workspace variable | The index of the yaw angles in the verge buffer for the previous entry in the verge buffer when drawing the verge edges |
Print234DigitBCD | Text | Print a specific driver's accumulated points as a padded two-, three- or four-digit number |
Print2DigitBCD | Text | Print a binary coded decimal (BCD) number in the specified format |
Print2DigitBCD-6 | Text | Print the number at screen coordinate (X, Y), where X is the character column and Y is the pixel row of the bottom of the character |
Print4DigitBCD | Text | Print a specific driver's accumulated points as a four-digit number |
Print4DigitBCD+3 | Text | Do not print the first two digits (i.e. omit printing A) |
PrintBestLapTime | Text | Print the best lap time and the current lap time at the top of the screen |
PrintCharacter | Text | Print a character on-screen |
PrintCharacter-6 | Text | Print double-width character (this is used to print the double-width number on the gear stick) |
PrintDriverName | Text | Print a driver's name |
PrintDriverPrompt | Text | Print the "DRIVER ->" prompt and a driver's name, to show whose turn it is next when playing a multi-player game |
PrintDriverTable | Text | Print the table of drivers |
PrintFirstLine | Text | Prints a text token on the first text line at the top of the driving screen |
PrintFirstLine+2 | Text | Print the token on the second text line at the top of the driving screen |
PrintGearNumber | Text | Print the number of the current gear in double-width characters on the gear stick |
PrintHeader | Text | Configure and print a double-height header in screen mode 7 |
PrintHeaderChecks | Text | Print chequered lines above and below the header |
PrintLapTime | Text | Print the current lap time at the top of the screen |
PrintLapTime+2 | Text | Format the lap time using the format value in A (see PrintTimer for details) |
printMode | Workspace variable | Determines how the next character is printed on-screen: |
PrintNearestDriver | Text | Print a driver's name in the "In front" or "Behind" slot in the header |
PrintPositionName | Text | Print the name of the driver in a specific position in the driver position list |
PrintRaceClass | Text | Print the race class |
PrintSecondLine | Text | Prints a text token on the second text line at the top of the driving screen |
PrintSecondLineGap | Text | Prints a text token on the second text line at the top of the driving screen, with an empty gap on the line above |
PrintSpaces | Text | Print the specified number of spaces |
PrintTimer | Text | Print the specified timer |
PrintToken | Text | Print a recursive token |
ProcessContact | Car geometry | Process collisions between the player and the other cars |
processContact | Workspace variable | Another car is close enough to the player's car for us to process car-on-car contact |
ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 1 of 6) | Keyboard | Process joystick steering |
ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 2 of 6) | Keyboard | Process keyboard steering |
ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 3 of 6) | Keyboard | Process joystick brake and throttle |
ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 4 of 6) | Keyboard | Process keyboard brake and throttle |
ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 5 of 6) | Keyboard | Process joystick gear change |
ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 6 of 6) | Keyboard | Process keyboard gear change |
ProcessEngineStart | Driving model | Process the key press for starting the engine |
ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) | Tactics | Process all cars for overtaking manoeuvres, checking first to see if the car has just finished overtaking the car in front |
ProcessOvertaking (Part 2 of 3) | Tactics | The car we are processing has not overtaken the car in front of it, so if applicable, we can keep manoeuvring into position |
ProcessOvertaking (Part 3 of 3) | Tactics | Update the car status (if configured) and loop back for the next car |
ProcessShiftedKeys | Keyboard | Check for shifted keys (i.e. those that need SHIFT holding down to trigger) and process them accordingly |
ProcessTime | Main loop | Increment the timers and the main loop counter |
Protect | Setup | Decrypt or unprotect the game code (disabled) |
PushCarOffTrack | Car geometry | Push a car off the track and out of the race |
Q | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places | |
qualifyingTime | Drivers | The number of minutes of qualifying lap time |
qualifyTimeEnding | Workspace variable | Determines whether the time warnings have been shown at the end of the qualifying time: |
R | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
raceClass | Drivers | The class of the current race |
racePointsHi | Drivers | High byte of race points calculated for each position |
racePointsLo | Drivers | Used to store the low byte of the race points being awarded to the driver in race position X |
raceStarted | Workspace variable | Flag determining whether the race has started |
raceStarting | Workspace variable | The current stage of the starting lights at the start of the race |
rearWingSetting | Driving model | The rear wing setting, as entered by the player |
ResetBestLapTime | Drivers | Reset the best lap time to 10:00.0 for a specific driver |
ResetBestLapTimes | Drivers | Reset the best lap times to 10:00.0 for all drivers |
resetSectionList | Workspace variable | Controls whether to reset the contents of the track section list |
ResetTrackLines | Screen buffer | Reset the track lines below the horizon in the track view |
ResetVariables | Main Loop | Reset a number of variables for driving, and print the top two text lines |
RestartGame | Keyboard | Restart the game, putting the C flag into bit 7 of pressingShiftArrow |
revCount | Workspace variable | The current rev count, as shown on the rev counter |
revsOnGearChange | Workspace variable | The rev count when the gear was last changed |
rightDashMask | Dashboard | Pixel mask for the right edge of the dashboard |
rightDashPixels | Dashboard | Pixels along the right edge of the dashboard |
rightGrassStart | Workspace variable | For each track line, the block number where the grass starts to the right of the track |
rightOfEdge | Workspace variable | The fill colour to the right of the edge we are drawing |
rightSegment | Workspace variable | For each track line, the index of the segment within the track segment list for the right verge |
rightTyreMask | Dashboard | Pixel mask for the edge of the right tyre |
rightTyrePixels | Dashboard | Pixels along the edge of the right tyre |
rightVergeStart | Workspace variable | For each track line, the block number where the right track verge starts |
RotateCarToCoord | Maths (Geometry) | Rotate a vector from the frame of reference of the player's car into the 3D world coordinate system |
RotateCoordToCar | Maths (Geometry) | Rotate a vector from the 3D world coordinate system into the frame of reference of the player's car |
RotateVector | Maths (Geometry) | Rotate a vector by a rotation matrix |
rowColours | Text | Three different palettes for displaying even-odd rows in tables |
rowCounter | Workspace variable | The table row number when printing the driver tables |
RR | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
S | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
scaffoldIndex | 3D objects | Index of an object's scaffold in the objectScaffold table |
Scale16Bit | Maths (Arithmetic) | Scale up a 16-bit value by 2^5 |
ScaleCarInSegment | Car geometry | Work out how far a car is within a segment by scaling the angle in which the car is pointing |
scaleDown | Workspace variable | The denominator scale factor for scaling an object scaffold (i.e. scale down) |
scaledScaffold | 3D objects | Storage for an object's scaled scaffold |
ScaleObject | Drawing objects | Scale an object's scaffold by the scale factors in scaleUp and scaleDown |
scaleRange | 3D objects | Storage for scale factors when scaling objects |
ScaleTyreForces | Driving model | Scale the tyre forces and calculate the combined tyre force on the player |
scaleUp | Workspace variable | The nominator scale factor for scaling an object scaffold (i.e. scale up) |
ScaleWingSettings | Driving model | Scale the wing settings and calculate the wing balance, for use in the driving model |
ScanKeyboard | Keyboard | Scan the keyboard for a specific key press |
ScanKeyboard-1 | Keyboard | Contains an RTS |
ScreenHandler | Screen mode | The IRQ handler for the custom screen mode |
ScreenHandler-3 | Screen mode | Jump to the original IRQ handler |
screenRegisters | Screen mode | The 6845 registers for the custom screen mode |
screenSection | Screen mode | The section of the screen that is currently being drawn by the custom screen interrupt handler (0 to 4) |
screenTimer1 | Screen mode | The screen timer offset between the start of section 2 and the start of section 3 |
screenTimer2 | Screen mode | The screen timer offset between the start of section 3 and the start of section 4 |
secondAxis | Workspace variable | The number of the second axis to calculate in the GetRotationMatrix routine |
sectionBehind | Workspace variable | Used to store the number * 8 of the track section behind us when we drive backwards along the track |
sectionCounter | Workspace variable | A counter for the track section we are processing |
sectionListPointer | Workspace variable | The index of the current entry in the track section list, as we only update one entry in the list on each iteration of the main driving loop |
sectionListSize | Workspace variable | The size of the track section list that's used when calculating the positions of the track verges |
sectionListStart | Workspace variable | The start index of the track section list that's used when calculating the positions of the track verges |
sectionListValid | Workspace variable | The index of the first valid entry in the track section list |
sectionSteering | Tactics | The optimum steering for each section |
segmentCounter | Workspace variable | A counter for the track segment we are processing |
segmentDirection | Workspace variable | The relative direction of our car, to use when processing segments in the GetSegmentAngles routine |
segmentFlagMask | Track geometry | A mask for extracting bits from the segment flag byte when processing the track verge and corner markers |
segmentFlags | Workspace variable | Flags for a track segment in the track segment buffer |
segmentListPointer | Workspace variable | The index of the current entry in the track segment list |
segmentListRight | Workspace variable | The index of the last entry in the track segment list for the right side of the track |
segmentOffset | Workspace variable | The offset to use for the segment being processed in the GetSegmentAngles routine |
segmentSlope (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The height above ground of the current track sub-section |
segmentSlope (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The height above ground of the current track sub-section |
segmentSlope (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The height above ground of the current track sub-section |
segmentSlope (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The height above ground of the current track sub-section |
segmentSlope (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The height above ground of the current track sub-section |
segmentSteering | Workspace variable | The carSteering value to steer round the corner for a track segment in the track segment buffer |
segmentStep | Track geometry | The number of segments we step over when working backwards through the track segment buffer in GetSegmentAngles |
segmentVector | Workspace variable | The segment vector number for a track segment in the track segment buffer |
SetBackground | Screen buffer | Set the background colour for any track lines that have not yet had a background colour set |
SetCustomScreen | Screen mode | Switch to the custom screen mode |
SetDriverSpeed | Drivers | Set the speed for a specific driver |
SetEngineTorque | Driving model | Set engineTorque and soundRevTarget |
SetMarker | Screen buffer | Insert a marker value into a dash data block |
SetMarker+3 | Screen buffer | Use the value of A passed to the routine SetMarker+6 Use Y and V in place of A and Y |
SetMarker+6 | Screen buffer | Use Y and V in place of A and Y |
SetObjectDetails | 3D objects | Set an object's visibility, scale and type |
SetObjectStatus | 3D objects | Set an object's status byte |
SetPlayerDriftSup | Car geometry | Record player drift, but only if the player is not in the first three segments of a track section |
SetPlayerPositions | Drivers | Set the current player's position, plus the positions behind and in front |
SetRevsNoTorque | Driving model | Set the rev counter and zero the engine torque |
SetRowColours | Text | Set the foreground and background colours for a table row |
SetScreenMode7 | Screen mode | Change to screen mode 7 and hide the cursor |
SetSectionPointers | Track geometry | Set the track section list pointer to a specific value and update the validity pointer accordingly |
SetSegmentVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Add the yaw angle and height deltas to the yaw angle and height (for curved sections) and calculate the segment vector |
SetSegmentVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Add the yaw angle and height deltas to the yaw angle and height (for curved sections) and calculate the segment vector |
SetSegmentVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Add the yaw angle and height deltas to the yaw angle and height (for curved sections) and calculate the segment vector |
SetSegmentVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Add the yaw angle and height deltas to the yaw angle and height (for curved sections) and calculate the segment vector |
SetSegmentVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Add the yaw angle and height deltas to the yaw angle and height (for curved sections) and calculate the segment vector |
setSpeedForDriver | Workspace variable | The driver whose speed will be set on the next call to the SetDriverSpeed routine |
SetSteeringLimit | Keyboard | Apply a maximum limit to the amount of steering |
SetupGame | Setup | Decrypt or unprotect the game code (disabled) |
SetVergeBackground | Drawing the track | Update the background colour table for any verges that overlap the left edge of the screen |
shiftedKeys | Keyboard | Negative inkey values for the configuration keys that are pressed in combination with SHIFT |
shortAxis | Dashboard | Code modifications for the DrawDashboardLine line-drawing routine |
ShowStartingLights | Dashboard | Show the lights at the start of the race |
ShuffleSectionList | Track geometry | Shuffle the track section list along by one position |
sinYawAngleHi | Driving model | High byte of the sine of the player's yaw angle |
sinYawAngleLo | Driving model | Low byte of the sine of the player's yaw angle |
SortDrivers | Drivers | Create a sorted list of driver numbers, ordered as specified |
soundBuffer | Sound | Details of each sound channel's buffer status |
soundData | Sound | OSWORD blocks for making the various game sounds |
soundRevCount | Workspace variable | The current pitch for the revs sound |
soundRevTarget | Workspace variable | The target pitch for the revs sound |
spinPitchAngle | Workspace variable | The amount of pitch angle spin that is being applied to the player's car |
SpinTrackSection | Track geometry | Apply spin to a section in the track section list |
spinYawAngleHi | Car geometry | High byte of the amount of yaw angle spin that is being applied to the player's car |
spinYawAngleLo | Car geometry | Low byte of the amount of yaw angle spin that is being applied to the player's car |
spinYawAngleTop | Car geometry | Top byte of the amount of yaw angle spin that is being applied to the player's car |
spinYawDeltaHi | Driving model | High byte of the change in the spin yaw angle for the player's car |
spinYawDeltaLo | Driving model | Low byte of the change in the spin yaw angle for the player's car |
SquealTyres | Driving model | Make the tyres squeal |
SS | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
Stack variables | Workspaces | Variables that share page 1 with the stack |
staDrawByte | Screen buffer | Low address bytes of the STA instructions in the DRAW_BYTE macros, for use when drawing track lines around the dashboard |
staDrawByteTyre | Screen buffer | Low address bytes of the STA instructions in the DRAW_BYTE macros, for use when drawing track lines around the tyres |
startChecks | Text | The screen address offset of the start of each chequered header line |
startDialHi | Drawing pixels | The high byte of the screen address of the start of the dial hand on the rev counter |
startDialLo | Drawing pixels | The low byte of the screen address of the start of the dial hand on the rev counter |
startingStack | Workspace variable | The value of the stack pointer when the game starts, so we can restore it when restarting the game |
startMirror | Dashboard | The offset from mirrorAddress for the start of each mirror segment |
steeringHi | Dashboard | The high byte of the steering wheel position |
steeringLo | Dashboard | The low byte of the steering wheel position |
stepAxis | Dashboard | Code modifications for the DrawDashboardLine line-drawing routine |
StopDrawingEdge | Drawing the track | Stop drawing the current segment's verge edge |
strl10 | Drawing the track | Finish drawing the verge edge by updating the background table for this track line |
subSection (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The number of the current sub-section |
subSection (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The number of the current sub-section |
subSection (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The number of the current sub-section |
subSection (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The number of the current sub-section |
subSection (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The number of the current sub-section |
subSectionSegment (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The number of the segment within the current sub-section, counting from the start of the sub-section |
subSectionSegment (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The number of the segment within the current sub-section, counting from the start of the sub-section |
subSectionSegment (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The number of the segment within the current sub-section, counting from the start of the sub-section |
subSectionSegment (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The number of the segment within the current sub-section, counting from the start of the sub-section |
subSectionSegment (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The number of the segment within the current sub-section, counting from the start of the sub-section |
SubtractCoords | Maths (Geometry) | Subtract from a specified coordinate variable |
SwapCode | Setup | Move the track data to the right place and run a checksum on it |
SwapDriverPosition | Drivers | Swap the position for two drivers (i.e. overtake) |
T | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
thisDriver | Workspace variable | The number of the car we are currently drawing |
thisDriverNumber | Drawing objects | The number of the current driver when drawing cars |
thisEdge | Workspace variable | The current edge that we are drawing as part of an object part |
thisObjectIndex | Workspace variable | The index of the current object part's data as we work our way through an object's constituent parts |
thisObjectType | 3D objects | The type of object we are currently drawing |
thisPitchIndex | Workspace variable | The index of the pitch angle in the track segment list for the verge we are processing |
thisPosition | Workspace variable | The position of the car that we are analysing in the MoveAndDrawCars routine |
thisSectionFlags | Workspace variable | The track section flags for the current track section |
thisSectionNumber | Workspace variable | The number * 8 of the current section number when calculating the track verges |
thisSignNumber | Workspace variable | The sign number that we are currently building |
thisVectorNumber | Workspace variable | The number of the segment vector for the current track segment, ready to store in the track segment buffer as segmentVector |
thisYawIndex | Workspace variable | The index of the yaw angle in the track segment list for the verge we are processing |
ThrobRevsNoTorque | Driving model | Set the rev counter after adding a random throb and zero the engine torque |
throttleBrake | Workspace variable | The amount of throttle or brake being applied |
throttleBrakeState | Workspace variable | Denotes whether the throttle or brake are being applied |
timeFromOption | Keyboard | Table to convert from the option numbers in the qualifying lap duration menu to the actual number of minutes |
timerAdjust | Workspace variable | A counter for implementing the clock speed adjustment |
token0 | Text | Text for recursive token 0 |
token1 | Text | Text for recursive token 1 |
token2 | Text | Text for recursive token 2 |
token3 | Text | Text for recursive token 3 |
token4 | Text | Text for recursive token 4 |
token5 | Text | Text for recursive token 5 |
token6 | Text | Text for recursive token 6 |
token7 | Text | Text for recursive token 7 |
token8 | Text | Text for recursive token 8 |
token9 | Text | Text for recursive token 9 |
token10 | Text | Text for recursive token 10 |
token11 | Text | Text for recursive token 11 |
token12 | Text | Text for recursive token 12 |
token13 | Text | Text for recursive token 13 |
token14 | Text | Text for recursive token 14 |
token15 | Text | Text for recursive token 15 |
token16 | Text | Text for recursive token 16 |
token17 | Text | Text for recursive token 17 |
token18 | Text | Text for recursive token 18 |
token19 | Text | Text for recursive token 19 |
token20 | Text | Text for recursive token 20 |
token21 | Text | Text for recursive token 21 |
token22 | Text | Text for recursive token 22 |
token23 | Text | Text for recursive token 23 |
token24 | Text | Text for recursive token 24 |
token25 | Text | Text for recursive token 25 |
token26 | Text | Text for recursive token 26 |
token27 | Text | Text for recursive token 27 |
token28 | Text | Text for recursive token 28 |
token29 | Text | Text for recursive token 29 |
token30 | Text | Text for recursive token 30 |
token31 | Text | Text for recursive token 31 |
token32 | Text | Text for recursive token 32 |
token33 | Text | Text for recursive token 33 |
token34 | Text | Text for recursive token 34 |
token35 | Text | Text for recursive token 35 |
token36 | Text | Text for recursive token 36 |
token37 | Text | Text for recursive token 37 |
token38 | Text | Text for recursive token 38 |
token39 | Text | Text for recursive token 39 |
token40 | Text | Text for recursive token 40 |
token41 | Text | Text for recursive token 41 |
token42 | Text | Text for recursive token 42 |
token43 | Text | Text for recursive token 43 |
token44 | Text | Text for recursive token 44 |
token45 | Text | Text for recursive token 45 |
token46 | Text | Text for recursive token 46 |
token48 | Text | Text for recursive token 48 |
token49 | Text | Text for recursive token 49 |
token50 | Text | Text for recursive token 50 |
token51 | Text | Text for recursive token 51 |
token52 | Text | Text for recursive token 52 |
token53 | Text | Text for recursive token 53 |
tokenHi | Text | high byte of the token address lookup table |
tokenLo | Text | Low byte of the token address lookup table |
topTrackLine | Workspace variable | The top track line for the current object part |
totalPointsHi | Drivers | High byte of total accumulated points for each driver |
totalPointsLo | Drivers | Low byte of total accumulated points for each driver |
totalPointsTop | Workspace variable | Top byte of total accumulated points for each driver |
totalRaceMinutes | Workspace variable | Minutes of each driver's total race time, stored in BCD |
totalRaceSeconds | Workspace variable | Seconds of each driver's total race time, stored in BCD |
totalRaceTenths | Workspace variable | Tenths of seconds of each driver's total race time, stored in BCD |
Track section data (Part 1 of 2) (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 1 of 2) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 1 of 2) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 1 of 2) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 1 of 2) (Silverstone) | Track data | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 1 of 2) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 2 of 2) (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 2 of 2) (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 2 of 2) (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 2 of 2) (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 2 of 2) (Silverstone) | Track data | Data for the track sections |
Track section data (Part 2 of 2) (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Data for the track sections |
trackBaseSpeed | Workspace variable | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackBaseSpeed (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackBaseSpeed (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackBaseSpeed (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackBaseSpeed (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackBaseSpeed (Silverstone) | Track data | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackBaseSpeed (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The base speed for each race class, used when generating the best racing lines and non-player driver speeds |
trackCarSpacing | Workspace variable | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackCarSpacing (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackCarSpacing (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackCarSpacing (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackCarSpacing (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackCarSpacing (Silverstone) | Track data | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackCarSpacing (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The spacing between the cars at the start of a qualifying lap, in segments |
trackChecksum (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The track file's checksum |
trackChecksum (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The track file's checksum |
trackChecksum (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The track file's checksum |
trackChecksum (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The track file's checksum |
trackChecksum (Silverstone) | Track data | The track file's checksum |
trackChecksum (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The track file's checksum |
trackData | Track data | This is where the track data gets loaded |
trackDriverSpeed | Workspace variable | The maximum speed for non-player drivers on this section of the track |
trackGameName (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The game name |
trackGameName (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The game name |
trackGameName (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The game name |
trackGameName (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The game name |
trackGameName (Silverstone) | Track data | The game name |
trackGameName (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The game name |
trackGearPower | Workspace variable | The power for each gear |
trackGearPower (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The power for each gear |
trackGearPower (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The power for each gear |
trackGearPower (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The power for each gear |
trackGearPower (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The power for each gear |
trackGearPower (Silverstone) | Track data | The power for each gear |
trackGearPower (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The power for each gear |
trackGearRatio | Workspace variable | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackGearRatio (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackGearRatio (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackGearRatio (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackGearRatio (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackGearRatio (Silverstone) | Track data | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackGearRatio (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The gear ratio for each gear |
trackLapTimeMin | Workspace variable | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeMin (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeMin (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeMin (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeMin (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeMin (Silverstone) | Track data | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeMin (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (minutes) |
trackLapTimeSec | Workspace variable | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLapTimeSec (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLapTimeSec (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLapTimeSec (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLapTimeSec (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLapTimeSec (Silverstone) | Track data | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLapTimeSec (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Lap times for adjusting the race class (seconds) |
trackLength | Workspace variable | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackLength (Brands Hatch) | Track data | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackLength (Donington Park) | Track data | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackLength (Nürburgring) | Track data | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackLength (Oulton Park) | Track data | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackLength (Silverstone) | Track data | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackLength (Snetterton) | Track data | The length of the full track in terms of segments |
trackName (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The track name |
trackName (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The track name |
trackName (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The track name |
trackName (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The track name |
trackName (Silverstone) | Track data | The track name |
trackName (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The track name |
trackRaceSlowdown | Workspace variable | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackRaceSlowdown (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackRaceSlowdown (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackRaceSlowdown (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackRaceSlowdown (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackRaceSlowdown (Silverstone) | Track data | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackRaceSlowdown (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Slowdown factor for non-player drivers in the race |
trackSectionCount | Workspace variable | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionCount (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionCount (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionCount (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionCount (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionCount (Silverstone) | Track data | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionCount (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The total number of track sections * 8 |
trackSectionData | Workspace variable | Various data for the track section: |
trackSectionFlag | Workspace variable | Various flags for the track section: |
trackSectionFrom | Workspace variable | The number of the first segment vector in each section, which enables us to fetch the segment vectors for a given track section |
trackSectionSize | Workspace variable | The length of each track section in terms of segments |
trackSectionTurn | Workspace variable | The number of the segment in the section where non-player drivers should start turning in preparation for the next section |
trackSignData | Workspace variable | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSignData (Brands Hatch) | Track data | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSignData (Donington Park) | Track data | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSignData (Nürburgring) | Track data | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSignData (Oulton Park) | Track data | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSignData (Silverstone) | Track data | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSignData (Snetterton) | Track data | Base coordinates and object types for 16 road signs |
trackSlope (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The slope at the start of each track section |
trackSlope (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The slope at the start of each track section |
trackSlope (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The slope at the start of each track section |
trackSlope (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The slope at the start of each track section |
trackSlope (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The slope at the start of each track section |
trackSlopeDelta (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The change in the slope (i.e. the change in the gradient) over the course of each segment for each sub-section of the track |
trackSlopeDelta (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The change in the slope (i.e. the change in the gradient) over the course of each segment for each sub-section of the track |
trackSlopeDelta (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The change in the slope (i.e. the change in the gradient) over the course of each segment for each sub-section of the track |
trackSlopeDelta (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The change in the slope (i.e. the change in the gradient) over the course of each segment for each sub-section of the track |
trackSlopeDelta (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The change in the slope (i.e. the change in the gradient) over the course of each segment for each sub-section of the track |
trackStartLine | Workspace variable | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartLine (Brands Hatch) | Track data | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartLine (Donington Park) | Track data | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartLine (Nürburgring) | Track data | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartLine (Oulton Park) | Track data | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartLine (Silverstone) | Track data | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartLine (Snetterton) | Track data | The segment number of the starting line |
trackStartPosition | Workspace variable | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackStartPosition (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackStartPosition (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackStartPosition (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackStartPosition (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackStartPosition (Silverstone) | Track data | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackStartPosition (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The starting race position of the player during a practice or qualifying lap |
trackSteering | Workspace variable | The optimum steering for non-player drivers to apply on each track section |
trackSteering (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section |
trackSteering (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section |
trackSteering (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section |
trackSteering (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section |
trackSteering (Silverstone) | Track data | The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section |
trackSteering (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section |
trackSubConfig (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Configuration data for each section that defines the sub-section numbers, and horizon calculations |
trackSubConfig (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Configuration data for each section that defines the sub-section numbers, and horizon calculations |
trackSubConfig (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Configuration data for each section that defines the sub-section numbers, and horizon calculations |
trackSubConfig (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Configuration data for each section that defines the sub-section numbers, and horizon calculations |
trackSubConfig (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Configuration data for each section that defines the sub-section numbers, and horizon calculations |
trackSubCount (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The total number of sub-sections in the track |
trackSubCount (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The total number of sub-sections in the track |
trackSubCount (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The total number of sub-sections in the track |
trackSubCount (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The total number of sub-sections in the track |
trackSubCount (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The total number of sub-sections in the track |
trackSubSize (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The size of each sub-section, i.e. the number of segments in each sub-section |
trackSubSize (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The size of each sub-section, i.e. the number of segments in each sub-section |
trackSubSize (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The size of each sub-section, i.e. the number of segments in each sub-section |
trackSubSize (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The size of each sub-section, i.e. the number of segments in each sub-section |
trackSubSize (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The size of each sub-section, i.e. the number of segments in each sub-section |
trackTimerAdjust | Workspace variable | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackTimerAdjust (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackTimerAdjust (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackTimerAdjust (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackTimerAdjust (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackTimerAdjust (Silverstone) | Track data | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackTimerAdjust (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Adjustment factor for the speed of the timers to allow for fine-tuning of time on a per-track basis |
trackVectorCount | Workspace variable | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackVectorCount (Brands Hatch) | Track data | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackVectorCount (Donington Park) | Track data | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackVectorCount (Nürburgring) | Track data | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackVectorCount (Oulton Park) | Track data | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackVectorCount (Silverstone) | Track data | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackVectorCount (Snetterton) | Track data | The total number of segment vectors in the segment vector tables |
trackYawAngleHi (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The high byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleHi (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The high byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleHi (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The high byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleHi (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The high byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleHi (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The high byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleLo (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The low byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleLo (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The low byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleLo (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The low byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleLo (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The low byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawAngleLo (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The low byte of the yaw angle of the start of each track section (i.e. the direction of the track at that point) |
trackYawDeltaHi (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | High byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaHi (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaHi (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | High byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaHi (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaHi (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | High byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaLo (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaLo (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaLo (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaLo (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
trackYawDeltaLo (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the change in yaw angle that we apply to each segment in the specified sub-section when building the track |
TT | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
turnCounter | Workspace variable | A counter for the length of turn when calculating the optimum steering for a track segment |
TurnPlayerAround | Car geometry | Turn the player around and initialise the specified number of track segments in the new direction |
tyreEdgeIndex | Dashboard | Index of the mask and pixel bytes for the tyre edges on a specific track line |
tyreRightEdge | Workspace variable | Storage for the first track pixel byte along the right edge of the left tyre |
tyreSqueal | Driving model | A flag to determine whether the front or rear tyres are squealing |
tyreTravel | Dashboard | Keeps track of how far we have travelled so we know when to animate the tyres |
tyreTreadLeft | Dashboard | Tyre tread pattern for the left tyre |
tyreTreadRight | Dashboard | Tyre tread pattern for the right tyre |
U | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
UpdateBackground | Drawing the track | Update the background colour table for when we draw a verge edge off the left edge of the screen |
updateBackground | Workspace variable | Flag to indicate we have changed the background colour of a track line |
UpdateCurveVector | Track geometry | Move to the next segment vector along in the direction we are facing, but only for curved track sections |
UpdateDashboard | Dashboard | Update the rev counter and steering wheel lines on the dashboard |
UpdateDataPointers (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Update the sub-section and segment numbers to point to the next segment along the track in the correct direction |
UpdateDataPointers (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Update the sub-section and segment numbers to point to the next segment along the track in the correct direction |
UpdateDataPointers (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Update the sub-section and segment numbers to point to the next segment along the track in the correct direction |
UpdateDataPointers (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Update the sub-section and segment numbers to point to the next segment along the track in the correct direction |
UpdateDataPointers (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Update the sub-section and segment numbers to point to the next segment along the track in the correct direction |
updateDriverInfo | Text | Flag that controls whether the driver names are updated in the information block at the top of the screen |
updateDrivingInfo | Workspace variable | Determines which parts of the driving information should be updated at the top of the screen |
UpdateLaps | Drivers | Increment the lap number and lap times for a specific driver |
UpdateLapTimers | Drivers | Update the lap timers and display timer-related messages at the top of the screen |
updateLapTimes | Drivers | Controls whether moving the car forward updates the lap number and lap times |
UpdateMirrors | Dashboard | Update the wing mirrors to show any cars behind us |
UpdatePositionInfo | Text | Apply any position changes and update the position information at the top of the screen |
UpdateVectorNumber | Track geometry | Move to the next segment vector along the track in the direction we are facing |
UpdateVelocity | Driving model | Update the player's velocity and spin yaw angle |
UU | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
V | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
vectorNumber | Workspace variable | The segment vector number when building car objects in the BuildCarObjects routine |
vergeBufferEnd | Workspace variable | The index of the last entry in the track verge buffer for the side of the track we are currently drawing in DrawTrack |
vergeColour | Track geometry | Lookup table for converting bits 0-2 of the segment flag byte into the verge colour scheme |
vergeDataLeft | Track geometry | Data (such as colour) for the verge marks on the left side of the track |
vergeDataRight | Track geometry | Data (such as colour) for the verge marks on the right side of the track |
vergeDepthOfField | Workspace variable | The index into the verge buffer of the furthest verge mark, so for segments further from the player than this point, we do not draw verge marks |
vergeEdgeInOut | Drawing the track | Table for mapping the verge tables to the outer and inner edges of the verge marks |
vergeEdgeRight | Drawing the track | Contain the four pixel bytes for the verge edge we are drawing, masked to only include the rightmost 4, 3, 2 and 1 pixels |
vergeOnScreenEdge | Workspace variable | Determines whether the verge edge we are drawing for the current segment is partially off-screen |
vergePixelMask | Drawing the track | Pixel bytes for drawing track verge edges |
vergeScale | Track geometry | Scale factors for the track verge width for different types of verge (larger value = smaller verge width) |
vergeTableHi | Drawing the track | High bytes of the addresses of the four verge tables |
vergeTableLo | Drawing the track | Low bytes of the addresses of the four verge tables |
vergeTopLeft | Workspace variable | The track line just above the segment at vergeDepthOfField (i.e. the furthest segment that might contain a verge) when drawing the left verge |
vergeTopRight | Workspace variable | The track line just above the segment at vergeDepthOfField (i.e. the furthest segment that might contain a verge) when drawing the right verge |
vergeType | Workspace variable | The type of verge that is currently being drawn in the DrawTrack routine: |
volumeLevel | Workspace variable | The game's volume level |
VV | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
W | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
WaitForSpace | Keyboard | Print a prompt, wait for the SPACE key to be released, and wait for SPACE to be pressed |
WaitForSpaceReturn | Keyboard | Print a prompt, wait for the SPACE key to be released, and wait for either SPACE or RETURN to be pressed |
wheelPixels | Dashboard | The number of pixels in the longest axis for the steering wheel line at various points in a quadrant |
wingBalance | Driving model | Value used in the driving model when calculating the effect of the two wing settings |
wingForce | Driving model | The downward force from the front and rear wings |
wingForce95 | Driving model | 95% of the downward force from the front and rear wings |
wingForceGrass | Driving model | The base downward force from the weight of the car when on grass, to which the downward force from the wings is added |
wingForceTrack | Driving model | The base downward force from the weight of the car when on the track, to which the downward force from the wings is added |
wingScaleFactor | Driving model | Scale factors for the wing settings |
wingSetting | Driving model | Contains the scaled wing settings |
WW | Workspace variable | Temporary storage, used in a number of places |
xAccelerationHi | Driving model | High byte of the x-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in terms of 3D world coordinates |
xAccelerationLo | Driving model | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in terms of 3D world coordinates |
xCoord1Hi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the x-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord1, yCoord1, zCoord1) |
xCoord1Lo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the x-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord1, yCoord1, zCoord1) |
xCoord2Hi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the x-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord2, yCoord2, zCoord2) |
xCoord2Lo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the x-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord2, yCoord2, zCoord2) |
xCursor | Text | The cursor's x-coordinate, which can either be a pixel coordinate or a character row |
xHeader | Text | Column number for printing mode 7 headers |
xHelmetCoordHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the x-coordinate of the body/helmet object in the four-object car |
xHelmetCoordLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the body/helmet object in the four-object car |
xMarkerHi | Track geometry | High byte of the x-axis distance between the track edge and the three corner markers |
xMarkerLo | Track geometry | Low byte of the x-axis distance between the track edge and the three corner markers |
xPixelCoord | Workspace variable | The pixel x-coordinate of the centre of the current object |
xPlayerAccelHi | Driving model | High byte of the x-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in the player's frame of reference |
xPlayerAccelLo | Driving model | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in the player's frame of reference |
xPlayerCoordHi | Car geometry | The high byte of the x-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
xPlayerCoordLo | Car geometry | The low byte of the x-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
xPlayerCoordTop | Car geometry | The top byte of the x-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
xPlayerSpeedHi | Driving model | High byte of the x-coordinate of the velocity vector (i.e. x-axis speed) for the player's car during this main loop iteration |
xPlayerSpeedLo | Driving model | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the velocity vector (i.e. x-axis speed) for the player's car during this main loop iteration |
xPlayerSpeedTop | Driving model | Top byte of the x-coordinate of the velocity vector (i.e. x-axis speed) for the player's car during this main loop iteration |
xPrevVelocityHi | Workspace variable | Used to store the high byte of the x-coordinate of the player's previous velocity vector during the driving model calculations (i.e. the velocity from the last iteration of the main loop) |
xPrevVelocityLo | Workspace variable | Used to store the low byte of the x-coordinate of the player's previous velocity vector during the driving model calculations (i.e. the velocity from the last iteration of the main loop) |
xRoadSignCoordHi | 3D objects | The high byte of the x-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates |
xRoadSignCoordLo | 3D objects | The low byte of the x-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates |
xSegmentCoordIHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the 3D x-coordinate for an inner track segment in the track segment buffer |
xSegmentCoordILo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the 3D x-coordinate for an inner track segment in the track segment buffer |
xSegmentCoordOHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the 3D x-coordinate for an outer track segment in the track segment buffer |
xSegmentCoordOLo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the 3D x-coordinate for an outer track segment in the track segment buffer |
xSpinVelocityHi | Workspace variable | Used to store the high byte of the scaled spin yaw angle during the driving model calculations |
xSpinVelocityLo | Workspace variable | Used to store the low byte of the scaled spin yaw angle during the driving model calculations |
xSteeringForceHi | Driving model | High byte of the sideways force applied by steering |
xSteeringForceLo | Driving model | Low byte of the sideways force applied by steering |
xStoreDraw | Workspace variable | Temporary storage for X so it can be preserved through calls to DrawCarInPosition, DrawCarOrSign and DrawSegmentEdge |
xStoreSound | Sound | Temporary storage for X so it can be preserved through calls to the sound routines |
xTrackCurve (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
xTrackCurve (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
xTrackCurve (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
xTrackCurve (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
xTrackCurve (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
xTrackSectionIHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section |
xTrackSectionILo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section |
xTrackSectionOHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section |
xTrackSectionOLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section |
xTrackSegmentI | Workspace variable | Vector x-coordinates between two consecutive segments on the inside of the track |
xTrackSegmentI (Silverstone) | Track data | Vector x-coordinates between two consecutive segments on the inside of the track |
xTrackSegmentO | Workspace variable | Vector x-coordinates from the inside to the outside of the track for each segment |
xTrackSegmentO (Silverstone) | Track data | Vector x-coordinates from the inside to the outside of the track for each segment |
xTrackSignVector | Workspace variable | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTrackSignVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTrackSignVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTrackSignVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTrackSignVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTrackSignVector (Silverstone) | Track data | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTrackSignVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The x-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
xTyreForceNoseHi | Driving model | High byte of the x-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front tyres in the nose of the car |
xTyreForceNoseLo | Driving model | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front tyres in the nose of the car |
xTyreForceRearHi | Driving model | High byte of the x-coordinate of the force vector produced by the rear tyres of the car |
xTyreForceRearLo | Driving model | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the force vector produced by the rear tyres of the car |
xVelocityHi | Driving model | High byte of the x-coordinate of the player's velocity vector, from the player's frame of reference |
xVelocityLo | Driving model | Low byte of the x-coordinate of the player's velocity vector, from the player's frame of reference |
xVergeLeftHi | Track geometry | High byte of segment yaw angles along the left track verge in front of the player (i.e. along the x-axis) |
xVergeLeftLo | Track geometry | Low byte of segment yaw angles along the left track verge in front of the player (i.e. along the x-axis) |
xVergeRightHi | Track geometry | High byte of segment yaw angles along the right track verge in front of the player (i.e. along the x-axis) |
xVergeRightLo | Track geometry | Low byte of segment yaw angles along the right track verge in front of the player (i.e. along the x-axis) |
yawAngleHi (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | High byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleHi (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleHi (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | High byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleHi (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | High byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleHi (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | High byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleLo (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleLo (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleLo (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleLo (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yawAngleLo (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | Low byte of the current yaw angle of the track, i.e. the angle at which the track is pointing along the ground |
yCoord1Hi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the y-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord1, yCoord1, zCoord1) |
yCoord1Lo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the y-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord1, yCoord1, zCoord1) |
yCoord2Hi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the y-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord2, yCoord2, zCoord2) |
yCoord2Lo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the y-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord2, yCoord2, zCoord2) |
yCursor | Text | The cursor's pixel y-coordinate |
yGravityDelta | Workspace variable | The distance in the y-axis that the car would fall if the track wasn't there, for use when calculating the outcome of jumps and being dropped from the crane |
yHeader | Text | Row number for printing mode 7 headers |
yHelmetCoordHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the y-coordinate of the body/helmet object in the four-object car |
yHelmetCoordLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the y-coordinate of the body/helmet object in the four-object car |
yJumpHeight | Workspace variable | The height of the car's jump (or crane lift), in terms of track lines, which we use to alter the position of the horizon |
yLookupHi | Drawing pixels | Lookup table for converting pixel y-coordinate to high byte of screen address |
yLookupLo | Drawing pixels | Lookup table for converting pixel y-coordinate to low byte of screen address |
yPixelCoord | Workspace variable | The pixel y-coordinate of the centre of the current object |
yPlayerCoordHi | Car geometry | The high byte of the y-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
yPlayerCoordLo | Car geometry | The low byte of the y-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
yPlayerCoordTop | Car geometry | The top byte of the y-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
yRoadSignCoordHi | 3D objects | The high byte of the y-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates |
yRoadSignCoordLo | 3D objects | The low byte of the y-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates |
ySegmentCoordIHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the 3D y-coordinate for an inner track segment in the track segment buffer |
ySegmentCoordILo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the 3D y-coordinate for an inner track segment in the track segment buffer |
ySegmentCoordOHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the 3D y-coordinate for an outer track segment in the track segment buffer |
ySegmentCoordOLo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the 3D y-coordinate for an outer track segment in the track segment buffer |
yTrackSectionIHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section |
yTrackSectionILo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section |
yTrackSegmentI | Workspace variable | Vector y-coordinates between two consecutive segments on the inside of the track |
yTrackSegmentI (Silverstone) | Track data | Vector y-coordinates between two consecutive segments on the inside of the track |
yTrackSignVector | Workspace variable | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yTrackSignVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yTrackSignVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yTrackSignVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yTrackSignVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yTrackSignVector (Silverstone) | Track data | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yTrackSignVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The y-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
yVergeLeft | Track geometry | Segment pitch angles along the left track verge in front of the player (i.e. along the up-down y-axis) |
yVergeRight | Track geometry | Segment pitch angles along the right track verge in front of the player (i.e. along the up-down y-axis) |
zAccelerationHi | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in terms of 3D world coordinates |
zAccelerationLo | Driving model | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in terms of 3D world coordinates |
zCoord1Hi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the z-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord1, yCoord1, zCoord1) |
zCoord1Lo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the z-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord1, yCoord1, zCoord1) |
zCoord2Hi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the z-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord2, yCoord2, zCoord2) |
zCoord2Lo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the z-coordinate of the temporary coordinate variable (xCoord2, yCoord2, zCoord2) |
Zero page | Workspaces | Mainly temporary variables that are used a lot |
ZeroEngineTorque | Driving model | Zero engineTorque |
zeroIfYIs55 | Screen buffer | A lookup table for zeroing Y if and only if it is &55 |
ZeroTimer | Drivers | Zero the specified timer |
zHelmetCoordHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the z-coordinate of the body/helmet object in the four-object car |
zHelmetCoordLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the body/helmet object in the four-object car |
zPlayerAccelHi | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in the player's frame of reference |
zPlayerAccelLo | Driving model | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the change in velocity of the player's car in the player's frame of reference |
zPlayerCoordHi | Car geometry | The high byte of the z-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
zPlayerCoordLo | Car geometry | The low byte of the z-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
zPlayerCoordTop | Car geometry | The top byte of the z-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates |
zPlayerSpeedHi | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the velocity vector (i.e. z-axis speed) for the player's car during this main loop iteration |
zPlayerSpeedLo | Driving model | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the velocity vector (i.e. z-axis speed) for the player's car during this main loop iteration |
zPlayerSpeedTop | Driving model | Top byte of the z-coordinate of the velocity vector (i.e. z-axis speed) for the player's car during this main loop iteration |
zRoadSignCoordHi | 3D objects | The high byte of the z-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates |
zRoadSignCoordLo | 3D objects | The low byte of the z-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates |
zSegmentCoordIHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the 3D z-coordinate for an inner track segment in the track segment buffer |
zSegmentCoordILo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the 3D z-coordinate for an inner track segment in the track segment buffer |
zSegmentCoordOHi | Workspace variable | The high byte of the 3D z-coordinate for an outer track segment in the track segment buffer |
zSegmentCoordOLo | Workspace variable | The low byte of the 3D z-coordinate for an outer track segment in the track segment buffer |
zTrackCurve (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
zTrackCurve (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
zTrackCurve (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
zTrackCurve (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
zTrackCurve (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the tangent vector (i.e. the curve direction) at 64 points on a one-eighth circle covering 0 to 45 degrees |
zTrackSectionIHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section |
zTrackSectionILo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section |
zTrackSectionOHi | Workspace variable | High byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section |
zTrackSectionOLo | Workspace variable | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section |
zTrackSegmentI | Workspace variable | Vector z-coordinates between two consecutive segments on the inside of the track |
zTrackSegmentI (Silverstone) | Track data | Vector z-coordinates between two consecutive segments on the inside of the track |
zTrackSegmentO | Workspace variable | Vector z-coordinates from the inside to the outside of the track for each segment |
zTrackSegmentO (Silverstone) | Track data | Vector z-coordinates from the inside to the outside of the track for each segment |
zTrackSignVector | Workspace variable | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTrackSignVector (Brands Hatch) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTrackSignVector (Donington Park) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTrackSignVector (Nürburgring) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTrackSignVector (Oulton Park) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTrackSignVector (Silverstone) | Track data | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTrackSignVector (Snetterton) | Extra tracks | The z-coordinate of the track sign vector for each sign, to be scaled and added to the inner track section vector for the sign |
zTyreForceBoth | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front and tyres combined |
zTyreForceNoseHi | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front tyres in the nose of the car |
zTyreForceNoseLo | Driving model | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front tyres in the nose of the car |
zTyreForceRearHi | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the force vector produced by the rear tyres |
zTyreForceRearLo | Driving model | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the force vector produced by the rear tyres |
zVelocityHi | Driving model | High byte of the z-coordinate of the player's velocity vector, from the player's frame of reference |
zVelocityLo | Driving model | Low byte of the z-coordinate of the player's velocity vector, from the player's frame of reference |