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Drawing pixels: GetScreenAddress

Name: GetScreenAddress [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing pixels Summary: Return the screen address for a specified screen coordinate
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * UpdateDashboard calls GetScreenAddress * PrintCharacter calls via GetScreenAddress-2

Arguments: A The screen x-coordinate in pixels (0 to 159) Y The screen y-coordinate in pixels
Returns: (Q P) The address of the character block containing the screen coordinates Y The pixel row within the character block containing the screen coordinates
Other entry points: GetScreenAddress-2 Treat the x-coordinate as a character column number rather than a pixel coordinate (0 to 39)
ASL A \ Set A = A << 2 ASL A \ = x-coord << 2 \ \ so in the following, (Q P) gets set to x-coord << 3, \ or x-coord * 8, which gives us the correct byte number \ for this coordinate on the character row, as each \ character block contains eight bytes .GetScreenAddress STA P \ Set (Q P) = A << 1 LDA #0 \ = x-coord << 1 ASL P \ = x-coord * 2 ROL A \ STA Q \ so (Q P) contains the correct byte number for this \ coordinate as an offset from the start address of the \ character row, as each character row contains 320 \ bytes, and the x-coordinate in A is in the range 0 to \ 160 (i.e. each character block is two pixels wide) TYA \ Set X = Y LSR A \ = y-coord >> 3 LSR A \ LSR A \ so X is the character row number for this coordinate TAX \ The X-th entry in the (yLookupHi yLookupLo) table \ contains the screen address of the start of character \ row X in the custom screen, so we now add this to \ (Q P) to get the screen address of the correct \ character block on this row LDA yLookupLo,X \ Set (Q P) = (Q P) + X-th yLookup entry CLC \ ADC P \ starting with the low bytes STA P LDA yLookupHi,X \ And then the high bytes ADC Q STA Q TYA \ Set Y = Y mod 8, to set it to the pixel row within the AND #7 \ character block for the coordinate TAY RTS \ Return from the subroutine