.HalveCoordinate LDX #2 \ We are about to right-shift the following 16-bit \ variables: \ \ (SS T) \ (TT U) \ (UU V) \ \ so set a counter in X to use as an index that loops \ through 2, 1 and 0, as: \ \ (TT U) = (SS+1 U+1) \ (UU V) = (SS+2 U+2) \ \ The following comments are for (SS T), but the same \ process applies for (TT U) and (UU V) .halc1 LDA SS,X \ Set A to the high byte of (SS T) CLC \ If A is negative, set the C flag, otherwise clear the BPL halc2 \ C flag, so this sets the C flag to the sign of (SS T) SEC .halc2 ROR SS,X \ Set (SS T) = (SS T) >> 1 ROR T,X DEX \ Decrement the loop counter to move on to the next \ variable BPL halc1 \ Loop back until we have shifted all three 16-bit \ variables to the right RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: HalveCoordinate [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Halve a coordinate with three 16-bit axesContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) calls HalveCoordinate
Given a three-axis variable, this routine halves each axis in-place: [ (SS T) ] [ (SS T) ] [ (TT U) ] = [ (TT U) ] / 2 [ (UU V) ] [ (UU V) ]
Arguments: (SS T) The value of the coordinate's first axis (TT U) The value of the coordinate's second axis (UU V) The value of the coordinate's third axis
Label halc1 is local to this routine
Label halc2 is local to this routine