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Driving model: ApplyWingBalance

Name: ApplyWingBalance [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Driving model Summary: Apply the effect of the wing settings Deep dive: The core driving model Driving on grass
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ApplyDrivingModel calls ApplyWingBalance

This routine calculates the following: xPlayerAccel = xPlayerAccel - scaledSpeed * xPrevVelocityHi zPlayerAccel = zPlayerAccel - scaledSpeed * (wingBalance * playerSpeedHi + 2048) * abs(zVelocity) where scaledSpeed = playerSpeedHi if bumpyGrassHeight = 0 playerSpeedHi * 2 otherwise and wingBalance = 60 + (rearWingSetting * 3 + frontWingSetting) / 2
.ApplyWingBalance LDA xPrevVelocityHi \ Set A = xPrevVelocityHi JSR Absolute8Bit \ Set A = |A| \ = |xPrevVelocityHi| STA U \ Set U = A \ = |xPrevVelocityHi| CMP playerSpeedHi \ If A >= playerSpeedHi, jump to bala1 BCS bala1 LDA playerSpeedHi \ Set A = playerSpeedHi, so A has a minimum value of \ playerSpeedHi .bala1 LDY bumpyGrassHeight \ If bumpyGrassHeight = 0, jump to bala2 to skip the BEQ bala2 \ following ASL A \ Set A = A * 2 \ playerSpeedHi * 2 .bala2 STA W \ Set W = A \ = playerSpeedHi if bumpyGrassHeight = 0 \ playerSpeedHi * 2 otherwise \ \ Let's call this value scaledSpeed JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T) = A * U \ = scaledSpeed * |xPrevVelocityHi| STA U \ Set (U T) = (A T) \ = scaledSpeed * |xPrevVelocityHi| LDY #6 \ Set Y = 6, so the call to SubtractCoords uses \ xPlayerAccel LDA xPrevVelocityHi \ Set A = xPrevVelocityHi so the call to SubtractCoords \ sets the sign to abs(xPrevVelocity) JSR SubtractCoords \ Set: \ \ variableY = variableY - (U T) * abs(A) \ \ so that's: \ \ xPlayerAccel = xPlayerAccel \ - scaledSpeed * |xPrevVelocityHi| \ * abs(xPrevVelocity) \ \ = xPlayerAccel - scaledSpeed * xPrevVelocityHi LDA playerSpeedHi \ Set U = playerSpeedHi STA U LDA wingBalance \ Set A = wingBalance, which is calculated as: \ \ 60 + (rearWingSetting * 3 + frontWingSetting) / 2 JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T) = A * U \ = wingBalance * playerSpeedHi CLC \ Set V = A + 8 ADC #8 \ STA V \ so (V T) = (A T) + (8 0) \ = wingBalance * playerSpeedHi + 2048 LDA W \ Set U = W STA U \ = scaledSpeed JSR Multiply8x16 \ Set: \ \ (U T) = U * (V T) \ = scaledSpeed \ * (wingBalance * playerSpeedHi + 2048) LDY #7 \ Set Y = 6, so the call to SubtractCoords uses \ zPlayerAccel LDA zVelocityHi \ Set A = zVelocityHi so the call to SubtractCoords sets \ the sign to abs(zVelocity) JSR SubtractCoords \ Set: \ \ variableY = variableY - (U T) * abs(A) \ \ so that's: \ \ zPlayerAccel = zPlayerAccel - scaledSpeed \ * (wingBalance * playerSpeedHi + 2048) \ * abs(zVelocity) RTS \ Return from the subroutine