.AddScaledVector PHA \ Set (V A T) = (0 A 0) LDA #0 \ = A * 256 STA T STA V PLA BPL addv1 \ If A is positive then V is already the correct high \ byte for (V A T), so jump to addv1 DEC V \ Otherwise, decrement V to &FF so it's the correct \ high byte for (V A T) \ We now shift (V A T) right by Y places .addv1 LSR V \ Set (V A T) = (V A T) >> 1 ROR A ROR T DEY \ Decrement the shift counter BNE addv1 \ Loop back until we have right-shifted Y times STA U \ Set (V U T) = (V A T) \ = A * 256 >> Y \ = A * 2 ^ (8 - Y) \ \ We know that V doesn't contain any data, just sign \ bits, so this means: \ \ (U T) = A * 2 ^ (8 - Y) \ = xTrackSignVector * 2 ^ (8 - Y) LDY W \ Fetch the axis index from W DEC W \ Decrement the axis index in W, ready for the next call \ to AddScaledVector LDA xPlayerCoordHi,Y \ Set xRoadSignCoord = xPlayerCoord - (U T) SEC \ SBC T \ starting with the low bytes STA xRoadSignCoordLo,Y LDA xPlayerCoordTop,Y \ And then the high bytes SBC U STA xRoadSignCoordHi,Y RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: AddScaledVector [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Add a scaled vector to another vector, one axis at a timeContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BuildRoadSign calls AddScaledVector
This routine does the following calculation, one axis at a time (starting with the z-axis, then the y-axis and x-axis): [ xRoadSignCoord ] [ xPlayerCoord ] [ xTrackSignVector * 2 ^ (8 - Y) ] [ yRoadSignCoord ] = [ yPlayerCoord ] - [ yTrackSignVector * 2 ^ (8 - Y) ] [ zRoadSignCoord ] [ zPlayerCoord ] [ zTrackSignVector * 2 ^ (8 - Y) ] The value of Y can be varied between calls to change the scale factor on a per-axis basis.
Arguments: A The relevant from xTrackSignVector, yTrackSignVector, zTrackSignVector W Set to 2 for the first call Y The scale factor for this axis
Label addv1 is local to this routine
Variable xPlayerCoordHi (category: Car geometry)
The high byte of the x-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates
Variable xPlayerCoordTop (category: Car geometry)
The top byte of the x-coordinate of the player's 3D coordinates
Variable xRoadSignCoordHi (category: 3D objects)
The high byte of the x-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates
Variable xRoadSignCoordLo (category: 3D objects)
The low byte of the x-coordinate of the road sign's 3D coordinates