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Extra tracks: Track section data (Part 1 of 2)

Name: Track section data (Part 1 of 2) [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Data for the track sections Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Donington Park track
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

Donington Park consists of the following track sections: 0 || Coppice to Park Chicane (1/2) 1 {} Coppice to Park Chicane (2/2) 2 |->| Park Chicane (1/2) 3 <- Park Chicane (2/2) 4 {} Park Chicane to Redgate (1/2) 5 |->| Park Chicane to Redgate (2/2) 6 -> Redgate 7 |->| Redgate to Craner Curves 8 -> Craner Curves 9 {} Craner Curves to The Old Hairpin (1/3) 10 <- Craner Curves to The Old Hairpin (2/3) 11 |->| Craner Curves to The Old Hairpin (3/3) 12 -> The Old Hairpin 13 || The Old Hairpin to Macleans (1/6) 14 <- The Old Hairpin to Macleans (2/6) 15 |<-| The Old Hairpin to Macleans (3/6) 16 || The Old Hairpin to Macleans (4/6) 17 <- The Old Hairpin to Macleans (5/6) 18 -> The Old Hairpin to Macleans (6/6) 19 -> Macleans 20 {} Macleans to Coppice (1/2) 21 {} Macleans to Coppice (2/2) 22 -> Coppice (1/3) 23 -> Coppice (2/3) 24 -> Coppice (3/3) where each section is one of the following shapes: || is a straight section that doesn't curve to the left or right, and has the same gradient throughout the whole section {} is a straight section in the sense that it doesn't curve to the left or right, but the gradient can differ between sub-sections -> consists of sub-sections that all curve to the right <- consists of sub-sections that all curve to the left |->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the right |<-| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left |<->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left or right This part defines the following aspects of these track sections: trackSectionData Various data for the track section: * Bits 0-2: Size of the track section list Defines the number of entries that we store in the track section list for this section, which is used to calculate the coordinates of the track verges (higher numbers mean more sections are calculated, so higher numbers are used for more complex parts of the track) This value is given in the bottom nibble of the track section data byte (bit 3 is ignored), i.e. the second digit in the hexadecimal value * Bits 4-7: Sign number The number of the road sign (0 to 15) to show when we enter this section, but only if the sign number is different to the number in the previous section This value is given in the top nibble of the track section data byte, i.e. the first digit in the hexadecimal value xTrackSectionIHi High byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section yTrackSectionIHi High byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section zTrackSectionIHi High byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section xTrackSectionOHi High byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionTurn The number of the segment towards the end of the section where non-player cars should start turning in preparation for the next section zTrackSectionOHi High byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackDriverSpeed The maximum speed for non-player drivers on the next section of the track
\ Track section 0 EQUB &D3 \ trackSectionData sign = 13, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &D1 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &1E \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1E00 = 7680 EQUB &D1 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &D0 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D024 = -12252 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &D1 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &D120 = -12000 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 1 EQUB &E1 \ trackSectionData sign = 14, sectionListSize = 1 EQUB &D1 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &1C \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1CC4 = 7364 EQUB &F6 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &F628 = -2520 EQUB &D0 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D024 = -12252 EQUB 63 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &F6 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &F628 = -2520 EQUB 81 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 2 EQUB &F3 \ trackSectionData sign = 15, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &D1 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &19 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &196C = 6508 EQUB &15 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &1590 = 5520 EQUB &D0 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D024 = -12252 EQUB 8 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &15 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &1590 = 5520 EQUB 0 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 3 EQUB &F2 \ trackSectionData sign = 15, sectionListSize = 2 EQUB &D3 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &D372 = -11406 EQUB &19 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &196C = 6508 EQUB &18 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &1833 = 6195 EQUB &D3 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D352 = -11438 EQUB 18 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &19 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &192C = 6444 EQUB 10 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 4 EQUB &04 \ trackSectionData sign = 0, sectionListSize = 4 EQUB &D7 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &D742 = -10430 EQUB &19 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &196C = 6508 EQUB &1B \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &1B9A = 7066 EQUB &D6 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D648 = -10680 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &1B \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &1BB5 = 7093 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 5 EQUB &13 \ trackSectionData sign = 1, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &DB \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &DB04 = -9468 EQUB &15 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1544 = 5444 EQUB &3E \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &3E00 = 15872 EQUB &DA \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &DA0A = -9718 EQUB 45 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &3E \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &3E1B = 15899 EQUB 91 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 6 EQUB &23 \ trackSectionData sign = 2, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &DE \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &DE28 = -8664 EQUB &14 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &14CC = 5324 EQUB &54 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &54A8 = 21672 EQUB &DD \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &DD41 = -8895 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &55 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &550A = 21770 EQUB 15 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 7 EQUB &23 \ trackSectionData sign = 2, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &E3 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &E302 = -7422 EQUB &14 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &14CC = 5324 EQUB &57 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &5729 = 22313 EQUB &E3 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &E34D = -7347 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &58 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &5817 = 22551 EQUB 138 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 8 EQUB &35 \ trackSectionData sign = 3, sectionListSize = 5 EQUB &ED \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &ED4C = -4788 EQUB &14 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &14CC = 5324 EQUB &50 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &50AD = 20653 EQUB &ED \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &EDDA = -4646 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &51 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &517C = 20860 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 9 EQUB &45 \ trackSectionData sign = 4, sectionListSize = 5 EQUB &F5 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &F597 = -2665 EQUB &0D \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0DF4 = 3572 EQUB &39 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &39E9 = 14825 EQUB &F6 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F68E = -2418 EQUB 6 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &39 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &39BD = 14781 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 10 EQUB &55 \ trackSectionData sign = 5, sectionListSize = 5 EQUB &F4 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &F41D = -3043 EQUB &0B \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0B24 = 2852 EQUB &31 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &319D = 12701 EQUB &F5 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F514 = -2796 EQUB 30 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &31 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &3171 = 12657 EQUB 10 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 11 EQUB &54 \ trackSectionData sign = 5, sectionListSize = 4 EQUB &F5 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &F5AB = -2645 EQUB &09 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0926 = 2342 EQUB &2A \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &2AE7 = 10983 EQUB &F6 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F682 = -2430 EQUB 35 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &2B \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &2B68 = 11112 EQUB 120 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 12 EQUB &64 \ trackSectionData sign = 6, sectionListSize = 4 EQUB &FE \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &FE29 = -471 EQUB &06 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0648 = 1608 EQUB &19 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &19BF = 6591 EQUB &FF \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &FF13 = -237 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &1A \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &1A16 = 6678 EQUB 13 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 13 EQUB &64 \ trackSectionData sign = 6, sectionListSize = 4 EQUB &FD \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &FD6F = -657 EQUB &06 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0664 = 1636 EQUB &16 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &16B0 = 5808 EQUB &FE \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &FE33 = -461 EQUB 32 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &16 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &1612 = 5650 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 14 EQUB &73 \ trackSectionData sign = 7, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &EF \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &EFF5 = -4107 EQUB &09 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0944 = 2372 EQUB &05 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &05CC = 1484 EQUB &F0 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F0B9 = -3911 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &05 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &052E = 1326 EQUB 14 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 15 EQUB &73 \ trackSectionData sign = 7, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &EE \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &EEEA = -4374 EQUB &09 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &09A4 = 2468 EQUB &03 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &0337 = 823 EQUB &EF \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &EFE1 = -4127 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &03 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &030B = 779 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 16 EQUB &73 \ trackSectionData sign = 7, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &ED \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &ED58 = -4776 EQUB &0D \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &0D0E = 3342 EQUB &F8 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &F81B = -2021 EQUB &EE \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &EE53 = -4525 EQUB 14 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &F8 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &F823 = -2013 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 17 EQUB &83 \ trackSectionData sign = 8, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &ED \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &EDC8 = -4664 EQUB &11 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &11DE = 4574 EQUB &EA \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &EAFB = -5381 EQUB &EE \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &EEC3 = -4413 EQUB 33 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &EB \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &EB03 = -5373 EQUB 0 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 18 EQUB &83 \ trackSectionData sign = 8, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &F0 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &F0F9 = -3847 EQUB &14 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &14A8 = 5288 EQUB &E3 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &E34B = -7349 EQUB &F1 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F1C2 = -3646 EQUB 15 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &E3 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &E3E3 = -7197 EQUB 114 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 19 EQUB &93 \ trackSectionData sign = 9, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &F5 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &F583 = -2685 EQUB &17 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1728 = 5928 EQUB &DB \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &DB2C = -9428 EQUB &F6 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F675 = -2443 EQUB 27 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &DB \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &DB6F = -9361 EQUB 17 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 20 EQUB &A3 \ trackSectionData sign = 10, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &F3 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &F3B0 = -3152 EQUB &18 \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &189B = 6299 EQUB &D5 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &D5CF = -10801 EQUB &F4 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &F440 = -3008 EQUB 255 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &D5 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &D501 = -11007 EQUB 255 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 21 EQUB &A3 \ trackSectionData sign = 10, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &EA \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &EA1E = -5602 EQUB &1A \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1AA9 = 6825 EQUB &CF \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &CF12 = -12526 EQUB &EA \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &EAAE = -5458 EQUB 27 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &CE \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &CE44 = -12732 EQUB 111 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 22 EQUB &B3 \ trackSectionData sign = 11, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &DC \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &DC56 = -9130 EQUB &1E \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1E96 = 7830 EQUB &C5 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &C55E = -15010 EQUB &DC \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &DCE6 = -8986 EQUB 18 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &C4 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &C490 = -15216 EQUB 8 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 23 EQUB &B3 \ trackSectionData sign = 11, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &DA \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &DA15 = -9707 EQUB &1E \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1E8C = 7820 EQUB &C5 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &C547 = -15033 EQUB &D9 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D9C1 = -9791 EQUB 6 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &C4 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &C45A = -15270 EQUB 118 \ trackDriverSpeed \ Track section 24 EQUB &C3 \ trackSectionData sign = 12, sectionListSize = 3 EQUB &D7 \ xTrackSectionIHi xTrackSectionI = &D717 = -10473 EQUB &1E \ yTrackSectionIHi yTrackSectionI = &1E70 = 7792 EQUB &C6 \ zTrackSectionIHi zTrackSectionI = &C69E = -14690 EQUB &D6 \ xTrackSectionOHi xTrackSectionO = &D6A3 = -10589 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionTurn EQUB &C5 \ zTrackSectionOHi zTrackSectionO = &C5BD = -14915 EQUB 14 \ trackDriverSpeed EQUB &03, &CF \ These bytes appear to be unused EQUB &14, &BB EQUB &CE, &FF EQUB &BC, &FF