.UpdatePositionInfo LDA positionChangeBCD \ Set A = positionChangeBCD BEQ posi1 \ If A = 0 then the race position has not changed, so \ jump to posi1 to skip updating the position number \ Otherwise we need to add the position change to the \ current position number, so we can update the number \ at the top of the screen SED \ Set the D flag to switch arithmetic to Binary Coded \ Decimal (BCD) CLC \ Set A = currentPositionBCD + A ADC currentPositionBCD \ = currentPositionBCD + positionChangeBCD STA currentPositionBCD \ Set currentPositionBCD = A CLD \ Clear the D flag to switch arithmetic to normal BEQ posi1 \ If A = 0, jump to posi1 CMP #&21 \ If A >= &21, jump to posi1 BCS posi1 LDX #0 \ Set positionChangeBCD = 0, as we have now applied the STX positionChangeBCD \ change of position to currentPositionBCD STX G \ Set G = 0 so the call to Print2DigitBCD below will \ print the second digit and will not print leading \ zeroes when printing the position number LDX #10 \ Print the position number in A at column 10, pixel LDY #24 \ row 24, on the first text line at the top of the JSR Print2DigitBCD-6 \ screen .posi1 BIT updateDriverInfo \ If bit 7 of updateDriverInfo is clear, jump to posi2 BPL posi2 \ to skip printing the driver names at the top of the \ screen LDY positionAhead \ Set Y to the position of the driver in front of us LDA #24 \ Print the name of driver Y in the "In front:" part of JSR PrintNearestDriver \ the header LDY positionBehind \ Set Y to the position of the driver behind us LDA #33 \ Print the name of driver Y in the "Behind:" part of JSR PrintNearestDriver \ the header .posi2 LSR updateDriverInfo \ Clear bit 7 of updateDriverInfo so we don't update the \ driver names until the value of updateDriverInfo \ changes RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: UpdatePositionInfo [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Apply any position changes and update the position information at the top of the screenContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * UpdateLapTimers calls UpdatePositionInfo
Entry point Print2DigitBCD-6 in subroutine Print2DigitBCD (category: Text)
Print the number at screen coordinate (X, Y), where X is the character column and Y is the pixel row of the bottom of the character
Subroutine PrintNearestDriver (category: Text)
Print a driver's name in the "In front" or "Behind" slot in the header
Variable currentPositionBCD in workspace Zero page
The current race position in BCD
Label posi1 is local to this routine
Label posi2 is local to this routine
Variable positionAhead in workspace Zero page
The number of the position ahead of the current player's position
Variable positionBehind in workspace Zero page
The number of the position behind the current player's position
Variable positionChangeBCD in workspace Zero page
The change in BCD for the player's race position
Variable updateDriverInfo (category: Text)
Flag that controls whether the driver names are updated in the information block at the top of the screen