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Keyboard: configKeys

Name: configKeys [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: Details of the configuration settings that are set by the shifted configuration keys
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * ProcessShiftedKeys uses configKeys

The low nibble of each setting indicates which configuration byte should be updated when this key is pressed, as an offset from configStop, and the high nibble contains the value that it should be set to. The values in this table correspond with the keys defined in the shiftedKeys table.
.configKeys \ SHIFT + key Bits affected Config byte Value EQUB &80 \ Right arrow Set bit 7 configStop &80 EQUB &01 \ f1 Clear all bits configJoystick &00 EQUB &C1 \ f2 Set bits 6 & 7 configJoystick &C0 EQUB &81 \ f2 Set bit 7 configJoystick &80 EQUB &C2 \ f4 Set bits 6 & 7 configVolume &C0 EQUB &42 \ f5 Set bit 6 configVolume &40 EQUB &C0 \ f0 Set bits 6 & 7 configStop &C0 EQUB &83 \ COPY Set bit 7 configPause &80 EQUB &43 \ DELETE Set bit 6 configPause &40 EQUB &20 \ f7 Set bit 5 configStop &20 IF _ACORNSOFT OR _4TRACKS EQUB &77, &BB \ These values are workspace noise and have no meaning ELIF _SUPERIOR OR _REVSPLUS EQUB &04 \ f3 Clear all bits configAssist &00 EQUB &84 \ f6 Set bit 7 configAssist &80 ENDIF