.MoveHorizon LDA #60 \ Set A = 60 - horizonLine SEC \ SBC horizonLine \ So A is larger when the horizon is low (i.e. when we \ are cresting a hill), and smaller when the horizon is \ high (i.e. when we are in a dip) BPL hori1 \ If A >= 0, then horizonLine <= 60, so jump to hori1 CMP #&F5 \ If A >= -11, then horizonLine <= 71, so jump to hori2 BCS hori2 \ with the C flag set LDA #&F5 \ Otherwise set A = -11 and set the C flag, so A has a SEC \ minimum value of -11 BCS hori2 \ Jump to hori2 (this BCS is effectively a JMP as we \ just set the C flag) .hori1 \ If we get here then A >= 0, i.e. horizonLine <= 60 CMP #18 \ If A < 18, jump to hori2 to skip the following two BCC hori2 \ instructions LDA #18 \ Otherwise set A = 18 and clear the C flag, so A has a CLC \ maximum value of 18 .hori2 PHP \ Store the C flag on the stack, which will be clear if \ A >= 0, or set if A < 0 (so the C flag is effectively \ the sign bit of A) STA U \ Set (U A) = (A 0) LDA #0 \ = A * 256 \ \ where -11 <= A < 18 and the sign bit of A is in C ROR U \ Set (U A) = (U A) >> 1, inserting the sign bit from C ROR A \ into bit 7 PLP \ Set the C flag to the sign bit once again ROR U \ Set (U A) = (U A) >> 1, inserting the sign bit from C ROR A \ into bit 7 \ \ So by this point, we have: \ \ (U A) = A * 256 / 4 \ = A * 64 \ \ with the correct sign, so (U A) is in the range -704 \ to 1152, and is larger when the horizon is low (i.e. \ when we are cresting a hill), and smaller when the \ horizon is high (i.e. when we are in a dip) \ \ We now add this figure to screenTimer1, which \ determines the height of the horizon portion of the \ custom screen mode, i.e. where the palette switches \ from blue sky to the green ground \ \ So when we are cresting a hill, (U A) is large and so \ is timer 1, and therefore so is the size of the sky \ above the horizon in section 2 of the screen, so the \ horizon dips down \ \ Conversely, when we are in a dip, (U A) is small and \ so is timer 1, so the size of the sky section above \ the horizon is smaller, so the horizon rises up \ \ The range of screenTimer1 values from the following \ calculation is therefore: \ \ Minimum: &04D8 - 704 = &0218 (we are in a dip) \ \ Maximum: &04D8 + 1152 = &0958 (we are on a hill) SEI \ Disable interrupts so we can update the custom screen \ variables CLC \ Set screenTimer1 = (U A) + &04D8 ADC #&D8 \ STA screenTimer1 \ starting with the low bytes LDA #&04 \ And then the high bytes ADC U STA screenTimer1+1 CLI \ Re-enable interrupts RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: MoveHorizon [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Screen mode Summary: Move the position of the horizon palette switch up or down, depending on the current track pitch angle Deep dive: Hidden secrets of the custom screen modeContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MainDrivingLoop (Part 2 of 5) calls MoveHorizon
Label hori1 is local to this routine
Label hori2 is local to this routine
Variable horizonLine in workspace Zero page
The track line number of the horizon
Variable screenTimer1 (category: Screen mode)
The screen timer offset between the start of section 2 and the start of section 3