.ApplyEngine LDA engineStatus \ If the engine is not on, jump to ProcessEngineStart to BEQ ProcessEngineStart \ process the key press for starting the engine, \ returning from the subroutine using a tail call LDA heightAboveTrack \ If heightAboveTrack <> 0, jump to CalcRevsNoTorque to BNE CalcRevsNoTorque \ calculate the revs and zero the engine torque, \ returning from the subroutine using a tail call LDA gearChangeKey \ If bit 7 of gearChangeKey is set then a gear change BMI CalcRevsNoTorque-2 \ key is being pressed, so jump to CalcRevsNoTorque-2 to \ set bit 7 of clutchEngaged to indicate that the clutch \ is not engaged, calculate the revs and zero the engine \ torque, returning from the subroutine using a tail \ call LDY gearNumber \ If gearNumber = 1, then we are in neutral, so jump to DEY \ CalcRevsNoTorque, returning from the subroutine using BEQ CalcRevsNoTorque \ a tail call \ If we get here then the engine is engaged and the car \ is on the track, so we need to calculate the engine \ torque and revs LDA playerSpeedLo \ Set (A T) = (playerSpeedHi playerSpeedLo) STA T LDA playerSpeedHi ASL T \ Set (A T) = (A T) << 1 ROL A PHP \ Store the flags on the stack, so we can retrieve it \ below BMI engi1 \ If bit 7 of (A T) is set, jump to engi1 to skip the \ following ASL T \ Set (A T) = (A T) << 1 ROL A \ \ so we only do this shift if we won't lose a bit off \ the left end of A .engi1 STA U \ Set U to the high byte of (A T), i.e. to the high byte \ of either speed * 2 or speed * 4 \ \ As the high byte in playerSpeedHi contains the speed \ in mph and the low byte contains the fraction, this \ just discards the fractional part of the calculation LDX gearNumber \ Set A to the gear ratio for the current gear, which is LDA trackGearRatio,X \ defined in the track data file at trackGearRatio JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T) = A * U \ = trackGearRatio * high byte of (A T) \ = trackGearRatio * speed * 2 \ or trackGearRatio * speed * 4 ASL T \ Set (A T) = (A T) << 1 ROL A \ = trackGearRatio * speed * 4 \ trackGearRatio * speed * 8 PLP \ Retrieve the flags we stored on the stack above, and BPL engi2 \ if bit 7 is clear, skip the following, as we already \ doubled the result above ASL T \ Set (A T) = (A T) << 1 ROL A \ \ So we only do this shift if we didn't do it above, \ which means we have the following result, calculated \ in one of two ways to preserve accuracy: \ \ (A T) = trackGearRatio * playerSpeed * 8 .engi2 BIT clutchEngaged \ If bit 7 of clutchEngaged is clear then the clutch is BPL engi6 \ engaged, so jump to engi6 LDY throttleBrakeState \ If throttleBrakeState <> 1 then the throttle is not DEY \ being applied, so jump to engi4 to engage the clutch BNE engi4 LDY playerSpeedHi \ If playerSpeedHi >= 22, jump to engi4 to engage the CPY #22 \ clutch BCS engi4 LDY raceStarting \ Set Y = raceStarting BPL engi3 \ If bit 7 of raceStarting is clear, then we are not on \ the grid at the start of a race, so jump to engi3 to \ check the revs to decide if the clutch has engaged CPY #160 \ If raceStarting <> 160, then we are not showing the BNE engi4 \ blue lights at the start of the race, so jump to engi4 \ to engage the clutch \ If we get here then we are showing the blue lights at \ the start of the race, which we keep showing until the \ main loop counter is a multiple of 64 (at which point \ we show the green lights) PHA \ Store A on the stack to we can retrieve it below LDA mainLoopCounterLo \ If mainLoopCounterLo mod 64 < 53, clear the C flag AND #63 CMP #53 PLA \ Retrieve the value of A we stored on the stack above BCC engi4 \ If mainLoopCounterLo mod 64 < 53, then we have at \ least 63 - 53 = 10 main loop iterations (including \ this one) to go until the green lights appear, so jump \ to engi4 to engage the clutch .engi3 \ If we get here then we are either not on the starting \ grid, or we are on the starting grid, the blue lights \ are showing and we have fewer than 10 main loop \ iterations to go until the lights turn green \ Above, we set (A T) = trackGearRatio * speed * 8 CMP revsOnGearChange \ If A < revsOnGearChange, jump to engi5 to process the BCC engi5 \ clutch being disengaged \ Otherwise A >= revsOnGearChange, so the revs are \ higher than at the last gear change, so fall through \ into engi4 to engage the clutch .engi4 \ If we get here then we engage the clutch LDY #0 \ Set clutchEngaged = 0 to indicate that the clutch is STY clutchEngaged \ engaged BEQ engi6 \ Jump to engi6 (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as Y is \ always zero) .engi5 \ If we get here then the clutch is not engaged LDA revsOnGearChange \ Set A = revsOnGearChange CMP #108 \ If A < 108, i.e. revsOnGearChange < 108, jump to engi6 BCC engi6 \ to set the revs to this amount \ If we get here then revsOnGearChange >= 108 SEC \ Set revsOnGearChange = revsOnGearChange - 2 SBC #2 \ STA revsOnGearChange \ And fall through into engi6 to set revCount to the new \ value of revsOnGearChange .engi6 STA revCount \ Set revCount = A CMP #170 \ If A < 170, jump to engi7 to skip the following BCC engi7 \ instruction LDA #170 \ Set A = 170, so A has a maximum value of 170: \ \ A = max(170, revCount) .engi7 CMP #3 \ If A >= 3, jump to engi8 BCS engi8 INC engineStatus \ The rev count has fallen below 3, so increment \ engineStatus from &FF to 0, which turns the engine off JMP ZeroEngineTorque \ Jump to ZeroEngineTorque to set the engine torque to \ zero, returning from the subroutine using a tail call .engi8 SEC \ Set A = A - 66 SBC #66 \ = revCount - 66 BMI engi9 \ If A is negative (i.e. revCount < 66), jump to engi9 CMP #17 \ If A >= 17, jump to engi10 BCS engi10 .engi9 \ If we get here then either A < 0 or A < 17, so \ 3 <= revCount < 83 ASL A \ Set A = A * 2 + 152 CLC ADC #152 JMP engi13 \ Jump to engi13 .engi10 \ If we get here then A >= 0 and A >= 17, so \ revCount >= 83 SEC \ Set A = A - 17 SBC #17 \ = revCount - 66 - 17 \ = revCount - 83 CMP #4 \ If A >= 4 (i.e. revCount >= 87), jump to engi11 BCS engi11 \ If we get here then A is in the range 0 to 3 and \ 83 <= revCount < 87 EOR #&FF \ Set A = ~A, so A is in the range 255 to 252 CLC \ Set A = A + 187 ADC #187 \ = ~A + 187 \ = -A - 1 + 187 \ = 186 - A \ = 186 - (revCount - 83) BCS engi13 \ Jump to engi13 (the BCS is effectively a JMP as the \ above addition will always overflow) .engi11 \ If we get here then A >= 4, so revCount >= 87 SEC \ Set A = A - 4 SBC #4 \ = revCount - 83 - 4 \ = revCount - 87 CMP #5 \ If A >= 5, (i.e. revCount >= 92), jump to engi12 BCS engi12 \ If we get here then A is in the range 0 to 5 ASL A \ A = ~(A * 4) ASL A EOR #&FF CLC \ Set A = A + 183 ADC #183 \ = ~(A * 4) + 183 \ = -(A * 4) - 1 + 183 \ = 182 - (A * 4) \ = 182 - ((revCount - 87) * 4) BCS engi13 \ Jump to engi13 (the BCS is effectively a JMP as the \ above addition will always overflow) .engi12 \ If we get here then A >= 5, so revCount >= 92 SEC \ Set A = ~((A - 5) * 2) SBC #5 ASL A EOR #&FF CLC \ Set A = A + 163 ADC #163 \ = ~((A - 5) * 2) + 163 \ = -((A - 5) * 2) - 1 + 163 \ = 162 - (A - 5) * 2 \ = 162 - ((revCount - 87) - 5) * 2 \ = 162 - (revCount - 92) * 2 .engi13 STA U \ Set U to A LDA trackGearPower,X \ Set A to the gear power for the current gear, which is \ defined in the track data file at trackGearPower JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T) = A * U \ = trackGearPower * U \ Fall through into SetEngineTorque to set the engine \ torque to the high byte in AName: ApplyEngine [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Driving model Summary: Apply the effects of the engine Deep dive: The core driving model Modelling the engine Matching the code to the driving modelContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ApplyDrivingModel calls ApplyEngine
Calculate the following: * If the engine is not on, jump to ProcessEngineStart * If heightAboveTrack <> 0, jump to CalcRevsNoTorque to calculate the rev count and zero the engine torque * If a gear change key is being pressed, jump to CalcRevsNoTorque-2 to set bit 7 of clutchEngaged to indicate that the clutch is not engaged, calculate the rev count and zero the engine torque * If we are in neutral, jump to CalcRevsNoTorque to calculate the rev count and zero the engine torque * Otherwise, calculate the engine torque based on gear ratio, power and revs, setting the engineTorque, revCount and soundRevTarget variables as follows: * Set (A T) = trackGearRatio * playerSpeed * 8 * If clutch is not engaged: * If any of these are true: * Throttle is not being applied * playerSpeedHi >= 22 * This is a race and we are not showing the blue lights * This is a race, we are showing the blue lights and still have 10 iterations until the green * A >= revsOnGearChange, so the revs are higher than at the last gear change then engage the clutch, otherwise clutch stays disengaged and we do: A = revsOnGearChange If A >= 108, A = A - 2 and revsOnGearChange = revsOnGearChange - 2 * Set revCount = A * We now calculate the power being generated by the engine at this rev count. First, we cap the rev count to a maximum of 170: max(170, revCount) so in the following revCount is this capped number. * If revCount < 3, turn the engine off, zero the torque and quit * If 3 <= revCount < 83, set A = A * 2 + 152 * If 83 <= revCount < 87, set A = 186 - (revCount - 83) * If 87 <= revCount < 92, set A = 182 - ((revCount - 87) * 4) * If 92 <= revCount, set A = 162 - (revCount - 92) * 2 * Set engineTorque = trackGearPower * A * Set soundRevTarget = revCount + 25
Subroutine CalcRevsNoTorque (category: Driving model)
Calculate the value of the rev counter according to the throttle being applied and zero the engine torque
Entry point CalcRevsNoTorque-2 in subroutine CalcRevsNoTorque (category: Driving model)
Set clutchEngaged to A before running the routine
Subroutine Multiply8x8 (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Calculate (A T) = T * U
Subroutine ProcessEngineStart (category: Driving model)
Process the key press for starting the engine
Subroutine ZeroEngineTorque (category: Driving model)
Zero engineTorque
Variable clutchEngaged in workspace Zero page
Determines whether the clutch is engaged
Label engi1 is local to this routine
Label engi10 is local to this routine
Label engi11 is local to this routine
Label engi12 is local to this routine
Label engi13 is local to this routine
Label engi2 is local to this routine
Label engi3 is local to this routine
Label engi4 is local to this routine
Label engi5 is local to this routine
Label engi6 is local to this routine
Label engi7 is local to this routine
Label engi8 is local to this routine
Label engi9 is local to this routine
Variable engineStatus in workspace Zero page
Whether or not the engine is on
Variable gearChangeKey in workspace Zero page
Determines whether or not a gear change key has been pressed
Variable gearNumber in workspace Zero page
The current gear number
Variable heightAboveTrack in workspace Zero page
The car's height above the track, for when it is being dropped from the crane, or jumping from hitting the verge too fast
Variable mainLoopCounterLo in workspace Zero page
Low byte of the main loop counter, which increments on each iteration of the main driving loop
Variable playerSpeedHi in workspace Zero page
High byte of the speed of the player's car along the track
Variable playerSpeedLo in workspace Zero page
Low byte of the speed of the player's car along the track
Variable raceStarting in workspace Zero page
The current stage of the starting lights at the start of the race
Variable revsOnGearChange in workspace Zero page
The rev count when the gear was last changed
Variable throttleBrakeState in workspace Zero page
Denotes whether the throttle or brake are being applied
Variable trackGearPower in workspace trackData
The power for each gear
Variable trackGearRatio in workspace trackData
The gear ratio for each gear