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Extra tracks: Track section data (Part 2 of 2)

Name: Track section data (Part 2 of 2) [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Data for the track sections Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Nürburgring track
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

The Nürburgring consists of the following track sections: 0 || Romer Kurve to Castrol-S (1/2) 1 {} Romer Kurve to Castrol-S (2/2) 2 |->| Castrol-S (1/2) 3 <- Castrol-S (2/2) 4 {} Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (1/4) 5 {} Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (2/4) 6 <- Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (3/4) 7 || Castrol-S to Ford Kurve (4/4) 8 -> Ford Kurve 9 || Ford Kurve top Dunlop Kehre (1/2) 10 |<-| Ford Kurve top Dunlop Kehre (2/2) 11 -> Dunlop Kehre 12 {} Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (1/7) 13 <- Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (2/7) 14 || Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (3/7) 15 -> Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (4/7) 16 {} Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (5/7) 17 <- Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (6/7) 18 || Dunlop Kehre to Bit Kurve (7/7) 19 -> Bit Kurve 20 {} Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (1/3) 21 -> Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (2/3) 22 {} Bit Kurve to Veedol Schikane (3/3) 23 <- Veedol Schikane (1/2) 24 -> Veedol Schikane (2/2) 25 {} Veedol Schikane to Romer Kurve 26 -> Romer Kurve where each section is one of the following shapes: || is a straight section that doesn't curve to the left or right, and has the same gradient throughout the whole section {} is a straight section in the sense that it doesn't curve to the left or right, but the gradient can differ between sub-sections -> consists of sub-sections that all curve to the right <- consists of sub-sections that all curve to the left |->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the right |<-| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left |<->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left or right This part defines the following aspects of these track sections: trackSectionFlag Various flags for the track section The abbreviations in brackets are used to show the values of section's flags in the comments below * Bit 0: Section shape (Sh) * 0= straight section (only one segment vector) * 1= curved section (multiple segment vectors) * Bit 1: Colour of left verge marks (Vc) * 0= black-and-white verge marks * 1= red-and-white verge marks * Bit 2: Colour of right verge marks (Vc) * 0= black-and-white verge marks * 1= red-and-white verge marks * Bit 3: Show corner markers on right (Mlr) * 0= do not show corner markers to the right of the track * 1= show corner markers to the right of the track * Bit 4: Show corner markers on left (Mlr) * 0= do not show corner markers to the left of the track * 1= show corner markers to the left of the track * Bit 5: Corner marker colours (Mc) * 0= show all corner markers in white * 1= show corner markers in red or white, as appropriate * Bit 6: Enable hooks to generate segment vectors (G) * 0= disable HookDataPointers and HookSegmentVector * 1= enable HookDataPointers and HookSegmentVector * Bit 7: Section has a maximum speed (Sp) * 0= this section has no maximum speed * 1= this section has a maximum speed xTrackSectionILo Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section yTrackSectionILo Low byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section zTrackSectionILo Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section xTrackSectionOLo Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionFrom The number of the first segment vector in each section, which enables us to fetch the segment vectors for a given track section (note that because the segment vectors in this track are dynamically generated, this value points to the position in the segment vector table where the section's first vector will be stored once it is generated) zTrackSectionOLo Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionSize The length of each track section in terms of segments
\ Track section 0 EQUB %01000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &E0 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &40 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1F40= 8000 EQUB &00 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &0000= 0 EQUB &BF \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 1 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &00 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &0000= 0 EQUB 83 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 1 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &E0 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &4E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1D4E= 7502 EQUB &E8 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &26E8= 9960 EQUB &BF \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 5 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &E8 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &26E8= 9960 EQUB 84 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 2 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &E0 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2EE0= 12000 EQUB &75 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1875= 6261 EQUB &48 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &4E48= 20040 EQUB &BF \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2DBF= 11711 EQUB 10 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &48 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &4E48= 20040 EQUB 9 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 3 EQUB %01110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &E8 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &31E8= 12776 EQUB &79 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1779= 6009 EQUB &AB \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &50AB= 20651 EQUB &A9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &31A9= 12713 EQUB 20 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &C4 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &51C4= 20932 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 4 EQUB %01000100 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=10 Sh=0 EQUB &79 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3579= 13689 EQUB &89 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1389= 5001 EQUB &34 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &5F34= 24372 EQUB &77 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3477= 13431 EQUB 18 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B2 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &5EB2= 24242 EQUB 45 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 5 EQUB %01101000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &FB \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2BFB= 11259 EQUB &90 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1190= 4496 EQUB &03 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7203= 29187 EQUB &F9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2AF9= 11001 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &81 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7181= 29057 EQUB 22 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 6 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &57 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &2757= 10071 EQUB &F6 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0FF6= 4086 EQUB &35 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7B35= 31541 EQUB &55 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &2655= 9813 EQUB 7 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B3 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7AB3= 31411 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 7 EQUB %00110100 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=10 Sh=0 EQUB &AB \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1DAB= 7595 EQUB &3E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0D3E= 3390 EQUB &C1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7EC1= 32449 EQUB &0B \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1E0B= 7691 EQUB 32 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B1 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7DB1= 32177 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 8 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &9B \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &169B= 5787 EQUB &6E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0B6E= 2926 EQUB &41 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &7C41= 31809 EQUB &FB \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &16FB= 5883 EQUB 34 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &31 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &7B31= 31537 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 9 EQUB %00000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &85 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1285= 4741 EQUB &9E \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &099E= 2462 EQUB &C3 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &80C3= -32573 EQUB &70 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1170= 4464 EQUB 11 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &17 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &8117= -32489 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 10 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &1E \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &151E= 5406 EQUB &77 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0777= 1911 EQUB &4C \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &894C= -30388 EQUB &09 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1409= 5129 EQUB 12 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A0 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &89A0= -30304 EQUB 90 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 11 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &5D \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &145D= 5213 EQUB &F7 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &00F7= 247 EQUB &D6 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &B2D6= -19754 EQUB &45 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1345= 4933 EQUB 22 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &89 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &B289= -19831 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 12 EQUB %01101010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &24 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1B24= 6948 EQUB &9A \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &039A= 922 EQUB &41 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &B341= -19647 EQUB &44 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1C44= 7236 EQUB 7 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &3E \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &B33E= -19650 EQUB 61 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 13 EQUB %01110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &E7 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &1AE7= 6887 EQUB &F9 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &0DF9= 3577 EQUB &A9 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &96A9= -26967 EQUB &07 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &1C07= 7175 EQUB 28 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A6 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &96A6= -26970 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 14 EQUB %01000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &D8 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &20D8= 8408 EQUB &07 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1407= 5127 EQUB &3B \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &8D3B= -29381 EQUB &5C \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &215C= 8540 EQUB 13 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &3C \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &8E3C= -29124 EQUB 6 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 15 EQUB %01101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &5A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &235A= 9050 EQUB &7B \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &157B= 5499 EQUB &F1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &8BF1= -29711 EQUB &DE \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &23DE= 9182 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &F2 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &8CF2= -29454 EQUB 15 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 16 EQUB %01101010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &1C \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &281C= 10268 EQUB &A5 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &18A5= 6309 EQUB &EA \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &86EA= -30998 EQUB &1D \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &291D= 10525 EQUB 34 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &6B \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &876B= -30869 EQUB 81 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 17 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &32 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3932= 14642 EQUB &40 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &2140= 8512 EQUB &0F \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &650F= 25871 EQUB &33 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3A33= 14899 EQUB 35 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &90 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &6590= 26000 EQUB 15 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 18 EQUB %01110100 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=10 Sh=0 EQUB &4A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3F4A= 16202 EQUB &41 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &2041= 8257 EQUB &06 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &6306= 25350 EQUB &E4 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3EE4= 16100 EQUB 10 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &13 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &6413= 25619 EQUB 28 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 19 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &8A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &4B8A= 19338 EQUB &65 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1E65= 7781 EQUB &9E \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &679E= 26526 EQUB &24 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &4B24= 19236 EQUB 38 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &AB \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &68AB= 26795 EQUB 22 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 20 EQUB %01110010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &E5 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &52E5= 21221 EQUB &F2 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1BF2= 7154 EQUB &8F \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &628F= 25231 EQUB &05 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &5405= 21509 EQUB 20 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A7 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &62A7= 25255 EQUB 69 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 21 EQUB %01101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &97 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &5597= 21911 EQUB &5A \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &115A= 4442 EQUB &37 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &4237= 16951 EQUB &B7 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &56B7= 22199 EQUB 9 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &4F \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &424F= 16975 EQUB 20 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 22 EQUB %01101010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &6F \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &536F= 21359 EQUB &C4 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &10C4= 4292 EQUB &41 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &3941= 14657 EQUB &69 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &5469= 21609 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &B0 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &38B0= 14512 EQUB 80 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 23 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &AF \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &40AF= 16559 EQUB &17 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1817= 6167 EQUB &C1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &18C1= 6337 EQUB &A9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &41A9= 16809 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &30 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &1830= 6192 EQUB 12 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 24 EQUB %01101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &BC \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &40BC= 16572 EQUB &7B \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1A7B= 6779 EQUB &5C \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &135C= 4956 EQUB &BD \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &41BD= 16829 EQUB 1 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &DD \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &13DD= 5085 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 25 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &48 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3E48= 15944 EQUB &17 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1E17= 7703 EQUB &C0 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &08C0= 2240 EQUB &3D \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &3F3D= 16189 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &28 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &0828= 2088 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 26 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &25 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI= &3725= 14117 EQUB &73 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI= &1F73= 8051 EQUB &32 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI= &FD32= -718 EQUB &1A \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO= &381A= 14362 EQUB 14 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &9A \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO= &FC9A= -870 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize EQUB &42 \ This byte appears to be unused