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Extra tracks: HookFieldOfView

Name: HookFieldOfView [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: When populating the verge buffer in GetSegmentAngles, don't give up so easily when we get segments outside the field of view Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * newContentHi calls HookFieldOfView * newContentLo calls HookFieldOfView * HookMoveBack calls via fovw1-1

This routine is called from GetSegmentAngles to change the logic in at label gseg12, which is applied when a segment is outside the field of view. Note that in the following, the previous segment is further away than the current one. In the original code: * If previous segment's yaw angle >= 20 then the previous segment was also outside the field of view, so return from the subroutine. * Otherwise go to gseg4 to try reducing the size of the segment before returning. In the new code: * If previous segment's yaw angle >= 20 and segmentCounter >= 10, then the previous segment was also outside the field of view AND we have already marked at least 10 segments as being visible, so return from the subroutine. * Otherwise go to gseg13 to mark this segment as visible and keep checking segments. So in the modified version, we keep checking segments until we have reached at least 10.
Arguments: A Yaw angle for the previous segment's right verge C flag Set according to CMP #20
Other entry points: fovw1-1 Contains an RTS
.HookFieldOfView BCC fovw1 \ If A < 20, then this segment is within the 20-degree \ field of view, jump to gseg13 via fovw1 LDA segmentCounter \ If segmentCounter < 10, jump to gseg13 via fovw1 CMP #10 BCC fovw1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .fovw1 JMP gseg13 \ Jump to gseg13