.MakeDrivingSounds LDA tyreSqueal \ If bit 7 of tyreSqueal is clear for both tyres, jump ORA tyreSqueal+1 \ to soun1 to skip the following as no tyres are BPL soun1 \ squealing \ Otherwise we add some random pitch variation to the \ crash/contact sound and make the sound of the tyres \ squealing LDA VIA+&68 \ Read 6522 User VIA T1C-L timer 2 low-order counter \ (SHEILA &68), which decrements one million times a \ second and will therefore be pretty random CMP #63 \ If A < 63 (25% chance), jump to soun1 to skip the BCS soun1 \ following AND #3 \ Reduce A to a random number in the range 0 to 3 CLC \ Add 130 to A, so A is a random number in the range ADC #130 \ 130 to 133 STA soundData+28 \ Update byte #5 of sound #4 (low byte of pitch) so the \ pitch of the crash/contact sound wavers randomly LDA #3 \ Make sound #3 (tyre squeal) using envelope 1 LDY #1 JSR MakeSound .soun1 \ We now increment or decrement soundRevCount so it \ steps towards the value of soundRevTarget, which moves \ the pitch of the engine towards the current rev count LDX soundRevCount \ Set X = soundRevCount CPX soundRevTarget \ If X = soundRevTarget, jump to soun8 to return from BEQ soun8 \ the subroutine BCC soun2 \ If X < soundRevTarget, jump to soun2 to increment X DEX \ Decrement X and skip the next instruction (this BCS BCS soun3 \ is effectively a JMP as we passed through the BCC) .soun2 INX \ Increment X .soun3 STX soundRevCount \ Store X in soundRevCount, so soundRevCount moves one \ step closer to soundRevTarget \ We now do the following, depending on the updated \ value of soundRevCount in X: \ \ * If soundRevCount < 28, flush all the sound buffers \ (i.e. stop making any sounds) \ \ * If 28 <= soundRevCount < 92, make the engine \ exhaust sound, set the pitch of engine tone 1 to \ soundRevCount + 95 and the volume of engine tone 1 \ to 0, and make the sound of engine tone 1 \ \ * If soundRevCount >= 92, silence the exhaust, set \ the pitch of engine tone 1 to soundRevCount - 92, \ and make the sound of engine tone 1 CPX #28 \ If X < 28, then jump to soun9 to flush all the sound BCC soun9 \ buffers, as the rev count is too low for the engine to \ make a sound TXA \ Set A = X - 92 SEC SBC #92 BCS soun4 \ If the subtraction didn't underflow, i.e. X >= 92, \ then jump to soun4 to silence the engine exhaust and \ set the pitch of engine tone 1 to X - 92 PHA \ Store A on the stack to we can retrieve it after the \ following call LDA #0 \ Make sound #0 (engine exhaust) at the current volume JSR MakeSound-3 \ level PLA \ Retrieve the value of A that we stored on the stack, \ so A = X - 92 CLC \ Set A = A + 187 ADC #187 \ = X - 92 + 187 \ = X + 95 \ \ so we set the pitch of engine tone 1 to X + 95 LDY #0 \ Set Y = 0, so we set the volume of engine tone 1 to \ zero (silent) BEQ soun5 \ Jump to soun5 (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as Y is \ always zero) .soun4 LDX #0 \ Flush the buffer for sound channel 0, which will stop JSR FlushSoundBuffer \ the sound of the engine exhaust LDY volumeLevel \ Set Y to the current volume level .soun5 STA soundData+12 \ Update byte #5 of sound #1 (low byte of pitch), to set \ the pitch of engine tone 1 to A LDA #1 \ Make sound #1 (engine tone 1) with volume Y JSR MakeSound \ We now do the following, depending on the updated \ value of soundRevCount: \ \ * If the volume level is currently zero, make the \ sound of engine tone 2 sound with volume 0 \ \ * If soundRevCount >= 64, set the pitch of engine \ tone 2 to soundRevCount - 64, and make the sound \ of engine tone 2 \ \ * If soundRevCount < 64, make the sound of engine \ tone 2 with volume 0 LDY volumeLevel \ If the volume level is currently zero (no sound), jump BEQ soun7 \ to soun7 to make the engine tone 2 sound with volume 0 LDA soundRevCount \ Set A = soundRevCount - 64 SEC SBC #64 BCS soun6 \ If the subtraction didn't underflow, i.e. A >= 64, \ then jump to soun6 to set the pitch of engine tone 2 \ to soundRevCount - 64 LDY #0 \ Set Y = 0, so we set the volume of engine tone 2 to \ zero (silent) BEQ soun7 \ Jump to soun7 (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as Y is \ always zero) .soun6 STA soundData+20 \ Update byte #5 of sound #2 (low byte of pitch), to set \ the pitch of engine tone 2 to A .soun7 LDA #2 \ Make sound #2 (engine tone 2) with volume Y JSR MakeSound .soun8 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .soun9 JSR FlushSoundBuffers \ Flush all four sound channel buffers RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: MakeDrivingSounds [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Make the relevant sounds for the engine and tyres Deep dive: The engine soundsContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MainDrivingLoop (Part 2 of 5) calls MakeDrivingSounds * MainDrivingLoop (Part 5 of 5) calls MakeDrivingSounds
Subroutine FlushSoundBuffer (category: Sound)
Flush the specified sound buffer
Subroutine FlushSoundBuffers (category: Sound)
Flush all four specified sound buffers
Subroutine MakeSound (category: Sound)
Make a sound
Entry point MakeSound-3 in subroutine MakeSound (category: Sound)
Make the sound at the current volume level
Configuration variable VIA = &FE00
Memory-mapped space for accessing internal hardware, such as the video ULA, 6845 CRTC and 6522 VIAs (also known as SHEILA)
Label soun1 is local to this routine
Label soun2 is local to this routine
Label soun3 is local to this routine
Label soun4 is local to this routine
Label soun5 is local to this routine
Label soun6 is local to this routine
Label soun7 is local to this routine
Label soun8 is local to this routine
Label soun9 is local to this routine
Variable soundData (category: Sound)
OSWORD blocks for making the various game sounds
Variable soundRevCount in workspace Zero page
The current pitch for the revs sound
Variable soundRevTarget in workspace Zero page
The target pitch for the revs sound
Variable tyreSqueal (category: Driving model)
A flag to determine whether the front or rear tyres are squealing
Variable volumeLevel in workspace Main variable workspace
The game's volume level