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Extra tracks: HookJoystick (Part 2 of 2)

Name: HookJoystick (Part 2 of 2) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Extra tracks Summary: Apply enhanced joystick steering to specific track sections Deep dive: Secrets of the extra tracks Code hooks in the extra tracks
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

This part of the routine scales the steering, but if the joystick x-axis high byte is zero, then the scaling is applied in a different way. Instead of this: 2 * (scale * x-axis) ^ 2 = 2 * scale ^2 * x-axis ^2 we return this: scale ^2 * x-axis in other words, we divide the scale factor by 2 * x-axis.
.joys4 \ By this point, A contains the scale factor to apply to \ the steering, which is one of the following values: \ \ * 181 for a scale factor of 1.00 \ \ * 202 for a scale factor of 1.25 \ \ * 205 for a scale factor of 1.28 \ \ * 212 for a scale factor of 1.37 STA U \ Set U= A \ \ So U= 181, 202, 205 or 212 PLA \ Set A= joystick x-axis high byte, which we stored on \ the stack at the start of the routine JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T)= A * U \ = x-axis * A PLP \ If the joystick x-axis high byte is zero, which we BEQ joys5 \ stored on the stack at the start of the routine, jump \ to joys5 to return x-axis * scale ^ 2 instead STA U \ Set U= A \ = high byte of A * x-axis JSR Multiply8x8 \ Set (A T)= A * U \ = A * A \ = (A * x-axis) ^ 2 ASL T \ Set (A T)= (A T) * 2 ROL A \ = 2 * (A * x-axis) ^ 2 \ So for A= 212 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (212/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.828 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.37 * x-axis ^ 2 \ \ and for A= 205 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (205/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.801 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.28 * x-axis ^ 2 \ \ and for A= 202 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (202/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.789 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.25 * x-axis ^ 2 \ \ and for A= 181 we have: \ \ (A T)= 2 * (181/256 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 2 * (0.707 * x-axis) ^ 2 \ = 1.00 * x-axis ^ 2 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .joys5 \ If we get here then the joystick x-axis high byte is \ zero, U contains the scale factor and A contains the \ top byte of scale * x-axis JMP Multiply8x8 \ Calculate: \ \ (A T)= A * U \ = scale * scale * x-axis \ \ and return the high byte in A, returning from the \ subroutine using a tail call