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Extra tracks: trackSteering

Name: trackSteering [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: The optimum steering for non-player drivers on each track section Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Brands Hatch track
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * newContentHi uses trackSteering * newContentLo uses trackSteering

The following bytes are copied to sectionSteering by the GetSectionSteering routine, and are processed on the way. * Bit 0 becomes bit 7 of the result, to determine the direction of steering (shown with a directional arrow below) * Bit 1 clear means the result is multiplied by baseSpeed, so steering on straight sections is proportional to the track speed (this is shown with an asterisk * below) * Bits 2 to 7 contain the amount of steering to apply The processed values are shown below.
.trackSteering EQUB %00011000 \ Section 0 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00110011 \ Section 1 = 001100 1 1 -> 12 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 2 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00000000 \ Section 3 = 000000 0 0 <- 0* EQUB %01001111 \ Section 4 = 010011 1 1 -> 19 EQUB %00110001 \ Section 5 = 001100 0 1 -> 12* EQUB %01101000 \ Section 6 = 011010 0 0 <- 26* EQUB %00011001 \ Section 7 = 000110 0 1 -> 6* EQUB %00110000 \ Section 8 = 001100 0 0 <- 12* EQUB %00011001 \ Section 9 = 000110 0 1 -> 6* EQUB %00101110 \ Section 10 = 001011 1 0 <- 11 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 11 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 12 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 13 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 14 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00110011 \ Section 15 = 001100 1 1 -> 12 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 16 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00111111 \ Section 17 = 001111 1 1 -> 15 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 18 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %01010101 \ Section 19 = 010101 0 1 -> 21* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 20 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %01011011 \ Section 21 = 010110 1 1 -> 22 EQUB %00110101 \ Section 22 = 001101 0 1 -> 13* EQUB %01000010 \ Section 23 = 010000 1 0 <- 16 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 24 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 25 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %01001011 \ Section 26 = 010010 1 1 -> 18 EQUB %00011000 \ Section 27 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB %00011000 \ Section 28 = 000110 0 0 <- 6* EQUB &18, &00 \ These bytes appear to be unused