.ClearTotalRaceTime LDA numberOfLaps \ Compare numberOfLaps with the driver X's lap number CMP driverLapNumber,X LDA #%11000000 \ Set bits 6 and 7 of the status byte for driver X's car STA objectStatus,X \ object, so it's hidden (bit 7) and is no longer racing \ (bit 6) BCC clap1 \ If numberOfLaps < driver X's lap number, then the \ driver has finished the race, so skip the following \ instruction STA totalRaceMinutes,X \ The player didn't finish the race, so set the player's \ total race time to &C0 minutes, or 120 minutes .clap1 RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: ClearTotalRaceTime [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drivers Summary: Clear a specified driver's total race time following the end of an incomplete raceContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * FinishRace calls ClearTotalRaceTime
Arguments: X The driver number
Label clap1 is local to this routine
Variable driverLapNumber in workspace Main variable workspace
The current lap number for each driver
Variable numberOfLaps in workspace Zero page
The number of laps in the race (5, 10 or 20)
Variable objectStatus in workspace Stack variables
Various status flags for each object
Variable totalRaceMinutes in workspace Main variable workspace
Minutes of each driver's total race time, stored in BCD