.keys2 LDX #&A9 \ Scan the keyboard to see if "L" is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard BNE keys3 \ If "L" is not being pressed, jump to keys3 LDA #2 \ Set V = 2 STA V .keys3 LDX #&A8 \ Scan the keyboard to see if ";" is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard BNE keys4 \ If ";" is not being pressed, jump to keys4 INC V \ Set V = 1 .keys4 \ By this point, we have: \ \ * V = 1 if ";" is being pressed (steer right) \ \ * V = 2 if "L" is being pressed (steer left) \ \ * V = 0 if neither is being pressed \ \ We now calculate the amount of steering change into \ (A T), so we can apply it to (steeringHi steeringLo), \ which is a sign-magnitude number with the sign bit in \ bit 0 \ \ In the following, we swap the steering change between \ (A T) and (U T) quite a bit, and in the Superior \ Software variant of the game, we also apply computer \ assisted steering (CAS) LDA #3 \ Set U = 3 STA U \ \ So (U T) = (3 0) = 768, which is the value we use for \ steering when the SPACE key is held down IF _ACORNSOFT OR _4TRACKS LDX #&9D \ Scan the keyboard to see if SPACE is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard ELIF _SUPERIOR OR _REVSPLUS PLP \ Retrieve the result of the keyboard scan above, when \ we scanned for SPACE ENDIF BEQ keys6 \ If SPACE is being pressed, jump to keys6 with \ (U T) = 768 \ SPACE is not being pressed, so we need to calculate \ the correct value of (U T) depending on the steering \ wheel position LDA #0 \ Set A = 0 LDX #2 \ If steeringHi > 2, jump to keys5 to skip the following CPX steeringHi \ instruction BCC keys5 LDA #1 \ Set A = 1 .keys5 STA U \ Set U = A, which will be 1 if steeringHi > 2, or \ 0 otherwise LDA #128 \ Set T = 128 STA T .keys6 \ By this point, (U T) is: \ \ * (3 0) = 768 if the SPACE key is being held down \ \ * (1 128) = 384 if steeringHi > 2 \ \ * (0 128) = 128 if steeringHi <= 2 LDA V \ If V = 0 then no steering is being applied, so jump to BEQ keys7 \ keys7 CMP #3 \ If V = 3, jump to keys13 to move on to the throttle BEQ keys13 \ and brake keys without applying any steering \ If we get here then V = 1 or 2, so steering is being \ applied, so we set the sign of (U T) to match the \ position of the wheel, before jumping down to keys8 \ or keys9 EOR steeringLo \ If bit 0 of steeringLo is clear, jump to keys9 AND #1 BEQ keys9 JSR Negate16Bit+2 \ Otherwise (steeringHi steeringLo) is negative, so \ set (A T) = -(U T) JMP keys8 \ Jump to keys8 to store the negated value in (U T) .keys7 \ If we get here then no steering is being applied LDA xTyreForceNoseLo \ Set T = xTyreForceNoseLo AND %11110000 AND #%11110000 STA T LDA xTyreForceNoseHi \ Set (A T) = (xTyreForceNoseHi xTyreForceNoseLo) \ AND %11110000 \ = xTyreForceNose AND %11110000 JSR Absolute16Bit \ Set (A T) = |A T| LSR A \ Set (A T) = (A T) >> 2 ROR T \ = |A T| / 4 LSR A \ = (|xTyreForceNose| AND %11110000) / 4 ROR T IF _ACORNSOFT OR _4TRACKS CMP #12 \ If A < 12, skip the following instruction BCC keys8 LDA #12 \ Set A = 12, so A has a maximum value of 12, and |A T| \ is set to a maximum value of 12 * 256 ELIF _SUPERIOR OR _REVSPLUS CMP steeringHi \ If A < steeringHi, clear the C flag, so the following \ call to SetSteeringLimit does nothing JSR SetSteeringLimit \ If A >= steeringHi, set: \ \ (A T) = |steeringHi steeringLo| \ \ so this is the maximum value of |A T| ENDIF .keys8 STA U \ Set (U T) = (A T) .keys9 IF _ACORNSOFT OR _4TRACKS LDA steeringLo \ Set A = steeringLo ELIF _SUPERIOR OR _REVSPLUS JMP AssistSteeringKeys \ Jump to AssistSteeringKeys, which in turn jumps back \ to keys10, so this is effectively a JSR call \ \ The routine returns with A = steeringLo ENDIF .keys10 SEC \ Set (A T) = (steeringHi steeringLo) - (U T) SBC T \ STA T \ starting with the low bytes LDA steeringHi \ And then the high bytes SBC U CMP #200 \ If the high byte in A < 200, skip the following BCC keys11 \ instructions \ Otherwise the high byte in A >= 200, so we negate \ (A T) JSR Negate16Bit \ Set (A T) = -(A T) STA U \ Set (U T) = (A T) LDA T \ Flip the sign bit in bit 0 of T EOR #1 STA T LDA U \ Set (A T) = (U T) .keys11 CMP #145 \ If the high byte in A < 145, skip the following BCC keys12 \ instruction LDA #145 \ Set A = 145, so A has a maximum value of 145 .keys12 STA steeringHi \ Set (steeringHi steeringLo) = (A T) LDA T STA steeringLoName: ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 2 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Process keyboard steering Deep dive: Computer assisted steering (CAS)Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * AssistSteering calls via keys7 * AssistSteering calls via keys10 * AssistSteering calls via keys11 * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 1 of 6) calls via keys11
Other entry points: keys7 Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine when no joystick steering is being applied keys10 Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine when CAS is being applied to the steering keys11 Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine if CAS is not enabled or the car is facing backwards
Subroutine Absolute16Bit (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Calculate the absolute value (modulus) of a 16-bit number
Entry point AssistSteeringKeys in subroutine AssistSteering (category: Tactics)
For keyboard-controlled steering
Subroutine Negate16Bit (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Negate a 16-bit number
Entry point Negate16Bit+2 in subroutine Negate16Bit (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Set (A T) = -(U T)
Subroutine ScanKeyboard (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard for a specific key press
Subroutine SetSteeringLimit (category: Keyboard)
Apply a maximum limit to the amount of steering
Entry point keys11 in subroutine ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 2 of 6) (category: Keyboard)
Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine if CAS is not enabled or the car is facing backwards
Label keys12 is local to this routine
Label keys13 in subroutine ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 3 of 6)
Label keys3 is local to this routine
Label keys4 is local to this routine
Label keys5 is local to this routine
Label keys6 is local to this routine
Entry point keys7 in subroutine ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 2 of 6) (category: Keyboard)
Re-entry point for the AssistSteering routine when no joystick steering is being applied
Label keys8 is local to this routine
Label keys9 is local to this routine
Variable steeringHi (category: Dashboard)
The high byte of the steering wheel position
Variable steeringLo (category: Dashboard)
The low byte of the steering wheel position
Variable xTyreForceNoseHi (category: Driving model)
High byte of the x-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front tyres in the nose of the car
Variable xTyreForceNoseLo (category: Driving model)
Low byte of the x-coordinate of the force vector produced by the front tyres in the nose of the car