.ProcessEngineStart \ The routine is called from ApplyEngine when the engine \ is not running LDX #&DC \ Scan the keyboard to see if "T" is being pressed JSR ScanKeyboard BEQ engs2 \ If "T" is being pressed, jump to engs2 LDY gearNumber \ If gearNumber = 1, then we are in neutral, so jump to DEY \ engs1 BEQ engs1 \ If we get here then we are still in gear LDA playerSpeedHi \ Set A = playerSpeedHi BNE engs3 \ If A <> 0 then we are moving, so jump to engs3 to \ start the engine and set the rev counter to \ playerSpeedHi, as the engine can be restarted after \ stalling if we are going fast enough (i.e. if \ playerSpeedHi > 0) .engs1 \ If we get here then we are either in neutral, or we \ are not in neutral but are not moving LDA #0 \ Set A = 0 to set as the value of the rev counter BEQ SetRevsNoTorque \ Jump to SetRevsNoTorque to zero the rev counter and \ engine torque (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as A is \ always zero) .engs2 \ If we get here then then the engine is not running and \ "T" is being pressed LDA VIA+&68 \ Read 6522 User VIA T1C-L timer 2 low-order counter \ (SHEILA &68), which decrements one million times a \ second and will therefore be pretty random AND oddsOfEngineStart \ Set A = A mod oddsOfEngineStart BNE ThrobRevsNoTorque \ If A is non-zero, jump to ThrobRevsNoTorque \ Otherwise keep going to start the engine (which has a \ chance of 1 in oddsOfEngineStart of happening) and set \ the revs to zero (as A is zero) .engs3 \ If we get here then the engine is not running, and we \ are either already moving, or "T" is being pressed and \ we passed through the above (a 1 in oddsOfEngineStart \ chance) LDX #7 \ Set oddsOfEngineStart = 7, to reset it back to the STX oddsOfEngineStart \ default chance of starting the engine LDX #&FF \ Set engineStatus = &FF to turn on the engine STX engineStatus BMI ThrobRevsNoTorque \ Jump to ThrobRevsNoTorque to set the rev counter to A \ with a random throb added (this BMI is effectively a \ JMP as X is always negative)Name: ProcessEngineStart [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Driving model Summary: Process the key press for starting the engine Deep dive: Modelling the engineContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ApplyEngine calls ProcessEngineStart
Subroutine ScanKeyboard (category: Keyboard)
Scan the keyboard for a specific key press
Subroutine SetRevsNoTorque (category: Driving model)
Set the rev counter and zero the engine torque
Subroutine ThrobRevsNoTorque (category: Driving model)
Set the rev counter after adding a random throb and zero the engine torque
Configuration variable VIA = &FE00
Memory-mapped space for accessing internal hardware, such as the video ULA, 6845 CRTC and 6522 VIAs (also known as SHEILA)
Variable engineStatus in workspace Zero page
Whether or not the engine is on
Label engs1 is local to this routine
Label engs2 is local to this routine
Label engs3 is local to this routine
Variable gearNumber in workspace Zero page
The current gear number
Variable oddsOfEngineStart in workspace Zero page
The chances of the engine starting while revving the engine (the engine will start with a chance of 1 in oddsOfEngineStart)
Variable playerSpeedHi in workspace Zero page
High byte of the speed of the player's car along the track