.UpdateBackground LDA vergeOnScreenEdge \ If bit 7 of vergeOnScreenEdge is set then the edge we BMI upba1 \ are drawing is partially off-screen, so jump to upba1 \ to skip the following \ If we get here then the edge we are drawing is fully \ on-screen LDA backgroundRight \ Set A = backgroundRight, which is in the format \ %010vv0ab: \ \ * %vv is the verge we are currently drawing, from \ vergeType \ \ * %ab is the colour in the first verge pixel mask \ for the verge \ \ * %010xx0xx denotes that this value is being set to \ backgroundRight by the UpdateBackground routine JMP upba2 \ Jump to upba2 .upba1 \ If we get here then the edge we are drawing is \ partially off-screen DEY \ Decrement the track line in Y LDA backgroundColour,Y \ Set A to the contents of the background colour table \ for track line Y BNE upba4 \ If the background colour currently in the table is \ non-zero, jump to upba4 to return from the subroutine LDA backgroundLeft \ The background colour currently in the table is zero, \ so set A = backgroundLeft, which is in the format \ %100vv0ab: \ \ * %vv is the verge we are currently drawing, from \ vergeType \ \ * %ab is the colour of the first three pixels in the \ verge pixel mask for the verge in objectPalette+3 \ \ * %100xx0xx denotes that this value is being set to \ backgroundLeft by the UpdateBackground routine .upba2 CPY #80 \ If Y >= 80, then this is not a valid track line BCS upba4 \ number, so jump to upba4 to return from the subroutine LDX playerSideways \ If playerSideways < 40, then the player's car is CPX #40 \ facing along the track rather than sideways, so jump BCC upba3 \ to upba3 to store A in the background colour table \ If we get here then the player's car is facing \ sideways, relative to the track direction, so we set \ the background colour to either black or green, \ ignoring the colour of the verge marks STA T \ Store A in T so we can retrieve it below AND #%00000011 \ If bits 0-1 of A >= 3, i.e. bits 0-1 of A = 3, set the CMP #3 \ C flag LDA T \ Retrieve the value of A that we stored in T above BCS upba3 \ If bits 0-1 of A = 3, jump to upba3 to store green as \ the background colour AND #%11111100 \ Otherwise clear bits 0 and 1 of A, to store black as \ the background colour .upba3 STA backgroundColour,Y \ Store A as the background colour for track line Y .upba4 RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: UpdateBackground [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the track Summary: Update the background colour table for when we draw a verge edge off the left edge of the screenContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * StopDrawingEdge calls UpdateBackground
Arguments: Y The track line we are drawing on (0 to 79)
Variable backgroundColour (category: Screen buffer)
The background colour for each track line
Variable backgroundLeft in workspace Zero page
Details of the verge colour for the left side of the verge edge we are drawing, to use as the track line's background colour
Variable backgroundRight in workspace Zero page
Details of the verge colour for the right side of the verge edge we are drawing, to use as the track line's background colour
Variable playerSideways (category: Car geometry)
Contains the player's heading, for testing whether the car is pointing sideways
Label upba1 is local to this routine
Label upba2 is local to this routine
Label upba3 is local to this routine
Label upba4 is local to this routine
Variable vergeOnScreenEdge in workspace Zero page
Determines whether the verge edge we are drawing for the current segment is partially off-screen