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Extra tracks: Track section data (Part 2 of 2)

Name: Track section data (Part 2 of 2) [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Extra tracks Summary: Data for the track sections Deep dive: The track data file format The extra tracks data file format The Snetterton track
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: No direct references to this variable in this source file

Snetterton consists of the following track sections: 0 |<-| Sear to the Esses (3/5) 1 |->| Sear to the Esses (4/5) 2 {} Sear to the Esses (5/5) 3 <- The Esses (1/3) 4 || The Esses (2/3) 5 |->| The Esses (3/3) 6 |->| The Esses to the Bomb Hole 7 -> The Bomb Hole 8 || The Bomb Hole to Coram (1/2) 9 || The Bomb Hole to Coram (2/2) 10 -> Coram 11 |<-| Coram to Russell (1/2) 12 |<->| Coram to Russell (2/2) 13 <- Russell 14 -> Russell to Riches (1/4) 15 |->| Russell to Riches (2/4) 16 {} Russell to Riches (3/4) 17 || Russell to Riches (4/4) 18 -> Riches 19 || Riches to Seer (1/2) 20 || Riches to Seer (2/2) 21 -> Sear 22 || Sear to the Esses (1/5) 23 || Sear to the Esses (2/5) where each section is one of the following shapes: || is a straight section that doesn't curve to the left or right, and has the same gradient throughout the whole section {} is a straight section in the sense that it doesn't curve to the left or right, but the gradient can differ between sub-sections -> consists of sub-sections that all curve to the right <- consists of sub-sections that all curve to the left |->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the right |<-| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left |<->| consists of sub-sections that are either straight or curve to the left or right This part defines the following aspects of these track sections: trackSectionFlag Various flags for the track section The abbreviations in brackets are used to show the values of section's flags in the comments below * Bit 0: Section shape (Sh) * 0 = straight section (only one segment vector) * 1 = curved section (multiple segment vectors) * Bit 1: Colour of left verge marks (Vc) * 0 = black-and-white verge marks * 1 = red-and-white verge marks * Bit 2: Colour of right verge marks (Vc) * 0 = black-and-white verge marks * 1 = red-and-white verge marks * Bit 3: Show corner markers on right (Mlr) * 0 = do not show corner markers to the right of the track * 1 = show corner markers to the right of the track * Bit 4: Show corner markers on left (Mlr) * 0 = do not show corner markers to the left of the track * 1 = show corner markers to the left of the track * Bit 5: Corner marker colours (Mc) * 0 = show all corner markers in white * 1 = show corner markers in red or white, as appropriate * Bit 6: Enable hooks to generate segment vectors (G) * 0 = disable HookDataPointers and HookSegmentVector * 1 = enable HookDataPointers and HookSegmentVector * Bit 7: Section has a maximum speed (Sp) * 0 = this section has no maximum speed * 1 = this section has a maximum speed xTrackSectionILo Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section yTrackSectionILo Low byte of the y-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section zTrackSectionILo Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the inner verge of each track section xTrackSectionOLo Low byte of the x-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionFrom The number of the first segment vector in each section, which enables us to fetch the segment vectors for a given track section (note that because the segment vectors in this track are dynamically generated, this value points to the position in the segment vector table where the section's first vector will be stored once it is generated) zTrackSectionOLo Low byte of the z-coordinate of the starting point of the outside verge of each track section trackSectionSize The length of each track section in terms of segments
\ Track section 0 EQUB %01000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &20 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &00 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1400 = 5120 EQUB &20 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &28 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &D028 = -12248 EQUB 1 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &20 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &D120 = -12000 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 1 EQUB %01000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &AD \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D0AD = -12115 EQUB &00 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1400 = 5120 EQUB &B8 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &DEB8 = -8520 EQUB &B5 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &CFB5 = -12363 EQUB 31 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &AF \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &DEAF = -8529 EQUB 67 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 2 EQUB %01101000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &68 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D068 = -12184 EQUB &00 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1400 = 5120 EQUB &20 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &FE20 = -480 EQUB &70 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &CF70 = -12432 EQUB 19 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &1D \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &FE1D = -483 EQUB 38 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 3 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &42 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D042 = -12222 EQUB &81 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1181 = 4481 EQUB &F0 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &0FF0 = 4080 EQUB &4A \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &CF4A = -12470 EQUB 18 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &ED \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &0FED = 4077 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 4 EQUB %00000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &97 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &CC97 = -13161 EQUB &54 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1154 = 4436 EQUB &3B \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &163B = 5691 EQUB &06 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &CC06 = -13306 EQUB 35 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &72 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &1572 = 5490 EQUB 9 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 5 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &2E \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &C92E = -14034 EQUB &54 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1154 = 4436 EQUB &B1 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &18B1 = 6321 EQUB &9D \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &C89D = -14179 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &E8 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &17E8 = 6120 EQUB 7 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 6 EQUB %01110010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &09 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &C809 = -14327 EQUB &54 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1154 = 4436 EQUB &50 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &1B50 = 6992 EQUB &1B \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &C71B = -14565 EQUB 5 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &98 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &1B98 = 7064 EQUB 38 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 7 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &65 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &CF65 = -12443 EQUB &54 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1154 = 4436 EQUB &84 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &2B84 = 11140 EQUB &84 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &CE84 = -12668 EQUB 4 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &EB \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &2BEB = 11243 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 8 EQUB %00000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &7E \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D57E = -10882 EQUB &58 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1158 = 4440 EQUB &07 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &2F07 = 12039 EQUB &9C \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &D59C = -10852 EQUB 21 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &FC \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &2FFC = 12284 EQUB 17 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 9 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &65 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &DD65 = -8859 EQUB &68 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1268 = 4712 EQUB &08 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &2E08 = 11784 EQUB &83 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &DD83 = -8829 EQUB 23 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &FD \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &2EFD = 12029 EQUB 18 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 10 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &C3 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &E5C3 = -6717 EQUB &88 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1388 = 5000 EQUB &FA \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &2CFA = 11514 EQUB &E1 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &E5E1 = -6687 EQUB 2 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &EF \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &2DEF = 11759 EQUB 52 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 11 EQUB %01000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &26 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &EF26 = -4314 EQUB &66 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &1166 = 4454 EQUB &C9 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &19C9 = 6601 EQUB &0A \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &F00A = -4086 EQUB 15 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &6C \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &196C = 6508 EQUB 30 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 12 EQUB %01101000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &3F \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &EA3F = -5569 EQUB &D2 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &0ED2 = 3794 EQUB &A6 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &0CA6 = 3238 EQUB &30 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &EB30 = -5328 EQUB 6 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &70 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &0C70 = 3184 EQUB 29 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 13 EQUB %11110011 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=01 Sh=1 EQUB &33 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &E833 = -6093 EQUB &3B \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &0D3B = 3387 EQUB &38 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &FF38 = -200 EQUB &26 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &E926 = -5850 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &08 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &FF08 = -248 EQUB 17 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 14 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &A5 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &EAA5 = -5467 EQUB &B3 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &0CB3 = 3251 EQUB &F7 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &F7F7 = -2057 EQUB &54 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &EB54 = -5292 EQUB 16 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &A6 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &F8A6 = -1882 EQUB 8 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 15 EQUB %11000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &67 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &EC67 = -5017 EQUB &97 \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &0C97 = 3223 EQUB &B6 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &F4B6 = -2890 EQUB &58 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &ED58 = -4776 EQUB 26 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &EB \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &F4EB = -2837 EQUB 43 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 16 EQUB %01000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &E5 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &EEE5 = -4379 EQUB &1B \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &101B = 4123 EQUB &C2 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &E0C2 = -7998 EQUB &DA \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &EFDA = -4134 EQUB 31 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &DC \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &E0DC = -7972 EQUB 54 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 17 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &A3 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &F1A3 = -3677 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &A8 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &C7A8 = -14424 EQUB &98 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &F298 = -3432 EQUB 7 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &C2 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &C7C2 = -14398 EQUB 35 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 18 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &6A \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &F36A = -3222 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &63 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &B763 = -18589 EQUB &5F \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &F45F = -2977 EQUB 4 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &7D \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &B77D = -18563 EQUB 30 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 19 EQUB %00000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &76 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &EA76 = -5514 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &BC \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &ADBC = -21060 EQUB &90 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &EA90 = -5488 EQUB 36 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &C6 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &ACC6 = -21306 EQUB 24 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 20 EQUB %01110000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=10 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &4E \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &DF4E = -8370 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &84 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &AC84 = -21372 EQUB &68 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &DF68 = -8344 EQUB 39 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &8E \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &AB8E = -21618 EQUB 25 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 21 EQUB %11101101 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=1 Mlr=01 Vc=10 Sh=1 EQUB &AF \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D3AF = -11345 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &3F \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &AB3F = -21697 EQUB &C9 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &D3C9 = -11319 EQUB 26 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &49 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &AA49 = -21943 EQUB 9 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 22 EQUB %00000010 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=0 G=0 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=01 Sh=0 EQUB &20 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &FA \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &ADFA = -20998 EQUB &28 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &D028 = -12248 EQUB 37 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &FA \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &ADFA = -20998 EQUB 35 \ trackSectionSize \ Track section 23 EQUB %11000000 \ trackSectionFlag Sp=1 G=1 Mc=0 Mlr=00 Vc=00 Sh=0 EQUB &20 \ xTrackSectionILo xTrackSectionI = &D120 = -12000 EQUB &FF \ yTrackSectionILo yTrackSectionI = &13FF = 5119 EQUB &62 \ zTrackSectionILo zTrackSectionI = &BE62 = -16798 EQUB &28 \ xTrackSectionOLo xTrackSectionO = &D028 = -12248 EQUB 0 \ trackSectionFrom EQUB &62 \ zTrackSectionOLo zTrackSectionO = &BE62 = -16798 EQUB 40 \ trackSectionSize EQUB &40 \ This byte appears to be unused