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Workspaces: Zero page

Name: Zero page [Show more] Type: Workspace Address: &0070 to &008F Category: Workspaces Summary: Mainly temporary variables that are used a lot
Context: See this workspace in context in the source code References: No direct references to this workspace in this source file
ORG &0000 .playerMoving SKIP 1 \ Flag to denote whether the player's car is moving \ \ * 0 = player's car is not moving \ \ * Non-zero = player's car is moving \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AnimateTyres \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * DrawFence (Part 1 of 2) \ * FinishRace \ * MainDrivingLoop (Part 5 of 5) \ * ResetVariables \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisSectionFlags SKIP 1 \ The track section flags for the current track section \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetFirstSegment \ * GetSegmentSteering \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 2 of 3) \ * UpdateCurveVector \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisVectorNumber SKIP 1 \ The number of the segment vector for the current track \ segment, ready to store in the track segment buffer \ as segmentVector \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSectionCoords \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 3 of 3) \ * UpdateVectorNumber \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.currentPosition SKIP 1 \ The position of the current player \ \ This refers to the current player's position in the \ driversInOrder list \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCars \ * MoveAndDrawCars \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 3 of 3) \ * ResetVariables \ * SetPlayerPositions \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisSectionNumber SKIP 1 \ The number * 8 of the current section number when \ calculating the track verges \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.sectionListStart SKIP 1 \ The start index of the track section list that's \ used when calculating the positions of the track \ verges \ \ The list runs from index sectionListStart up to 6 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * IncSectionPointers \ * SetSectionPointers \ * ShuffleSectionList \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.sectionListValid SKIP 1 \ The index of the first valid entry in the track \ section list \ \ The list runs from index sectionListStart up to 6, and \ valid entries run from index sectionListValid up to 6 \ \ Set to 6 in ResetVariables to indicate that the list \ does not yet contain any valid entries \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ChangeDirection \ * GetFirstSegment \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * IncSectionPointers \ * ResetVariables \ * SetSectionPointers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.sectionListSize SKIP 1 \ The size of the track section list that's used when \ calculating the positions of the track verges \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetFirstSegment \ * ShuffleSectionList \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.sectionListPointer SKIP 1 \ The index of the current entry in the track section \ list, as we only update one entry in the list on each \ iteration of the main driving loop \ \ The list runs from index sectionListStart up to 6 \ \ Set to 6 in ResetVariables \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * IncSectionPointers \ * ResetVariables \ * SetSectionPointers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.oddsOfEngineStart SKIP 1 \ The chances of the engine starting while revving the \ engine (the engine will start with a chance of 1 in \ oddsOfEngineStart) \ \ Set to 7 in ResetVariables \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForCrash \ * ProcessEngineStart \ * ResetVariables \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerYawAngleLo SKIP 1 \ Low byte of the player's yaw angle \ \ This is the left-right rotation of the player's car \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (playerYawAngleHi \ playerYawAngleLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDeltas \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * GetSectionYawAngle \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerYawAngleHi SKIP 1 \ High byte of the player's yaw angle \ \ This is the left-right rotation of the player's car \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (playerYawAngleHi \ playerYawAngleLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDeltas \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplyElevation (Part 2 of 5) \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * BuildRoadSign \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * GetSectionYawAngle \ * ProcessContact \ * UpdateMirrors \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vectorNumber SKIP 1 \ The segment vector number when building car objects \ in the BuildCarObjects routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 2 of 3) \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerPitchAngle SKIP 1 \ The player's pitch angle \ \ This is the up-down rotation of the player's car \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 2 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 3 of 5) \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.segmentOffset SKIP 1 \ The offset to use for the segment being processed in \ the GetSegmentAngles routine \ \ * 0 when our car is facing in the same direction \ \ * 120 when our car is facing the opposite direction \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetSegmentDetails \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.leaveTrackTimer SKIP 1 \ The leave track timer \ \ When set to a non-zero figure, the timer starts to \ count down by one every iteration of the main loop, \ until it reaches 1, at which point we leave the track \ \ During the countdown we are unable to accelerate or \ brake, but can steer \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MainDrivingLoop (Part 5 of 5) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 3 of 6) \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateLapTimers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgeDistanceLo SKIP 1 \ Low byte of the distance between the player's car and \ the nearest track edge \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (edgeDistanceHi \ edgeDistanceLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetCarInSegment \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgeDistanceHi SKIP 1 \ High byte of the distance between the player's car and \ the nearest track edge \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (edgeDistanceHi \ edgeDistanceLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForCrash \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.segmentListPointer SKIP 1 \ The index of the current entry in the track segment \ list \ \ As the segment list for the left side of the track is \ populated after the right side, this gives us the \ index of the last entry for the left side of the track \ once it has been populated \ \ segmentListRight gives us the equivalent index for the \ right side of the track \ \ The list runs from index 6 upwards \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetSegmentYawAngle \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 3 of 4) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 4 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgeSegmentNumber SKIP 1 \ The number of the segment within the track segment \ list that is closest to the player's car \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ * MovePlayerSegment \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevSegmentOffset SKIP 1 \ The segment coordinate offset for the previous segment \ when adding segments to the track segment list \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.segmentListRight SKIP 1 \ The index of the last entry in the track segment \ list for the right side of the track \ \ segmentListPointer gives us the equivalent index for \ the left side of the track \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.previousSteering SKIP 1 \ The previous value of sectionSteering when calculating \ the optimum steering for a track segment \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentSteering \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.turnCounter SKIP 1 \ A counter for the length of turn when calculating the \ optimum steering for a track segment \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentSteering \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevDriverSpeed06 SKIP 1 \ Bits 0-6 of the previous value of trackDriverSpeed \ when calculating the optimum steering for a track \ segment \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentSteering \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.gearChange SKIP 1 \ Used to store the direction of the gear change \ \ * 1 = change up \ \ * 0 = no gear change \ \ * -1 = change down \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 6 of 6) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.debugSpinning SKIP 1 \ This variable is never read, but is set to 64 and back \ to 0 when the car spins past the point where it \ changes the direction that it is facing along the \ track \ \ Perhaps it was used for debugging the spinning \ routines? \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ChangeDirection \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisPitchIndex SKIP 0 \ The index of the pitch angle in the track segment list \ for the verge we are processing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisObjectIndex SKIP 0 \ The index of the current object part's data as we work \ our way through an object's constituent parts \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.rowCounter SKIP 1 \ The table row number when printing the driver tables \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * PrintDriverTable \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.pressingShiftArrow SKIP 1 \ Bit 7 is set if we are pressing SHIFT and right arrow \ (which restarts the game) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckRestartKeys \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisPosition SKIP 1 \ The position of the car that we are analysing in the \ MoveAndDrawCars routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) \ * MoveAndDrawCars \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vergeOnScreenEdge SKIP 1 \ Determines whether the verge edge we are drawing for \ the current segment is partially off-screen \ \ * 0 = Edge is either wholly on-screen or off-screen \ \ * &FF = Edge is partially off-screen \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) \ * UpdateBackground \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.horizonLine SKIP 1 \ The track line number of the horizon \ \ Track lines are one pixel high, and go from 79 (at the \ top of the track view, in the sky), down to 3 (the \ lowest track line, between the mirrors and dashboard) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForCrash \ * DrawFence (Part 2 of 2) \ * DrawObject \ * GetColour (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetColourSup \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 4 of 4) \ * MapSegmentsToLines \ * MoveHorizon \ * ResetTrackLines \ * SetBackground \ * SpinTrackSection \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevDriverSpeed7 SKIP 1 \ The previous value of trackDriverSpeed when \ calculating the optimum steering for a track segment, \ only used for accessing bit 7 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentSteering \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.sectionBehind SKIP 1 \ Used to store the number * 8 of the track section \ behind us when we drive backwards along the track \ \ Track sections are numbered from 0 to 23, so this \ ranges from 0 to 184 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetFirstSegment \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerSegmentIndex SKIP 1 \ Used to store the index * 3 of the track segment \ containing the player's car in the track segment \ buffer \ \ The player's car is always 32 segments behind the \ front segment in the track segment buffer, so this \ always contains frontSegmentIndex - 96, wrapped around \ as required (as there are three bytes per buffer \ entry) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 2 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 5 of 5) \ * AssistSteering \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * GetPlayerIndex \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevSegmentIndex SKIP 1 \ Used to store the index * 3 of the previous track \ segment \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 3 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.frontSegmentIndex SKIP 1 \ Used to store the index * 3 of the front track \ segment in the track segment buffer \ \ Track segment indexes are numbered from 0 to 39, so \ this ranges from 0 to 117 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildVisibleCar \ * GetFirstSegment \ * GetPlayerIndex \ * GetSegmentDetails \ * GetSegmentSteering \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 3 of 3) \ * PlaceCarsOnTrack \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.directionFacing SKIP 1 \ The direction that our car is facing \ \ * Bit 7 clear = facing forwards \ \ * Bit 7 set = facing backwards \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * BuildVisibleCar \ * DrawObject \ * GetFirstSegment \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetSegmentDetails \ * GetSegmentVector \ * GetSteeringAssist \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ * MoveAndDrawCars \ * MovePlayer \ * MovePlayerOnTrack \ * MovePlayerSegment \ * MultiplyHeight \ * TurnPlayerAround \ * UpdateVectorNumber \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.yGravityDelta SKIP 1 \ The distance in the y-axis that the car would fall if \ the track wasn't there, for use when calculating the \ outcome of jumps and being dropped from the crane \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyBounce \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 4 of 5) \ * CheckForCrash \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vergeType SKIP 1 \ The type of verge that is currently being drawn in \ the DrawTrack routine: \ \ * 0 = leftVergeStart, the left edge of the left \ verge \ \ * 1 = leftTrackStart, the right edge of the left \ verge \ \ * 2 = rightVergeStart, the left edge of the right \ verge \ \ * 3 = rightGrassStart, the right edge of the right \ verge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) \ * DrawVergeEdge \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.yJumpHeight SKIP 1 \ The height of the car's jump (or crane lift), in terms \ of track lines, which we use to alter the position of \ the horizon \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyBounce \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 3 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vergeTopRight SKIP 1 \ The track line just above the segment at \ vergeDepthOfField (i.e. the furthest segment that \ might contain a verge) when drawing the right verge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * GetColour (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetColourSup \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.scaleUp SKIP 1 \ The nominator scale factor for scaling an object \ scaffold (i.e. scale up) \ \ The scaffold is multiplied by scaleUp \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * DrawObject \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ * ScaleObject \ * SetObjectDetails \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.scaleDown SKIP 1 \ The denominator scale factor for scaling an object \ scaffold (i.e. scale down) \ \ The scaffold is divided by 2^scaleDown \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObject \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ * ScaleObject \ * SetObjectDetails \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vergeTopLeft SKIP 1 \ The track line just above the segment at \ vergeDepthOfField (i.e. the furthest segment that \ might contain a verge) when drawing the left verge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * GetColour (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetColourSup \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.heightAboveTrack SKIP 1 \ The car's height above the track, for when it is being \ dropped from the crane, or jumping from hitting the \ verge too fast \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyBounce \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 4 of 5) \ * ApplyEngine \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplyTyresAndSkids \ * CheckForCrash \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerSpeedLo SKIP 1 \ Low byte of the speed of the player's car along the \ track \ \ This appears to be in mph, with the high byte \ containing the miles per hour, and the low byte \ containing a fraction \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (playerSpeedHi \ playerSpeedLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplyEngine \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.positionChangeBCD SKIP 1 \ The change in BCD for the player's race position \ \ Gets added to currentPositionBCD when non-zero \ \ Set to the current player's position in BCD in \ ResetVariables \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * ResetVariables \ * UpdatePositionInfo \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.pastHalfway SKIP 1 \ Stores which half of the track the player is in \ \ * 0 = the first half of the track \ \ * 1 = the second half of the track \ \ The halfway point is defined as the middle track \ section, or if there is an odd number of track \ sections, the section before the middle track section \ \ Set to 1 in ResetVariables \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 1 of 3) \ * ResetVariables \ * UpdateLaps \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.currentPositionBCD SKIP 1 \ The current race position in BCD \ \ Displayed at the top of the screen after "Position" \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * UpdatePositionInfo \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.pixelMaskVerge SKIP 1 \ Offset within the vergePixelMask table for segments \ that are close enough to show a verge, i.e. those \ within the verge depth of field \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * DrawVergeEdge \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.backgroundLeft SKIP 1 \ Details of the verge colour for the left side of the \ verge edge we are drawing, to use as the track line's \ background colour \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) \ * UpdateBackground \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.backgroundRight SKIP 1 \ Details of the verge colour for the right side of the \ verge edge we are drawing, to use as the track line's \ background colour \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * UpdateBackground \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.xPixelCoord SKIP 1 \ The pixel x-coordinate of the centre of the current \ object \ \ In terms of screen coordinates, so 0 is the left edge \ of the screen, 80 is the centre and 159 is the right \ edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.yPixelCoord SKIP 1 \ The pixel y-coordinate of the centre of the current \ object \ \ In terms of track lines, so 80 is the top of the track \ view and 0 is the bottom of the track view \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.objectType SKIP 1 \ The type of object to draw (0 to 12) \ \ * 0 = Four-object car, front tyres \ * 1 = Four-object car, body and helmet \ * 2 = Four-object car, rear tyres \ * 3 = Four-object car, rear wing \ * 4 = Standard car \ * 5 = Distant car \ * 6 = Corner marker \ * 7 = Straight sign \ * 8 = Start flag \ * 9 = Blank road sign \ * 10 = Chicane road sign \ * 11 = Right turn road sign \ * 12 = Left turn road sign \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildRoadSign \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * DrawObject \ * GetObjectAngles \ * SetObjectDetails \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.xPrevVelocityLo SKIP 1 \ Used to store the low byte of the x-coordinate of the \ player's previous velocity vector during the driving \ model calculations (i.e. the velocity from the last \ iteration of the main loop) \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (xPrevVelocityHi \ xPrevVelocityLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.xPrevVelocityHi SKIP 1 \ Used to store the high byte of the x-coordinate of the \ player's previous velocity vector during the driving \ model calculations (i.e. the velocity from the last \ iteration of the main loop) \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (xPrevVelocityHi \ xPrevVelocityLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplyWingBalance \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.xSpinVelocityLo SKIP 1 \ Used to store the low byte of the scaled spin yaw \ angle during the driving model calculations \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (xSpinVelocityHi \ xSpinVelocityLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplySpinYaw \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.xSpinVelocityHi SKIP 1 \ Used to store the high byte of the scaled spin yaw \ angle during the driving model calculations \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (xSpinVelocityHi \ xSpinVelocityLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplySpinYaw \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.revCount SKIP 1 \ The current rev count, as shown on the rev counter \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * CalcRevsNoTorque \ * DrawRevCounter \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 4 of 6) \ * SetEngineTorque \ * SetRevsNoTorque \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.engineTorque SKIP 1 \ The power being generated by the engine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetTyreForces \ * SetEngineTorque \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.throttleBrakeState SKIP 1 \ Denotes whether the throttle or brake are being \ applied \ \ * Bit 7 is set if there is no brake or throttle key \ press \ \ * 0 = brakes are being applied \ \ * 1 = throttle is being applied \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * ApplyEngine \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplyLimitThrottle \ * ApplySkidForces \ * CalcRevsNoTorque \ * GetTyreForces \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 4 of 6) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 5 of 6) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.throttleBrake SKIP 1 \ The amount of throttle or brake being applied \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CalcRevsNoTorque \ * GetTyreForces \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 4 of 6) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 5 of 6) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.gearNumber SKIP 1 \ The current gear number \ \ * 0 = reverse \ \ * 1 = neutral \ \ * 2-7 = 1 to 5 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * ApplyEngine \ * GetTyreForces \ * PrintGearNumber \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 6 of 6) \ * ProcessEngineStart \ * ResetVariables \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.objectDistanceLo SKIP 1 \ The low byte of the distance to the current object \ \ If a car's objectDistanceHi is >= 5, then it is drawn \ as a distant car \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (objectDistanceHi \ objectDistanceLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForContact \ * ProcessContact \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.colourScheme SKIP 0 \ The number of the table colour scheme passed to the \ SetRowColours routine: \ \ Scheme 0: Even rows: 132 on 134 (blue on cyan) \ Odd rows: 134 on 135 (cyan on white) \ \ Scheme 4: Even rows: 129 on 132 (red on blue) \ Odd rows: 131 on 130 (yellow on green) \ \ Scheme 8: Even rows: 131 on 132 (yellow on blue) \ Odd rows: 129 on 135 (red on white) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * PrintDriverTable \ * SetRowColours \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.objectNumber SKIP 0 \ The object number of the four-part car we are drawing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * BuildRoadSign \ * BuildVisibleCar \ * CheckForContact \ * GetObjectAngles \ * HideObject \ * SetObjectDetails \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.sectionCounter SKIP 0 \ A counter for the track section we are processing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.segmentCounter SKIP 0 \ A counter for the track segment we are processing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 1 of 4) \ * PlaceCarsOnTrack \ * TurnPlayerAround \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.blockCounter SKIP 0 \ A counter for the dash data block we are processing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetTyreDashEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.secondAxis SKIP 1 \ The number of the second axis to calculate in the \ GetRotationMatrix routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 4 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerPastSegment SKIP 1 \ Determines whether the player has gone past the \ closest segment to the player (i.e. whether the \ relative yaw angle of the segment is greater than 90 \ degrees) \ \ * Bit 7 clear = not yet \ \ * Bit 7 set = player has gone past the closest \ segment \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MovePlayerOnTrack \ * MovePlayerSegment \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerHeading SKIP 1 \ The player's yaw angle, relative to the direction of \ the track, where a heading of 0 means the player is \ pointing straight along the track \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 2 of 5) \ * MovePlayerOnTrack \ * MovePlayerSegment \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.driverPrinted SKIP 0 \ The number of the driver we just printed in the \ PrintPositionName routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * PrintDriverTable \ * PrintPositionName \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisDriver SKIP 0 \ The number of the car we are currently drawing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * BuildVisibleCar \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.xStoreDraw SKIP 0 \ Temporary storage for X so it can be preserved through \ calls to DrawCarInPosition, DrawCarOrSign and \ DrawSegmentEdge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCarInPosition \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * DrawCars \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisYawIndex SKIP 0 \ The index of the yaw angle in the track segment list \ for the verge we are processing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisSignNumber SKIP 1 \ The sign number that we are currently building \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildRoadSign \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.timerAdjust SKIP 1 \ A counter for implementing the clock speed adjustment \ \ Starts out with the value of trackTimerAdjust from the \ track data (see the ProcessTime routine) \ \ Gets decremented on each iteration of the main driving \ loop, looping back to trackTimerAdjust after reaching \ zero \ \ When timerAdjust matches equals trackTimerAdjust, the \ clock timer adds 18/100 of a second rather than the \ usual 9/100 of a second, so the clock timer speeds up \ every time the counter loops round \ \ Decreasing the value of trackTimerAdjust therefore \ speeds up the clock timer, allowing the speed of the \ clock timer to be adjusted on a per-track basis \ \ The Silverstone track has a trackTimerAdjust value of \ 24, so timerAdjust wraps around from 0 to 24 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddTimeToTimer \ * ProcessTime \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.bottomTrackLine SKIP 1 \ The bottom track line for the current object part \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ * FillInsideObject \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevEdgeInByte SKIP 1 \ Determines whether we are drawing two edges within the \ same pixel byte in DrawObjectEdge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.segmentDirection SKIP 1 \ The relative direction of our car, to use when \ processing segments in the GetSegmentAngles routine \ \ * 0 when our car is facing in the same direction \ \ * 1 when our car is facing in the opposite direction \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentDetails \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.setSpeedForDriver SKIP 1 \ The driver whose speed will be set on the next call to \ the SetDriverSpeed routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * InitialiseDrivers \ * SetDriverSpeed \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vergeBufferEnd SKIP 1 \ The index of the last entry in the track verge buffer \ for the side of the track we are currently drawing in \ DrawTrack \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawVergeEdge \ * MapSegmentsToLines \ * SetVergeBackground \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevPitchIndex SKIP 1 \ The index of the pitch angles in the verge buffer for \ the previous entry in the verge buffer when drawing \ the verge edges \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawVergeEdge \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.positionAhead SKIP 1 \ The number of the position ahead of the current \ player's position \ \ This refers to the current player's position in the \ driversInOrder list \ \ The position ahead of the leader is last place \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) \ * DrawCars \ * DrawObject \ * SetPlayerPositions \ * UpdatePositionInfo \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.spinPitchAngle SKIP 1 \ The amount of pitch angle spin that is being applied \ to the player's car \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 3 of 5) \ * SpinTrackSection \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevYawIndex SKIP 1 \ The index of the yaw angles in the verge buffer for \ the previous entry in the verge buffer when drawing \ the verge edges \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawVergeEdge \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.vergeDepthOfField SKIP 1 \ The index into the verge buffer of the furthest verge \ mark, so for segments further from the player than \ this point, we do not draw verge marks \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * DrawVergeEdge \ * MapSegmentsToLines \ * SetVergeBackground \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.horizonListIndex SKIP 1 \ The track section or segment that's on the horizon, \ given in terms of the index within the track section \ list (or the track segment list) \ \ Specifically, entry number horizonListIndex at \ yVergeRight equals horizonLine, as does the same entry \ in yVergeLeft (as the track is level in a left to \ right direction) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 4 of 4) \ * SetBackground \ * SpinTrackSection \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevHorizonIndex SKIP 1 \ The value of horizonListIndex from the previous call \ to the GetTrackAndMarkers routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetTrackAndMarkers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.updateBackground SKIP 1 \ Flag to indicate we have changed the background colour \ of a track line \ \ Set to non-zero if we draw a track verge in the first \ part of the track line on the left edge of the screen \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) \ * StopDrawingEdge \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.pixelMaskIndex SKIP 1 \ The index into the vergePixelMask table for the colour \ of the verge edge we are drawing in DrawSegmentEdge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.objectDistanceHi SKIP 1 \ The high byte of the distance to the current object \ \ If a car's objectDistanceHi is >= 5, then it is drawn \ as a distant car \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (objectDistanceHi \ objectDistanceLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 3 of 3) \ * CheckForContact \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.markerNumber SKIP 1 \ The marker number that we are drawing in the \ DrawCornerMarkers routine \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.markersToDraw SKIP 1 \ The number of corner markers to draw \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 3 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.gearChangeKey SKIP 1 \ Determines whether or not a gear change key has been \ pressed \ \ * Bit 7 set = a gear change key has been pressed \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 1 of 6) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 6 of 6) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.clutchEngaged SKIP 1 \ Determines whether the clutch is engaged \ \ * Bit 7 clear = clutch is engaged \ \ * Bit 7 set = clutch is not fully engaged \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * CalcRevsNoTorque \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.revsOnGearChange SKIP 1 \ The rev count when the gear was last changed \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * SetRevsNoTorque \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.positionBehind SKIP 1 \ The number of the position behind the current player's \ position \ \ This refers to the current player's position in the \ driversInOrder list \ \ The position behind last place is the leader \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MoveAndDrawCars \ * SetPlayerPositions \ * UpdateMirrors \ * UpdatePositionInfo \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgeSegmentPointer SKIP 1 \ The index of the segment within the track verge buffer \ that is closest to the player's car \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * MovePlayerOnTrack \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.bumpyGrassHeight SKIP 1 \ The height of the bumps when driving over grass, which \ fluctuates randomly in the range 1 to 7 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyElevation (Part 3 of 5) \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplyWingBalance \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgeYawAngle SKIP 1 \ The yaw angle of the track segment that is closest to \ the player's car, from the point of view of the car \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForCrash \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * MovePlayerOnTrack \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.soundRevTarget SKIP 1 \ The target pitch for the revs sound \ \ The pitch for the revs sound moves towards this pitch \ level one step at a time, to simulate the sound of the \ engine "catching up" to the throttle \ \ The target pitch is set to revCount + 25 \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForCrash \ * MakeDrivingSounds \ * SetEngineTorque \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.soundRevCount SKIP 1 \ The current pitch for the revs sound \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForCrash \ * MakeDrivingSounds \ * ProcessShiftedKeys \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.engineStatus SKIP 1 \ Whether or not the engine is on \ \ * 0 = engine is off \ \ * &FF = engine is on \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * CheckForCrash \ * DrawCarInMirror \ * ProcessEngineStart \ * ShowStartingLights \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.resetSectionList SKIP 1 \ Controls whether to reset the contents of the track \ section list \ \ * 0 = do not reset the track section list \ \ * Non-zero = reset the track section list \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetFirstSegment \ * MovePlayerBack \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.playerSpeedHi SKIP 1 \ High byte of the speed of the player's car along the \ track \ \ This appears to be in mph, with the high byte \ containing the miles per hour, and the low byte \ containing a fraction \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (playerSpeedHi \ playerSpeedLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AnimateTyres \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplyElevation (Part 1 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 5 of 5) \ * ApplyEngine \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplyVergeJump \ * ApplyWingBalance \ * AssistSteering \ * ProcessEngineStart \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.printMode SKIP 1 \ Determines how the next character is printed \ on-screen: \ \ * 0 = poke the character directly into screen memory \ \ * 1 = print the character with OSWRCH (for mode 7) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * MainDrivingLoop (Part 1 of 5) \ * PrintCharacter \ * SetScreenMode7 \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.qualifyTimeEnding SKIP 1 \ Determines whether the time warnings have been shown \ at the end of the qualifying time: \ \ * Bit 6 set = the one-minute warning has been shown \ \ * Bit 7 set = the time-up warning has been shown \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * UpdateLapTimers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.updateDrivingInfo SKIP 1 \ Determines which parts of the driving information \ should be updated at the top of the screen \ \ * Bit 7 set = update lap number (during a race) \ update lap time (practice/qualifying) \ \ * Bit 6 set = we are driving the first practice or \ qualifying lap, so do not update the \ best lap time \ \ Set to %10000000 in ResetVariables for race laps only \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ResetVariables \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateLapTimers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.collisionDriver SKIP 1 \ The number of the driver being hit by the player's car \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForContact \ * ProcessContact \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.processContact SKIP 1 \ Another car is close enough to the player's car for us \ to process car-on-car contact \ \ * 0 = no car is close enough \ \ * Non-zero = a car is close enough to check for \ contact \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForContact \ * ProcessContact \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.lineBufferSize SKIP 1 \ The size of the line buffer \ \ Zeroed in SetupGame \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * EraseRevCounter \ * SetupGame \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.mainLoopCounterLo SKIP 1 \ Low byte of the main loop counter, which increments on \ each iteration of the main driving loop \ \ Stored as a 16-bit value (mainLoopCounterHi \ mainLoopCounterLo) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * ApplyTyresAndSkids \ * ProcessShiftedKeys \ * ProcessTime \ * ShowStartingLights \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.startingStack SKIP 1 \ The value of the stack pointer when the game starts, \ so we can restore it when restarting the game \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckRestartKeys \ * SetupGame \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.raceStarted SKIP 1 \ Flag determining whether the race has started \ \ * Bit 7 clear = this is practice or a qualifying lap \ \ * Bit 7 set = the race has started \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * FinishRace \ * HeadToTrack \ * MainDrivingLoop (Part 3 of 5) \ * MoveCars (Part 1 of 2) \ * PrintDriverTable \ * ProcessContact \ * ResetVariables \ * ShowStartingLights \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateLapTimers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.raceStarting SKIP 1 \ The current stage of the starting lights at the start \ of the race \ \ When a race is about to start, raceStarting is set to \ 128, and stays on this value until the engine is \ started, at which point it starts to count down, with \ one tick per iteration of the main loop, working \ through the following sequence: \ \ * 128 = show black lights, engine not yet started \ \ * Start counting down from 240 once engine starts \ \ * 240-192 = show black lights \ \ * 191-161 = show blue lights \ \ * 160 = keep showing blue lights and stop counting \ down until main loop counter is a multiple \ of 64 \ \ * Start counting down from 40 once loop counter is \ a multiple of 64 \ \ * 40-1 = show green lights \ \ * 0 = show no lights (race has started) \ \ When bit 7 is set (i.e. raceStarting >= 128), we are \ on the grid, so we do not increment the clock timer in \ ProcessTime, and the MoveCars routine has no effect \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyEngine \ * FinishRace \ * HeadToTrack \ * MoveCars (Part 1 of 2) \ * ProcessTime \ * ShowStartingLights \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.numberOfLaps SKIP 1 \ The number of laps in the race (5, 10 or 20) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ClearTotalRaceTime \ * FinishRace \ * MainLoop (Part 5 of 6) \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateLapTimers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.currentPlayer SKIP 1 \ The number of the current player \ \ * 0 for practice \ \ * 0 to 19 for competition \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddTimeToTimer \ * ApplyElevation (Part 5 of 5) \ * AwardRacePoints \ * BuildPlayerCar \ * BuildRoadSign \ * FinishRace \ * GetDriverName \ * MainLoop (Part 1 of 6) \ * MainLoop (Part 3 of 6) \ * MainLoop (Part 4 of 6) \ * MainLoop (Part 5 of 6) \ * MainLoop (Part 6 of 6) \ * MoveCars (Part 2 of 2) \ * MoveObjectBack \ * MovePlayer \ * MovePlayerOnTrack \ * PlaceCarsOnTrack \ * PrintBestLapTime \ * PrintDriverPrompt \ * ProcessContact \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * SetPlayerPositions \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateLapTimers \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.P SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CopyDashData \ * DRAW_BYTE \ * DrawCarInMirror \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawEdge \ * DrawFence (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawFence (Part 2 of 2) \ * DrawGrassRight \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * DrawRevCounter \ * DrawTrack \ * DrawTrackLine (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 1 of 4) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 2 of 4) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 3 of 4) \ * DrawVergeByteLeft \ * DrawVergeByteRight \ * EraseRevCounter \ * FillAfterObject \ * FillAfterObjectSup \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetColour (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetScreenAddress \ * GetTextInput \ * GetTyreDashEdges \ * MoveCode \ * PrintCharacter \ * SetMarker \ * SwapCode \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.Q SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CopyDashData \ * DrawCarInMirror \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawFence (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawFence (Part 2 of 2) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawRevCounter \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawShallowToLeft \ * DrawShallowToRight \ * DrawSteepToLeft \ * DrawSteepToRight \ * DrawTrackLine (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 1 of 4) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 3 of 4) \ * EraseRevCounter \ * FillAfterObject \ * FillAfterObjectSup \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetScreenAddress \ * GetTextInput \ * MoveCode \ * PrintCharacter \ * SwapCode \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.R SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CopyDashData \ * CopyTyreDashEdges \ * DRAW_BYTE \ * DrawGrassLeft \ * DrawTrack \ * DrawTrackLine (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 1 of 4) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 3 of 4) \ * DrawVergeByteLeft \ * FillAfterObject \ * FillAfterObjectSup \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetTyreDashEdges \ * MoveCode \ * PrintDriverName \ * PrintToken \ * SwapCode \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.S SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CopyDashData \ * CopyTyreDashEdges \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawShallowToLeft \ * DrawShallowToRight \ * DrawSteepToLeft \ * DrawSteepToRight \ * DrawTrackLine (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 1 of 4) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 3 of 4) \ * FillInsideObject \ * MoveCode \ * PrintDriverName \ * PrintToken \ * SwapCode \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.T SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddCoords \ * AddScaledVector \ * AddVectors \ * ApplyDeltas \ * ApplyDrivingModel \ * ApplyElevation (Part 2 of 5) \ * ApplyElevation (Part 3 of 5) \ * ApplyEngine \ * ApplyLimitAndSign \ * ApplySkidForces \ * ApplySpinYaw \ * ApplyTyreForces \ * AssistSteering \ * AwardRacePoints \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) \ * BuildVisibleCar \ * CheckDashData \ * CompareSegments \ * CopyDashData \ * Delay \ * Divide8x8 \ * DrawCarOrSign \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawFence (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawFence (Part 2 of 2) \ * DrawObject \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawRevCounter \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetAngleInRadians \ * GetColour (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetDriverAddress \ * GetNumberFromText \ * GetNumberInput \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 2 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 3 of 5) \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetSegmentSteering \ * GetSegmentVector \ * GetTyreForces \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 3 of 4) \ * HalveCoordinate \ * MoveCars (Part 1 of 2) \ * Multiply16x16 \ * Multiply8x16 \ * Multiply8x8 \ * MultiplyBy1Point5 \ * MultiplyCoords \ * Negate16Bit \ * PrintHeaderChecks \ * PrintSpaces \ * PrintToken \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 1 of 6) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 2 of 6) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 3 of 6) \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 2 of 3) \ * ProcessShiftedKeys \ * ScaleCarInSegment \ * ScaleObject \ * ScaleTyreForces \ * SetDriverSpeed \ * SetSteeringLimit \ * SetVergeBackground \ * ShowStartingLights \ * SortDrivers \ * SwapDriverPosition \ * ThrobRevsNoTorque \ * UpdateBackground \ * UpdateDashboard \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateMirrors \ * UpdateVelocity \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.U SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddCoords \ * AddScaledVector \ * AddVectors \ * ApplyDeltas \ * ApplyElevation (Part 5 of 5) \ * ApplyEngine \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplySpinYaw \ * ApplyWingBalance \ * AssistSteering \ * AwardRacePoints \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 2 of 3) \ * CheckDashData \ * CompareSegments \ * DrawCornerMarkers \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawFence (Part 1 of 2) \ * DrawFence (Part 2 of 2) \ * DrawRevCounter \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawTrackView (Part 3 of 4) \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetAngleInRadians \ * GetCarInSegment \ * GetMenuOption \ * GetNumberFromText \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 2 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 3 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 4 of 5) \ * GetSectionSteering \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetSegmentVector \ * GetTyreForces \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 3 of 4) \ * MapSegmentsToLines \ * MoveCars (Part 1 of 2) \ * MoveHorizon \ * Multiply16x16 \ * Multiply8x16 \ * Multiply8x16Signed \ * Multiply8x8 \ * MultiplyBy1Point5 \ * MultiplyCoords \ * MultiplyHeight \ * Negate16Bit \ * ProcessContact \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 1 of 6) \ * ProcessDrivingKeys (Part 2 of 6) \ * ScaleObject \ * ScaleTyreForces \ * ScaleWingSettings \ * SetVergeBackground \ * SortDrivers \ * SubtractCoords \ * UpdateDashboard \ * UpdateLaps \ * UpdateVelocity \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgePixel SKIP 0 \ The current edge, as a one-pixel byte \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.V SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more] .W SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more] .leftOfEdge SKIP 0 \ The fill colour to the left of the edge we are drawing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * FillInsideObject \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.G SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplyLimitAndSign \ * ApplySkidForces \ * DrawCarInMirror \ * GetMenuOption \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 2 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 3 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 4 of 5) \ * GetTyreForces \ * MainLoop (Part 6 of 6) \ * Multiply16x16 \ * PlaceCarsOnTrack \ * Print234DigitBCD \ * Print2DigitBCD \ * PrintDriverTable \ * PrintTimer \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * ScaleTyreForces \ * SortDrivers \ * UpdateLapTimers \ * UpdatePositionInfo \ * WaitForSpaceReturn \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.rightOfEdge SKIP 0 \ The fill colour to the right of the edge we are \ drawing \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.H SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyGrassOrTrack \ * ApplyLimitAndSign \ * ApplySkidForces \ * ApplySteeringForce \ * ApplySteeringSpeed \ * CompareSegments \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawRevCounter \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 2 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 3 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 4 of 5) \ * GetTyreForces \ * Multiply16x16 \ * MultiplyCoords \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * SortDrivers \ * UpdateDashboard \ * UpdateLaps \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.I SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.J SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 5 of 5) \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 1 of 5) \ * GetRotationMatrix (Part 5 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.prevBlockNumber SKIP 0 \ The dash data block number for the previous edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 5 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.K SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForContact \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ * MultiplyCoords \ * RotateVector \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.L SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * CheckForContact \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetSegmentAngles (Part 1 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.thisEdge SKIP 0 \ The current edge that we are drawing as part of an \ object part \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.M SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) \ * GetObjectDistance \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 3 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.topTrackLine SKIP 0 \ The top track line for the current object part \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ * FillAfterObject \ * FillAfterObjectSup \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetTyreDashEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.N SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCarInMirror \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) \ * MapSegmentsToLines \ * MultiplyCoords \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 1 of 3) \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 2 of 3) \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 3 of 3) \ * RotateVector \ * UpdateMirrors \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.PP SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * Multiply16x16 \ * MultiplyCoords \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.QQ SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObject \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * Multiply16x16 \ * MultiplyCoords \ * ScaleObject \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.blockOffset SKIP 0 \ The dash data offset for the current edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawEdge \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * FillAfterObject \ * FillAfterObjectSup \ * GetTyreDashEdges \ * SetMarker \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.RR SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawCarInMirror \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 7 of 7) \ * DrawVergeByteLeft \ * DrawVergeByteRight \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * MapSegmentsToLines \ * Multiply16x16 \ * MultiplyCoords \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.nextEdge SKIP 0 \ The next edge that we are drawing as part of an \ object part (where applicable) \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.SS SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddVectors \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawRevCounter \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) \ * DrawShallowToLeft \ * DrawShallowToRight \ * DrawSteepToLeft \ * DrawSteepToRight \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * GetSegmentVector \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 3 of 3) \ * HalveCoordinate \ * Multiply16x16 \ * MultiplyCoords \ * ProcessOvertaking (Part 2 of 3) \ * UpdateDashboard \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.colourData SKIP 0 \ Colour data for the current object part \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.TT SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddVectors \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) \ * DrawShallowToLeft \ * DrawShallowToRight \ * DrawSteepToLeft \ * DrawSteepToRight \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetSegmentVector \ * UpdateMirrors \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.blockNumber SKIP 0 \ The dash data block number for the current edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 2 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 5 of 5) \ * FillAfterObject \ * FillAfterObjectSup \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetColour (Part 1 of 3) \ * GetColour (Part 2 of 3) \ * GetColourSup \ * GetTyreDashEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.UU SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * AddVectors \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 2 of 3) \ * CheckDashData \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawShallowToLeft \ * DrawShallowToRight \ * DrawSteepToLeft \ * DrawSteepToRight \ * DrawVergeByteLeft \ * DrawVergeByteRight \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetSegmentVector \ * GetTrackSegment (Part 3 of 3) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.VV SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 1 of 3) \ * BuildCarObjects (Part 2 of 3) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) \ * FillInsideObject \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 3 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.WW SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 6 of 7) \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.GG SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 1 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 2 of 7) \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 3 of 7) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 1 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 3 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * RotateVector \ * SetVergeBackground \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.HH SKIP 1 \ This byte does not appear to be used .II SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildRoadSign \ * DrawDashboardLine \ * DrawObject \ * DrawVergeByteLeft \ * DrawVergeByteRight \ * GetObjectAngles \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 3 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * GetSectionYawAngle \ * ScaleObject \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.JJ SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * BuildRoadSign \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 4 of 7) \ * DrawVergeByteLeft \ * DrawVergeByteRight \ * GetObjectAngles \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 2 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 3 of 4) \ * GetObjYawAngle (Part 4 of 4) \ * GetSectionYawAngle \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.edgePixelMask SKIP 0 \ The pixel mask for the previous edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 4 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdges \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.pixelMaskNoVerge SKIP 1 \ Offset within the vergePixelMask table for segments \ that are too far away to show a verge, i.e. those \ outside the verge depth of field \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawTrack \ * DrawVergeEdge \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.nextBlockNumber SKIP 0 \ The dash data block number for the next edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 3 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.LL SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * GetObjPitchAngle \ * GetSectionAngles (Part 3 of 3) \ * GetVergeAndMarkers (Part 4 of 4) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.MM SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyLimitAndSign \ * DrawObject \ * DrawObjectEdges \ * DrawTrack \ * DrawVergeByteRight \ * Scale16Bit \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.nextEdgeCoord SKIP 0 \ The x-coordinate for the next edge \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * DrawObjectEdge (Part 1 of 5) \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above
.NN SKIP 1 \ Temporary storage, used in a number of places \ \ [Show more]
\ \ This variable is used by the following: \ \ * ApplyLimitAndSign \ * DrawSegmentEdge (Part 5 of 7) \ * DrawShallowToLeft \ * DrawShallowToRight \ * DrawSteepToLeft \ * DrawSteepToRight \ * Scale16Bit \ \ This list only includes code that refers to the \ variable by name; there may be other references to \ this memory location that don't use this label, and \ these will not be mentioned above