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Index of all deep dive articles

This site contains over 45 deep dive articles that explain how Revs weaves its magic. If you want to learn how Revs works under the hood, then this is the place for you.

See the quick start guide for some recommended starting points, or check out the following index of all the deep dive articles and jump straight in. The articles are presented in an order that makes sense for those wanting to unravel the inner workings of Revs, so if you're wondering where to start, I recommend simply working your way down the list.

Memory maps

Main loop


3D geometry

3D objects

The track

The extra tracks

Track maps and statistics

The driving model

Driver tactics

The dashboard

  • Wing mirrors - How Revs shows what's behind you, with a dash of shudder from the engines
  • Starting lights - All about the starting lights schedule, and how they use the screen buffer
